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Zero Wing



Yesterday I got an emulator for the system it ran on. And the game. And played it.


Today, I finished it. Bloody difficult even on Easy, if I may add.




Let me just be the first to say, the ending is far more bizarre than the beginning. MUCH more bizarre. In fact, it's so odd that I'll need to record it in the near future so the world can witness it's oddness.




Also reminds me that I should probably use my "ZIG" avatar I made for MSN over here. It's awesome.







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Hmm... I played it in the arcade, never getting ALL that far. (It was at an arcade in Times Square... had to catch my bus : p ).


I went through the whole internet fad, seeing some form of ALL YOUR BASE each year since 1999.


And yet I don't think I ever played it start to finish.


I'm... going to go do that now. ^_^


EDIT: Oh, come on! It ends with your normal, ship all beat to heck space shooter type ending, followed by getting picked up... but then some pufferfish alien comes out, winks at you, then you have to play the whole game AGAIN even though you just beat it on hard?!?


Talk about an R*Type kinda' ending...


Is there a "real" ending? I wonder if I got this one because I didn't get that escape pod from the last boss before it got away...

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The one I got was the Rom for the European Sega Genisis console; not the arcade one. I didn't get C.A.T.S. before he escaped, either.


What I experienced was a screen coming up saying "CONGRATULATIONS!", then it switched to some weird purple alien jelly-beans dancing. Then the game restarted at the beginning.


Is that what you were describing, or did mine just give me a different ending, somehow? I mean; I played it on Easy...






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I played the European Genesis one on hard. I only got one purple guy... a big one lol.


I was thinking maybe it'd give me a super hard mode, but it was the same one. :rolleyes:


Here's an extremely rough gif, made of the frames I captured. (Missed Cats escaping, blobby thing winking..)




Classic games... what silly endings they had at times.

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I probably didn't get this ending due to playing it on Easy, I guess.


Tried recording this on my computer, but both the emulator and Fraps hate each other, and I can't get decent "shaky-cam" footage of it with my camera either. Can probably take some screenshots tomorrow of what I got at the end when I finished it myself, though.






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