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2008; Year In Review



So, only a few days left in 2008. 2009 is going to be interesting I think, but for now lets look back on this year;




Not much really happened in January it seems. Important deaths; Heath Ledger.




Well, my grandfather died in February, so it kinda sucked for me(especially considering the day too), but I'll look past it for now.


Anyway, Iran started a space program, which is nifty, but the value of it died to me because my brother wouldn't shut up about it. And the US shot down a spy satellite gone dead weather satellite to one-up China since they did so earlier since it had toxic fuel.




Not much happened this month besides that awesomely-visible exploded star. Important deaths; Gary Gygax and Neil Aspinall




Really not much here either.




The Phoenix craft lands on the polar icecap of Mars, which is awesome because we can now get samples from Mars.




Bill Gates stepped down from Microsoft. Important deaths; Bo Diddley, Tim Russert and George Carlin.




Besides the G8 summit, not much.




Beijing Olympics, ownage in the form of Michael Phelps, and Russia attacking Georgia. Important deaths; Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes.




The LHC went online, which was awesome. Otherwise not much. Important deaths; Richard "Rick" Wright and Paul Newman.




US stockmarket dies, basically taking the rest of the world economy with it.




Barack Obama is elected the 44th president of the US and the first African-American president. Water is found on Mars, and the impossible happens in the form of Chinese Democracy finally being released. Important deaths; Mitch Mitchell and Michael Crichton.




Not much has happened out of the usual this month besides Joe Satriani sueing Coldplay for being more popular than him, masking it by claiming they plagiarizing his song, If I Could Fly. Deaths; William Mark "Deep Throat" Felt.


So yeah, if you think I missed anything/anyone, tell me and I'll edit.


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I may be the only one who cares, but does no one else find Michael Crichton's death to be at all important? He's had a number one TV show, number one book, and number one movie, and is one of the more celebrated science fiction authors (Jurassic Park, Andromeda Strain, among others).


I can't be the only one who cares.

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You forgot Reality having its 1st birthday, hitting 200 pages, hitting 300 pages, surpassing both Transformers RPGs.


Oh, and I deeply grieve the loss of George Carlin.

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I may be the only one who cares, but does no one else find Michael Crichton's death to be at all important? He's had a number one TV show, number one book, and number one movie, and is one of the more celebrated science fiction authors (Jurassic Park, Andromeda Strain, among others).


I can't be the only one who cares.


Exactly my thoughts.

He was my favorite author.


[-The Alchemyst-]

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