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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 7a, 8a, & 9



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.


The revised seventh article proposed by Toa Zahaku is as follows:

Toa Zahaku hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the Kanohi worn by Toa Hagah Pouks and Toa Sah Cyhuku shall henceforth be known as the Sonterah (suhn-TEE-rah), Great Mask of Emulation, until such time as a Canon Kanohi name is revealed.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The revised eighth article proposed by Erebus Nuva: Toa of Darkness is as follows:

Erebus Nuva: Toa of Darkness hereby proposes that the Kanohi Zaethos Nuva worn by his character, Erebus Nuva be the only Zaethos known to be in existence within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" at this time.


Furthermore, all members of "The C.I.R.C.L.E." agree that at no time will they create or utilize a character that bears a Kanohi Zaethos in their future storylines, aside from the character of Erebus Nuva of course, without first discussing it within "The C.I.R.C.L.E." and once again bringing this issue to a vote.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The ninth article proposed by Toa Zahaku is as follows:

Toa Zahaku hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there be another organization that is considered a major faction and is known as "The Shadows of the Sword".


"The Shadows of the Sword" is similar in size and scope to the "Dark Hunters" and consists of assassins, mercenaries, scientists, mutants, intelligent Rahi, etc. The bulk of them are paid for their services by outside funding, however there is also a secretive branch of the group that carries out the most important missions only for their powerful master and therefore does not accept funds from any external sources.


Many of the members and most of the minions are relatively evil beings, capable and willing to kill any individuals deemed a threat to their cause. They have little to no regard for anything or anyone. However, there are a few members that simply work for "The Shadows of the Sword" because the money is good and being a member comes with its own perks. A smaller number still of the members are true at heart and chose to be part of the group in order to ensure that their fellow members don't take their evil ambitions too far. Some even try to sway the others away from the side of darkness.


"The Shadows of the Sword" can muster large armies and their ultimate goal is complete control of the universe through conquest, although they do not have the means to carryout this plan at this time.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of this joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all three articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PDT (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday December 29nd, 2008 provided that at least 3/4 of C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, all verified members will be notified of the results via PM as well as when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the formation of C.I.R.C.L.E. and what that entails.




UPDATE: Articles 7a & 8a have both passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", meanwhile

Article 9 has also passed with a total of "SIX AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE" and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

Article 7 ~ Aye. If you make a MoC of him, what Mask will you use?


Article 8 ~ Aye, and I agree to not use the Zaethos in any of my Epics. :)


Article 9 ~ Aye, but where is it primarily located? :unsure:






P.S. Be sure to check out My Blog!

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Fellow C.I.R.C.L.E. Members,


Proposal 7: Aye, on grounds stated before by Toa Erebus Nuva.


Proposal 8: Aye, on grounds stated before by Toa Erebus Nuva.


Proposal 9: Aye, with the question stated above, and I will make sure to occasionally mention this in my epic once the results are relayed.


Hhmmm, Proposal 9 resembles a proposal I am preparing. Will begin working on it soon.



-zee :tohu:

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I thought I commented here, but I guess the board ate it.


7. Aye

8. Aye

9. Nay. Is too similar to the Dark Hunters, and has no advantages.



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Ok, Aye to all stated articles.

Kohila and Zee:

the Shadows base is in a underground fortress on the island called Hytrax that ive discussed with Ausar.

Kohila :

currently the Kanohi Sonterah is in the form of av-toran Solek's mask

Ausar and Ballom:

Well im still trying to keep most aspects of my characters and plots in my epic secret so ill try my best to keep future plots out of this.

The Bulk of the members hiring their services is a cover-up, trying to get close to major organizations then assassinate their leader or important beings to make it easier for the conquest, plus the fact they need money somehow to pay members, buy equipment etc.

The secretive branch happens to be the most improtant- stealing powerful objects(an example might be the "wand of chaos" in ausars epic even though they dont know that exists), killing those who they deem a threat, are the generals in a army, and following the will of their leader.

Well ill put more in when i have more time. I hope this makes your mind up ausar and changes balloms.


Toa Zahaku

P.S if anyone wants to use the Shadows of the Swords in your on epics, feel free

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huh? The kanohi Solek? Ausar im not sure theres such a thing, also have you decided on what you'll vote for in regards to article 9.


Edit: oh yeah i forgot it represents the Noble version, which is a good point, what represents the great version?

Edit2: Hytrax <- for those who want to know where it is. Thanks Ausar for putiing them in!

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I say "The Kanohi Solek" because I'm a bit lazy and don't want to take the time to type out "The Yet Unnamed Kanohi That Solek Wears" or the like every time I talk about one of the hither to unclassified masks. :P


Anyway, I was just pointing out that the yet unnamed Kanohi that Solek wears was being used on your Turaga Cyhuku MOC and thus was representative of a Noble version of the Sonterah. ;) Oh, and I'm really not sure yet what I'll use as the Great Sonterah. :notsure:


As far as my vote on Article 9 goes, I'm not opposed to your proposal, merely waiting to hear more debate in terms of how "The Shadows of the Sword" differs from the Canon "Dark Hunters"? :???:

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I say "The Kanohi Solek" because I'm a bit lazy and don't want to take the time to type out "The Yet Unnamed Kanohi That Solek Wears" or the like every time I talk about one of the hither to unclassified masks. :P


Anyway, I was just pointing out that the yet unnamed Kanohi that Solek wears was being used on your Turaga Cyhuku MOC and thus was representative of a Noble version of the Sonterah. ;) Oh, and I'm really not sure yet what I'll use as the Great Sonterah. :notsure:


As far as my vote on Article 9 goes, I'm not opposed to your proposal, merely waiting to hear more debate in terms of how "The Shadows of the Sword" differs from the Canon "Dark Hunters"? :???:




Why not have Heir of the Chronicler (A.K.A. Kemet Nui Blacksmith Tukua) take off the telescopic eyepiece of the '08 Akaku Nuva? :unsure:





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well they way i see it is that the shadows arent just bounty hunters, theives and assasssins which is what the Dark Hunters are made up of. They are, if you will, a mixture between the Dark Hunters And the Brotherhood of Makuta, but with various other aspects that make them unique.

Ill come back to this later, i have to go out but i will return with some other stuff that might make you decide.

Ok im back with more stuff- Do the Dark hunters have scientists that mutate beings and create weaponry? Do they have the means to take down anyone who stands in there way?(as long as its not its not a giant army, i mean a giant army) Do they have powerful Artifacts in their possesion(sayin that they did have the staff of Artahka at one point).

Im really done trying to covince you ausar so i hope you decide. I wouldnt mind if you voted nay


Toa Zahaku


Kohila :

That sound like a good idea.

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You really didn't have to try to convince me Toa Zahaku, it appears that with six votes in favor already your proposal is in little danger of being defeated.


Sometimes, I just like to hear the full extent of an argument before I make up my mind is all. :lol:

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Oh I didnt realise that ausar. its just that i dont want to reveal everyhing i may plan for the shadows.

Also Fellow member of Bzpower and the C.I.R.C.L.E Tarth pmed me with a idea:

He proposed that we do a contest for the leader of the shadows though im not sure i would want to do that but i may change my mind depending what everyone else thinks about it. What i think might be better is to do a contest for actual members but again depend what everyone else thinks.


Merry Christmas!!


Toa Zahaku

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Article 7a has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION" and thus supersedes Article 7.

Article 8a has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION" and thus supersedes Article 8.

Article 9 has passed with a total of "SIX AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE".

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