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The Art Of T.o.a.



Toa of Art, better known as ToA, is one of the most influential, iconic and incredible artists ever to call themself a BZPower Member. Although he only produced art sporadically, his career spanned nearly four years, and he was already influencing a generation of artists back when nobody had heard of Rahi Zaku and the Bohrok-Kal seemed like a distant fantasy.


ToA is arguably the first artist to truly anthromorphize Bionicle characters. (Some may bestow this honor on legendary Bionicle comic artist Carlos D’anda, who influenced ToA greatly, but D’anda only added slight realistic details and deviated very little from original set designs.) He kept to a setlike style but gave his characters humanlike features such as facial expressions, fluid movement and hands.


ToA can be said to have influenced the greatest artists of each wave of Bionicle Art, and the work of artistic geniuses such as Nikira, Rahi Zaku and Jaligenius all bear traces of ToA’s work. One could call him the Muddy Waters or Robert Johnson of Bionicle art.


Although his heyday was between late 2002 and mid-2003, he has popped his head up for art occasionally since then, most notably 2004’s Toa Lhikan and 2006’s Matoro Inika. He remains a massive influence on Bionicle Art.


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