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'tis The Night Before Christmas...



And I spent most of today on a ten-hour car ride to visit my aunt and her family in North Carolina.


She recently had a baby, who is of course adorable. And afraid of me. =(


Got a lot of writing done on my dad's laptop on the car. Finished chapter 6, a good ways into chapter 7. If BZP is not offline tomorrow for the holiday, I might post chapter 4, since I do have a 3+ chapter buffer and I'm working pretty fast. Then again, in the past getting ahead of myself has always proved disastrous, so, maybe not.


This is probably the longest I've been able to just plow on ahead without running out of ideas, on a writing project. I live in mortal fear of the day I finish a scene and say to myself, "Okay... now what?"


I mean, because I'm not a huge guy for outlines and all that, so while I do know what sort of ending I'm headed toward, and a good deal of stuff I want to make sure happens before the ending, it's mostly just the method Asimov described in one of his essays... you just keep writing, and once you finish one scene the next one forms itself in your head, and so on and so forth, until all of a sudden, you've made it to the end! ... in Asimov's case. With me it's, all of a sudden I just run completely dry.


But enough pessimistic talk. I'm not out yet! I can go on!


Anyway, enough of my babbling that no one really wants to hear. Have a happy holidays! For once I don't have much winter break homework!


And we'll see what Santa leaves under the tree tomorrow. ;)




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She recently had a baby, who is of course adorable. And afraid of me. =(

Ah, I know that feeling. I'm usually good with kids, but sometimes...


Your comedy's starting to sound cool... I should read it sometime. ^_^


Merry Christmas!



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She recently had a baby, who is of course adorable. And afraid of me. =(

Ah, I know that feeling. I'm usually good with kids, but sometimes...


Your comedy's starting to sound cool... I should read it sometime. ^_^


Merry Christmas!



I feel everyone's like this. :/

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'tis the night before Christmas

and Ecto got Gresh

although Tarduk's a bit strange

Malum and Raanu are fresh


I hope for moar Tomorrow. :D

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