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What A Lonely Liking...



When I was asked about what I liked, I ranted off the usual things people would have said, and also that I liked them too.


Food, Animals, Music, Peace (oh world peace?), Friends... Transformers (That one, people know.)


... Bionicle?


Oh may the crickets chirp.


Well, Bionicle is not exactly popular where I am. I'd hardly term is as one of the legendary fandoms that would entice the child of all ages, but it snagged all of us, didn't it?


I like Bionicle. Love it tons by its characters, not actually so much by plot. Mind me there, but the characters created there fascinate me. Maybe there's more to it, but I can't put my finger on it.


And I must give it credit: Bionicle was my first ever fandom which I got so crazy about I wrote fanfiction of it.


But, gosh, it's a real lonely fandom too.


To record, I'm the only of my kind, Red Dot Blood and Female, to like it to bits.


I have to mention the rare occurences where my good art friend in secondary school knew of Bionicle because of the sets (she liked Vorahk and so did I) and my current friend knows Bionicle as the toy her little brother played with and lost interest of soon after he acquired the six Toa Mata.


There are few other members who come from the Red Dot who are here. Toa Pilak Evolved is a mentionable name. The rest, well, are all over the place.


It's not wrong, nor right, to say that it's a boy toy, and it was odd and downright funny and queer that a girl liked a boy toy. I had people who ask me why I like it. I just shrug and said that I did. What would they know of characters?


But, whatever it is, I am pretty much by myself in this part of the globe when it comes to Bionicle fandom.


What a lonely liking to have.


Maybe the 'I Love BZPower' emoticon comes in handy right now.


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... but if you're like me, you learn to like being lonely. The loneliness itself becomes your constant companion.


Not to be taken literally. :rolleyes:


There are things in my life much bigger than Bionicle that make me feel lonely. So if that's all you have, I win.



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True, BCii, true. But this was just a ranting. I happened to think of it at that moment in time, and there you go!


But yes, you win this little debate.



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Keehee. Fanficing is fun, though, huh? Bionicle is the only thing I've had the guts to fanfic about. Everything else gets a drawing. :lol: It's good that you're tough and willing to admit your likings. And no worries! Even though few girl Bionicle fans live in Singapore, you've still got us. :D *hug*

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*is squished* Thanks HH. It's nice to hear that. Really.


Fanficing is fun! And I've got the mad hatters who reside in BZP too, like you! *poke*



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