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I Need Your Opinions...



M'kay, for writing purposes, I need your opinions on something: Which do you think is a more powerful element for a Bionicle character: Magnetism or Gravity? I originally thought magnetism, due to the fact that everything in their universe is biomechanical (and after seeing what Magneto could do in the X-Men movie), but then other members have said that gravity can be devastating, since you can actually mess with physics (with black holes and stuff).


I'm at a loss. Element that can alter anything and everything in their universe, or element that can alter the universe itself?


Also, which kind of death do you think makes more of an impact on a reader: a slower death, like Lhikan's, or a sudden one where the character who dies only knows he/she will die the split-second before it happens, if at all?


Oh, dang. I got school tomorrow. G'night!


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I vote for Gravity, its totally sweet. But then again, Magnetism can be a really cool power for a Bionicle.

But it matters, if your giving this power to a certain character, what is the character like and whats best suited for him/her?


And on about the death, I really like both, the slow death is great for an emotional scene, while a quick death is good for a twist or shocker.

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I gotta think of a way to tell you guys why I need one or the other element without spoiling the story. :P


Basically, I figure the more powerful an element, the more believable it is for the weilder to be corrupted. Both magnetism and gravity could easily do that in the Bionicle world, but I'm not sure which would be more effective.


Thanks, guys!

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I vote Gravity.


As for death, I don't know. A slow death would be more emotional for the reader, but a quick death would be more shocking and, possibly, horrifying. So, it depends. Both kinds of deaths are quite good. Also, if the character were dying, and then looked as if he might be restored to complete health, and then just suddenly died, that would have a pretty good impact.



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Corrupted? Then give them something like DEATH.

Sure, that might make it a wee bit obvious, but eh. Besides, you could start by waxing philosophically about how Death is nessesary in a world where people rarely die of what we fleshies consider "natural causes". Death, or plague perhaps?


My vote is for Magnatism, since I like Magneto and Gahlok-Kal, and because you get to have stuff stick to other stuff.

If they've got Magnatism, then a wicked sense of humor is absolutely a must.


Gravity's all fine and dandy, but it's kinda dangerous. You mess around with it too much and WHAM! You're a square inch cube! Not cool, not cool at all.


Seriously, Magento alone is proof that you can do anything with Magnatism.

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A Gravity villain would be a "big picture" person. His goals would be on at least a galactic scale. He'd keep a very low profile. His machinations would be slow and subtle, yet far-reaching and unstoppable. His philosophy would be fatalist. He would consider himself a being of the highest order. His control would be refined to near-infinite accuracy and extend over a near-infinite range.


I'd stay away from writing Gravity villains.


The glib, easy answer to your second question is that the manner of death is ultimately unimportant, meaning you can choose arbitrarily, because what matters is how believably you handle it and follow through with its consequences in the action and in the characters.



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