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2008 Ending With A Smile(?)





What a ride.


Let's start with my birthday.


December 19th, 2008-


I overslept on an early release. A Friday of all days. 11 AM the school got out, and of course, that's the time I woke up. The day was spent. I stayed online, receiving more 'happy birthday' messages then I ever had (and thank you) but with the snow storm that went along roaring throughout the day, any plan I had was immediately canceled. Including seeing my dad.


My mom was pushing me the entire week beforehand, stressing the point more each day. I didn't want to see my dad. Not at all.


My sister scoffed at me and accused me still being angry at him. The anger him left quite a while ago. My only problem...


I said a lot of bad things the last time I saw him, and I felt guilty...


My mom kept proposing me to go out to dinner with him to the point where she made it a command that I go out to dinner with him on my birthday. He had the time. He wasn't working much at all considering that week he hurt his back muscle again, a muscle he "pulled" (likely much worse considering it came back to haunt him last year) when he was 17, working on bringing in delivery boxes back in Brazil. But with a freshly hurt back and the storm ripping New England apart, the dinner was backed down.


Still not sure if that was a good thing or bad thing.


Best part about it, he had my birthday present my mom was getting me. With my mom's finical struggle with her going on this new diet she got from a professional fitness instructor, money went down the tube.The annoyance of it all, including being in an apartment with a mother and sister willing to force me into this, left me in a sour mood. I was being smart (in a negative way). I talked back at the quickest whim once my sister spoke and I became easily frustrated with them as they discussed my lost money of my first paycheck from KB Toys (which many of you probably know, is going to burn in #### with it's bankruptcy) because payroll forgot to pay me a week and a half's pay. I spent the night on BZPower, trying to enjoy myself, but also completely aware I was turning into a completely arrogant person. I was angry at myself, yet people around me were celebrating my birth into this world. Every moment was bittersweet, for every good thing, there was a bad.


I hate my birthday.


December 20th, 2008-






A couple belated birthdays.




There's this girl in drama company... Rachael.


Yeah, you know half the story.


Problem is, this girl isn't nice...


At all.


She comes off as rude, but is really a nice person at heart. I talk to her about my troubles from time to time, and she's there to comfort me, even make me laugh. Even better, she's beautiful. Very attractive, and I love watching her have fun with her friends, spontanously singing a broadway song with them, considering she hasn't listened to a thing on the radio since Lord knows when. She's made enemies, made friends, and I got to admit, first time I met her, we didn't exactly kick it off as amigos. I guess meeting new people isn't really her thing, but hey. It wasn't until I talked to her on AIM did we start becoming friends, and we teased each other with insults (her nickname: cut-throat [witch]) but it's all in the name of fun.


My problems on Saturday was really because I was coping with my feelings for her. Did I like her? If I did, what was I gonna do about them? What attracted me to her, when she had such a negative atmosphere? What killed me was the thought of not having her. I knew what she wanted in a guy, obviously (she told me :P). A musician with an english accent, or to sum it up: Jim Sturgess. Of course, I know there's no way I can become our handsome actor from Across The Universe, so it itched me intently.


No, I won't bother asking her out, I know the answer. Screw your confidence speeches, it's useless. :P


December 21th, 2008-


The first day of winter, and the first thing that happens is we get slapped with another snowstorm. What else could one do but stay home and wonder if there would be a snowday?


Cabin Fever was spreading broadly. Snowed in, with enough money to buy Christmas presents, but no way out of the vile prison of your... home.


December 22nd, 2008-


This day was nothing but work, but in a different fashion. The Drama Company was holding a Secret Snowman Party (Snowman 'cause of that whole Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday thing, the fatty in the red suit was given DA BOOT) after school. The party was happy. No music, table o' brownies (with no bloody milk or Pepsi D=<), and the usual circles of talk people form subconsciously. I, using my new cellphone, called my mom and asked her to bring the gift I accidentally left home that morning. After missing 30 minutes of the party waiting for the present to get dropped off, I continued to play the lie to Sarah, the name I drew for the Secret Snowman party. Weeks before, a couple days after the raffle, I lied to Sarah (practicing my acting talent :D) telling her I knew her secret snowman and the person didn't know what to get her (... 'cause I really didn't know :lookaround:). I dropped hints in my speech as to who it was: a person who didn't exist but had a gender. By simply referring the fake person as "her" you could tell that Sarah had her suspicions as to who it could be. Immediately she told me:


"Chocolate. I don't care how much, I just want chocolate."


Done deal. I didn't have to so much spend money (that I didn't have) to get it. My mom had a Secret Santa party and all those that attended without participating in the game got a bag of chocolate. I took my share, and I grabbed my sister's (she didn't want any, somehow she refused the delicious morsels). They’re called Truffles, and they have a milk chocolate shell and a liquid milk chocolate filling and it's probably the best freakin' chocolate treat you'll ever afford, best of all you know it at sight.


Back to the party - Sarah whined to me about how she didn't get her present unlike everyone else while I waited at the entrance door for my mom. She was the really only one at the party who didn't get a gift so far, and she spoke in that "But mommmmmm, everyone has one but meeee!" voice. I told her that "she" was running back to her house to grab the present, and if she wanted the surprise as to who it is ruined, she'd have to go back to the party.


She left pouting at me, and another eight minutes past until my mom finally came with the two bags of the Truffles in a giftbag. My mom also handed me my 200 dollars from my paycheck (shopping details later), and I was off on my merry freakin' way.


I came up to Sarah in one of the chat circles and handed her the giftbag with a sly, "Merry Christmas," and a grin that wrote, "I played you like a sucka foo'."


Her jaw dropped in the realization that I've lied to her for weeks when I turned out to be her Secret Snowman the entire time. She shoved me and called me a a#####e multiple times. When she finished her love/hate quarrel with me and opened the giftbag, she hugged me tightly in happiness.


Gotta love Sarah's gullibility and mood swings. She really should've seen it coming. I steal her things all the time and play it off like I haven't easily.


I really don't need acting classes when dealing with this chica.


Two hours later (5 PM), after a struggle of getting to the Natick Collection to buy Christmas gifts, from hitching a ride to cutting across parking lots of holiday shoppers ###### off that that the spot they thought they saw was taken to walking passed the white street line because the sidewalk was covered in snow, to finally step through the entrance into JCPenny's, I was there.


It wasn't after another three hours from hanging out with friends did I start finish. :P


The second half of three hour period I was with Vanessa. Her present was the first one bought before she arrived. A Twilight shirt, with Edward Cullen on the front. We caught up with her friend Danielle whom I had the pleasure to meet. Nice girl, unfortunately struggling with her feelings with her ex. After the three of us sat down and they talked about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT HOW HOT THE GUYS IN TWILIGHT ARE, I reluctantly left them, knowing I needed to go Christmas shopping and that the topic wasn't going to change... for as long as they had tongues, voice boxes, and hands (because I know they'd do it in sign language if need be). I was surprised I beared with them so long, wanting the imaginary trigger I shaped with my hand to have a gun around it as to spatter the holy heck out of my brains. When hanging out turns into girls' night out, you gotta let go.


Off I went, to blissfully shop...


...Til I actually dropped.


By the time I was done, I had a Santa hat on and a jumbo sized bag carrying other bags carrying gifts from different stores. From the 50-70% off Aeropostale sale to KB Toys 40% everything to CVS's... well, they had snacks, which is good enough for the friends you don't know what to get.


I grabbed some last-minute pizza from my friends at Sbarro for dinner and drink some Caffeine-free Diet Pepsi, and happily had a second one waiting for me (thank you annoying 'Buy 1 Get One Free' caps). I sat in the food court, with all the restaurants around me closing and I finished my slice, and my Pepsi. A cute girl caught my eye as she walked up to Salad Creations to see if they were still selling their juice bottles. I didn't hear the conversation, but you know the outcome at her discouragement. Once she came close to earshot, I called her over, asked her if she wanted a drink, she said yes. I asked if she liked a Caffeine free Diet Pepsi, and she said yes again. I took out the second bottle, glad it was still cold, and handed it to her with a grin saying 'Happy Holidays." She thanked me and was off. Thirty seconds later, I facepalmed myself. I just gave away a Pepsi to a girl and didn't even get a name or number. And worse?




My memory's lagging as to what she looked liked, but she must've been cute for me to do something like THAT.


After 20 minutes of trying to grab a second jumbo bag from my work and failed to do so, I sat on a lounge chair they usually set up randomly in convient parts of the mall, and called my mom who was at TJ Maxx, buying gifts, busting out of there once she's done shopping.


I was exhausted. Carrying around 60 pounds, 40 of which have been on your back for six hours (my backpack) walking the length of miles looking for more stuff to buy was a guarantee that I cannot join the Marines.


I placed my elbows on my lap to support the rest of my frame, and hung my head, paying attention to my cell.


And I fell asleep.


I wake up. It's 20 minutes after my last talk with my mom. 10:43 PM and 3 missed calls. A face palm was the first reaction, and I grabbed the phone and called her back. I was somewhat humbled by myself. I actually left my cell on the floor a couple inches from my left foot, and my jumbo sized bag to my right, my backpack behind me (really nothing important in there, but really it was the most secure considering it was actually touching me). I get up, grab my things, and BOUNCE.


I get home, and the tiny nap has fueled me to last about another hour. I find out on AIM that Danielle, the partner in crime to how hot freakin' Robert Pattinson is with Vanessa, thought I was cute and Vanessa figured since I was single and she was lonely, we could hook up. And 'hook up' in the sense of I take her out on a date, we make up, the next day we are nothing. It's quite the lols thinking of it in that sense, but in quick thought, I accepted. My dating experience needs to be freshened up, and might as well throw in some practice dates. I accepted, but then I realized I was about to go out with a cute blond girl with a mind who's about to graduate high school...


That's like, 10 plus self-esteem points.


My extreme worry of the night was coming home and seeing my dad there waiting, and my sister warned me of the possibility. Thank the Lord that didn't happen.


December 23rd, 2008-


I came into the school, my load smaller. The biggest CVS bag I had was more than enough to carry around a pair of electronic drum sticks for my friend Sean (who is like the Necro in my world in a musical sense), two pringles for Alberto and DeJean(<- WHO DIDN'T SHOW UP), packs o' gum to any girl I noticed chewed a lot of it in class. Made for a fun day, really. A Tuesday, but the last day until vacation. Nothing like a Twiday.


I come home, my mom having set an ultimatum for tomorrow. Because my dad hurt his back again and couldn't lift anything heavy, I was going to work with him and be the muscles.


December 24th, 2008-


I woke up early. 7 AM.


Got dressed in a pair of jeans I never wore anymore, a Phat Farm shirt I again, never wore anymore, and a light 2008 Olympics fleece with a raincoat over it.


Yippee. Working with mi padre...


I waited downstairs for his van to arrive to pick me up.


After four minutes, it pulled up to the lobby entrance. I got up and went through the doors.


He got out, two giftbags at hand, and greeted me, to which I greeted back.


Then we hugged.


He told me to bring the bags upstairs to the apartment, and I went ahead and did so.


Once up there, my mom handed me the blue bag and said (finally), "Happy Birthday!"


I got a Wii.


I'd probably be more excited if I wasn't sure exactly what would happen at work.


It was like a regular day at work, minus some talk about his new family. Seriously. It was relaxing and surreal at the same time. After work at around 3 PM, we headed over to eat lunch with my sister (it being Christmas Eve). It was nice.


Then we said bye. I gave a quick apology for the that thing in August and he said it was okay.


And my sister and I went off to the mall.


We picked up my final pay ($457 bucks = 304 20oz. bottles of Pepsi and one can) from KB Toys as it was going through the very last day. I learned so much about retail in just a few weeks, and I made some friends I hope I never forget. Joe, the rocker, always with a story to tell and they're all funny. Melissa, the under-aged would-be manager who's as mature as she is cool. Pace, great girl who carries a posistive attuitude with herself, and one of the coolest to work with. Heather, sister of my co-worker Kayla who I know in the tech crew of Drama Company and she knows when to be cheerful and when to be serious and will always be a great manager. Scott, the man who taught me most of everything I needed to know and beared with my inexperience until he found another job at another place, and I've heard he enjoys it. Tim, an overworked man in his twenties who seems to always have something to be stressed about but in his swearing tyraids will make you laugh, but somehow always has confidence in his work (we also called him 'Monkey Man' because in the back, when there was a ton of boxes, he'd always find a way to get to the top about twenty feet up). I wish them all luck in their future endeavors and hope they all find ways to pay those bills.


My sister and I bounced over to Sears, the only store still open after 6 PM and scrambled for gifts. Unfortunately came out with only one for my mom: a digital camera.


Get back home, kick it into overdrive with the cleaning, Thiago's family at 9 PM to show up.


Really, this Christmas dinner thing was just... uncelebratory. We ate our dinner, Thiago and I bounced back to my room to watch some Jeff Dunham - Spark of Insanity and just hung out joking around and whatnot. Once it was 1 AM...


Oh wait, that means it's...


December 25th, 2008-


...Christmas day.


He and I were watching random movies as they passed through the screen as his brother and sister-in-law controlled the viewing. Not like we cared really. There was nothing to do aside from tell jokes as if I were a comedian, because really no matter what comes out of my mouth, Thiago's gonna laugh (and he knows it). We played a couple games, opened our gifts together, then his family was off on their way home at around 3 AM.


My sister, mom, and I sat on the floor at the Christmas tree and started our new tradition. Present opening and taking turns.


Now, the infamous list:


-8GB Zune mp3 player (blue) from sis

-Digital Camera from dad (b-day gift and Christmas)

-My first actual pair of pajamas from mom

-Cross necklace from sis

-Gold (very latino) bracelet from mom

-L.L. Bean Fleece sweatshirt from dad's boss (sends L.L. Bean every year)

-Pepsi-Cola Vintage Logo T-Shirt from sis (:smeag:)

-Noise-canceling headphones from mom (I need a Triple A battery for this... hmm...)

-FOSSIL watch from mom (not my style and she knows it, so we're returning it back to TJ Maxx and going to the FOSSIL store in the Natick Collection for me to pick one out, but the thought-that-counted thing worked very well)


After that whole thing was done, we hit the sack at... 5:45 AM? Yeah. All-Nighters on Christmas are awesome.


The next day, at around 1 PM, I was woken up in a rush, and told to get ready to go to the airport. My sister was headed to Brazil today to go see her... ex. :annoyed: I won't go into details, because it's too much and judging from the wall of text above this (if you read this far) and considering it's not really important aside from what I told you, forget about it. She just won't be back in the States until January 20somethingth.


Head to the airport, jam out to my new Zune I've named YoYo, say our goodbyes, and head back home...


To do nothing. Didn't even try out the Wii. I sat here typing the above wall-of-text.


I get an IM from Danielle, if you recall was my date for Saturday, telling me she had to cancel because she already made plans with another friend and was just reminded of it that day.




Vanessa IMs me and basically tells me the "heartbreaking" truth. Danielle thought I was too young for her, which didn't really bother me for some reason. Apparently I look too young? Well, not gonna lie, she looks older. I thought she was 18 or maybe even 19, but looking at bookface right now, she was born in April of '91. She's eight months older.


Guess she likes older guys. :P Ah well, better luck with another girl that thinks I'm dazzlingly handsome and a bone-ified sexy beast.


What was good about Danielle entering then exiting my life so quickly is that it got me to get over Rachael as I thought about our date. Rachael's now a friend to me, nothing else, and I'm happy. Of course, I'm alone, but at least I'm not infatuated with a girl I won't get. So thank you Danielle, you actually inadvertently gave me peace. Single and loving it? Not quite. Single and looking for the right person. We can call it that.


So with the date canceled and a saved-up 136 bucks that WAS going to the date.


Tom calls:


"Hey Jon, wanna hang out?"


"Sure, what the heck."


Heh. That killed 2 hours.


December 26th, 2008


After work with dad, I come home.




At some unknown hour of the night, we try setting up the Wii.




I asked Teeburrito for help, but alas, no luck. Once we get to 'Select A Language', we can't find the cursor. We fling around the wiimote and see it fly by, but no luck. I stand 3 feet away, nothing. I stand 7 feet away, still nothing.


I gave up in my impatience for this task and come back to BZP.


December 27th, 2008-


Finished writing this entry.




Recommended Comments

Longest entry I've ever read, but entertaining nevertheless. Wish I could comment on it all, but that would take a loooong time. :P


Sorry about your birthday... why does it seem birthdays always suck? :/


Great gifts though, especially for Christmas. That Zune sounds awesome.


Argh, and now 2009 is coming up... I wish you luck with that.

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Dang. I haven't read something like this since Kraggh got into Reality.


Good choice on the Zune. Really good choice. They own Ipods hands down.


Happy belated birthday and a late Merry Christmas!


Oh, is the Wii sensor on the top or the bottom of the TV?


Top. - AA

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I find the fact that you know a Danielle that likes Twilight hilarious, as I know a Danielle that also likes Twilight.


If the Danielle you know is a good singer, then I'm gonna start wondering if you really do live in Massachusettes and not Indiana...

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After the three of us sat down and they talked about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT HOW HOT THE GUYS IN TWILIGHT ARE


Is that all girls talk about today? Man, these girls need a new topic



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After the three of us sat down and they talked about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT HOW HOT THE GUYS IN TWILIGHT ARE


Is that all girls talk about today? Man, these girls need a new topic



Welcome to my school.


And my girlfriend. >_>

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After the three of us sat down and they talked about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT HOW HOT THE GUYS IN TWILIGHT ARE


Is that all girls talk about today? Man, these girls need a new topic



Welcome to my school.


And mine.

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:annoyed: Aw, sorry I didn't realize it was your birthday. I shoulda written a list of all my friends birthdays... Eh, it's kinda hard to say happy birthday when it wasn't that great a day.


Well it sounds like you've been doing better since. Glad to hear it. :)


:kaukau: -JG



After the three of us sat down and they talked about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT HOW HOT THE GUYS IN TWILIGHT ARE


Is that all girls talk about today? Man, these girls need a new topic




Welcome to my school.

Hey, don't lump us all together. Not all girls are obsessed with Edward and Twilight. Sure, I read the first book but still.

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If the sensor is on the top, then you should be off and running.


Just make sure that the remote you are trying to use is synced correctly and the reactivity is edited to fit your preferances.

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For the Wii problem, I had the same exact issue that you did, and you know what I did to solve it? I plugged the sensor bar into the Wii. Yep, I forgot to plug it in. Strangely enough though, even without it plugged in (as you mentioned) I could still see the cursor jumping occasionally around the screen. I don't know, maybe you do have it plugged in, but I'd double check. :)


The Argetlam


Plugged in, mi amigo. -AA

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That Friday was your BIRTHDAY!? I had no idea!


Happy belated birthday then :lookaround:


Are you sure you're using the right wiimote? Only one is hooked up at first. Otherwise, you might need to replace the batteries, or try pressing random buttons.


Good luck :P



Oh, I forgot to mention, while I was at my Grandma's this weekend for Christmas, I hung my minifig version of you from a ceiling fan and turned it on. Then it flew off and hit on of my cousins on the head.


Guess it's a good thing I removed your shank beforehand :P

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