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Merry Christmas (like You Haven't Seen That One Enough)



Well, I suppose I feel a bit obliged to make an entry. :P


Gosh it feels weird not having spell check on a browser. Might be typoes, since I've gotten lazy at catching them manually and this laptop keyboard annoys me. Anyway...


So I got a Sansa. Sure as heck beats the... heck... out of my old player. Good memory too, it's an 8 gig one. Which is around twenty times the memory of my old one. :P Some issues with video conversion for it (some videos work fine, others it throws off the audio sync by at least 15 seconds) but I can play around with that more later.


I suppose I should take this opportunity to mention I watched Toradora 13 last night-- and today, when subs came out-- and that it made me very, very happy. =3 After I watched it the first time last night I immediately went back and watched the whole thing again. Then later that night I watched it again, though I skipped the slower parts. Absolutely beautiful storytelling right there. Just the right mix of humor and heart.


So anyway (because y'all know I can't resist ranting about this any chance I get) I finished chapter 7 of 52-pickup today and just started chapter 8-- keyword "just," as I'm something like three paragraphs in. I don't like to end a day of writing at the end of a chapter. Starting the next means I'll definitely have something to go off of tomorrow.


Anyway it seems I got a bit off track there. What else? My sister got one of those 50th anniversary Lego sets, the 700-piece one with lots of basic bricks, one gold brick, and no instructions. I made a lion with a really tiny body (I ran out of yellow) and attempted as good a sphere as I could manage; I think it turned out okay. My sister made... uh... a bunch of stuff. :P Indubitably more imagination went into her creations, though. She also got a scooter. We went for a spin around the neighborhood.


Dinner with a buncha relatives of the sort I don't usually see. See my aunt is the one directly related to me... not sure she's exactly my aunt but she's somewhere on my father's side of the family and is the same generation as him, so... but anyway, her husband's family, his generation is (are?) first-generation Americans (I'd assume; or they came here when they were quite young), so they speak unaccented American English. They also speak Canto, and neither speak nor understand Mandarin. Plus my dad always falls into speaking Chinese with a Shandong accent when he's around his relatives, and while my aunt can speak Putong hua, or at least her accent isn't as strong, her parents speak with a pretty heavy accent. I can usually understand them, but sometimes it takes a few seconds. :P So yeah, colorful language around the table... er... that sounded weird... not that kind of colorful language.


Wow I think I got off track again. It's also rather late and I told myself I'd be going to bed as soon as I finished this entry. But this entry got a lot longer than I thought it'd be. Sheesh. I think the lateness is making my brain ramble.


Okay, uh, better conclude. Hope everyone had a great Christmas! If you don't celebrate, hope you had a nice day anyway!




Recommended Comments

Well, it looks like you had a good one. :D That 50th Anniversary tub... Great way to boost your collection. It seems like Lego is using more specialized parts than regular bricks now.



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