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The Amanda Story - Final Thoughts

The Fallen Amph


Here it is. This is how it plumeted. From a nice thing. To a swirling black hole of sadness and anger. This will be a long entry. Discussing many things. Let's get started.


Just let me say, I went through 3 cell phones in this time. Also, texts got deleted. I'm just going to tell you what I remember.


October 29th 2:40 PM


It was 3 days after I told her how I felt. We never said anything to each other. I texted her saying, if she did not like me, why was it so hard for her to talk to me. The whole reason I did this was the hope that she would correct me that she DID like me in some way.


At about 6:00 PM she said that she didn't like me. She said she didn't find me attractive. I was getting really emotional. We had an argument. She said that she hasn't liked me this entire time and that she thought it was obvious.


I went to bed at 7:30 that night. I felt horrible. The next day, I didn't talk. My parents thought I was going to... hurt myself. As the day went on I got better. I felt incerdibly confused.


In the next couple of days, I texted saying I was sorry about being rude. She said it was fine. I just wanted to make peace withher because Brent was still hanging out with her (But since November, he's come back) and if something came up... you know. I didn't want it to be wierd.


Now between this next event, my screen on my phone got broken, so I got a new Motorola Razr.


Remember that movie I made, Brawl vs. the Autobots? I made that the weekend after this started and that field trip. Well... when I made that movie I was thinking about her and welll... I thought... I better... "Let it out".


About two weeks after the last "Event"


Hi Amanda. Its michael again. You probably sick of me, but even though you don't like me, there is still one thing I want you to see/show you. I made this 9 months ago (actually the weekend after I said I liked you) So it's very old. Here *YOU*UBE ADRESS*. Just (try to) copy that into your adress box on your computer. If you think it's wierd/stupid, keep it to yourself. I don't want rumors of "Michael the Retard" going around school.

Why don'y just tell me what to look up so it's easier

*Explains how to get to my profile*

What's it called?

Ugh... Brawl vs. the Autobots. :(

What does thisw have to do with me at all?

That's not what I meant at all. It was just made with the thought of you.

Why did you want me to see that?

I just wanted you to see it. That's all. Though there is something (kinda) about you. It's a MV called The Older I Get. It's the song. Not the video.


I don't really remember what happened next. I just was messaging her about if she hated it/thought it was stupid, And to keep this whole incident to herself. The next day, I had plans to go to Brent's house. Then she messages me at about 10 in the morning:


Macayla (the girl that was at BWW) saw and bryce (that kid who "dislikes me") They were there with me.

Well have fun making inside jokes .

OMG, you sometime act so stupid and retarded. We weren't gonna do that!

Sorry. It's just that my brain thinks that anything I do involving you makes me look like more of a retard in your eyes. *And other junk I can't remember...*

Lol. I liked Brent's bday (a video I made compiling all of the videos I made a Brent's Birthday party.)

You do know what was in those censor sounds right *us saying her name and that I liked her in the middle of the night* Anyway, anyon'e who has seen sais that the Boelin With Project spoof was the best part lol.


After I got to Bent's house (and played Call of Duty 4 ) She mesages me back:


I didn't see the whole thing. Macayla made me stop. And I don't get why you like me. I really don't think I'm that pretty (when Bren't saw this he said, "Aw, low self esteem :P "). There are a lot more beutiful girls at school.


I can't really remember, but I sent her a giant text explaining why I've liked her over the months. And that there were other girls I KINDA liked (ha ha ha... LIAR!).




You need a girlfriend :)

*Brent sends* Will you be my girlfriend?

No thanks. I heve my eye on someone else. You need someone else to be your girlfriend.

*Then Brent admits that he sent it*

One last thing: did you think that movie was stupid?

Which one?

Which ones did you watch?

I don't know. I guess the ones I watched were Ok.


Ya... ;)

Later that night:


Wait, is the guy you mean, Sam (Like you said last year?). Because, not to dissapoint you, but he's already going out with 5 other people.

HECK no. I move on so fast.

Good for you.

Was that sarcastic? I think it was.

No, why would it be sarcastic?

I don't know. About the Sam thing, I've already dated 2 people this year already.

for how long?

One of a week and the other for five days.

I've had a couple of people ask me out this year. But it always ends up that the people who like me/asked me out are either a freak or 1/2 my size.


Ok guys. I haven't been... completely truthful with you. Last year (when I asked her out) she said she liked somebody else... that was 8 months ago.


A couple of days later, I texted her saying that I lied and that I don't like anybody else. I told her thatI looked around, and ther'e no one else I find attractive. And that I don't like the people who like me.


Twice, after school, I had the erge to have a conversation with her about ANYTHING. So just texted her saying "What's Up" twice (They were a week apart). Then, I texted saying that I kinda lied about "I like other people". The day after I said that, I just looked and thought about the people I "liked" and realized that... I didn't really like them. I looked at other people too.


So, yeah. I was basically saying: I do not currently like ANYONE in the 7th grade except her.


Anyway, she never replied to any of the messages. I tried one night and said (exactly):


I don't know if you just can't get to your phone or if you are ignoring me but... Ok, I think I was going the wrong way with that. It's just that I can't just "forget" about this thing with you. You are like EVERYWHERE I go (not literally) I just "see" you in other people. And about those "sup" messages... I just did those because I just wanted to talk to you. :[ Sorry. As I said before, If you think I'm annoying... just TELL me. Please. Hopefully you got my message about the liking think. /:[


A couple days later she said that she's been getting my messages. I said that maybe if we talked in person, it can make things better. She kept saying it would be wierd and that she didn't want to "force talk" to someone. She most likely thought I was going to talk to her about random stuff.


Nothing happened for about a week. Just let me tell something... that sounds really stupid.


I love music. I listen to it all the time. There are songs that are BOUND to make me think of her. Some of them make me think of her because of the time I first listened to the song or when I frequently listened to the song. Some songs made me think of her because of the lyrics. Some were just for the rythm.


I knew that if I kept these songs to myself and listened to all of them, it'd make me feel worse. So I had an idea.


First off, let me say, this plan was meant for me and her to talk in private. Actually meeting. Talking. Anyway...


I had a plan. A gift. I wanted to give her a CD of these songs. Nothing really nessicerilly (sp) bad happened recntly before then. On Thanksgiving weekend, I started. It took me about 3 hours to make. Burning about 4 Cds with all of these songs <_< and typing out this little booklet with the song names and why thay made me think of her. It took A LOT of thought.


So that Monday, I waited near her locker. I wasn't really afraid because (at that moment) she'd never shown rude signs to me in person. Just the usual "curious looks". She never came. Not on Monday, Not on Tuesday. Not on Wednesday. Good thing Andrew and Brent were with me or I would've bored my brains out. They really are loyal. Which brings me to my next "thing".


Throughout this whole thing (starting in middle school), I was starting to lose...er.."interest" in helping me with Amanda. Espesially Andrew. With all of my fear before the texting thing, Andrew and Brent almost refused to help me permanetly. Until... I brought in a little deal.


I told them (if this thing turned out being good) that whoever helped me the most in this, they would get $15.


Hey, it worked. :P


Thursday was the day Brent had Spanish with Amanda. He offered to tell her what I needed to say ("meet me in the front of the school after school I need to tell you something" and if all else fails "I have something for you"). So he wouldn't mess up (like times... previously) I wrote what was needed to be said on an index card (not to be "read out"). At that was that.


Before I go on, I have to say, my Razr was stolen out of my Gym locker on Tuesday of the same week. <_< And that Brent was going to spend the night again that Friday.


So I waited in the front. She was there. Not in the place where she was supposed to be. I thought that Brent failed. ("You fail me yet again Starscream." >:D). I was POd. And frustrated.


When I got home, I called him on my home phone (which was EXTREMELY difficult). He said the she said "No I don't think I will" and him and me argued a bit and... well, I went to bed early and angry.


The next morning, I found out that he didn't tell me the whole story. He said she said, "I don't think I will" then he mentioned the cd, and she said, "Ok, I will, but can I bring someone?" in which I found out later so it wouldn't be wierd. That mad me feel a LOT better.


After school, I had a lot of oppurtunities to do it, but I had another plan in my mind. My mom was going to take me to get another phone AND Brent was coming over to spend the night. I had a plan to call her and talk about think.


Long story short, my dad and Brent tempted me to call. Also Brent had been texting her about stuff (She said she was watching "The Hills" and South Park, not my personal favorites, but...meh) He asked If I could call. She said no, but that was just because she was busy. Then she said I could. I just called. A man answered. It sounded like a 17-18 year old. I texted her.


A guy answered.

That was my dumb dad.

... Why?

He stole my phone.

you'd be surprised. It wasn't as wierd as you would think, just remember it was 10 PM, so... I was tired. She answered. I couldn't really hear her. My volume control on my new phone was wierd. She sounded... happy? Ish. I don't know. She knew that Brent was there and suggested using his phone. I did. I told her what me and Brent had done that night (I. e. went on my roof, went and climbed a pine tree, etc.) :P . I said that we wre a bit hyper too. She giggled a bit and siggested that we were drinking red bulls or something. Then I confesed that I had totally had no plans on what to say (about you know what). Then for some reason her and her father were yelling at each other (about like... Tv? Or something. It was hard to tell). I thought she was crying.Brentb then took out my TFA Megatron and made it talk into the phone ("Where is that Allspark!??") good thing her and her dad's conversation drowned it out. She later said that she was laughing not crying.

The next day, I texted her asking about the CD. She said that Brent said I was going to give her one. I then said it was for dusks, of music. She said that was cool. We agreed to meet each other in the front of the school on Monday. This gave me a chance to "revamp" the CDs. There were some songs I didn't want on there, and some I forgot to put on.


These are the songs (in Order):


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1stp. Klosr – Linkin Park Savior - Skillet

This Moment - Disturbed

No More Sorrow – Linkin Park

Wake – Linkin Park

Given Up – Linkin Park

Leave Out All The Rest–Linkin Park

Shadow of the DayLinkin Park

What I've Done – Linkin Park

Hands Held High – Linkin Park

Valentine's Day – Linkin Park

In Between – Linkin Park

In Pieces – Linkin Park

The Little Things Give You Away - LP

Before It's Too Late – Goo Goo Dolls


There and Back Again - DAUGHTRY

The Last Night - Skillet

Those Nights - Skillet

Looking For Angels - Skillet

Gravity Hurts

- Brink

Refugee – Linkin Park

Live Free or Let Me Die - Skillet

Forsaken - Skillet

Qwerty – Linkin Park

Over the Top – Linkin Park

Decadence - Disturbed

Part of MeLinkin Park\

Eternal - Evanescence

High Voltage – Linkin Park

Unknown Soldier – Breaking Benjamin

Enjoy the Silence – Depeche Mode

Had Enough – Breaking Benjamin

Faint Remix – Linkin Park

Carousel – Linkin Park

And One – Linkin Park

Lying From You – Linkin Park

Prelude 12/21 - AFI

Blow Me Away – Breaking Benjamin

The Thirst is Taking Over - Skillet

The Diary of Jane – Breaking Benjamin

Evil Angel – Breaking Benjamin

Breath – Breaking Benjamin

Feels Like Tonight - DAUGHTRY

So Cold – Breaking Benjamin

Dance With the Devil – Breaking Benjamin

Technical Difficulties – Julien K

Sons of Plunder - Disturbed

Better Than Drugs - Skillet

Open Wounds - Skillet

Indestructible - Disturbed

Liberate - Disturbed

Criminal - Disturbed

Papercut – Linkin Park

Crush 'Em - Megadeth

Yours to Hold – Skillet

Say Goodbye – Skillet

Land Of Confusion - Disturbed

The Older I Get - Skillet

Don't Stay – Linkin Park

Crawling – Linkin Park

Whispers in the Dark - Skillet

Shout 2000 - Disturbed

Where Will You Go - Evanescence

Pain Redefined - Disturbed

Stupify - Disturbed

Deceiver - Disturbed

Deify - Disturbed

Stricken - Disturbed

Dehumanized - Disturbed

Animals - Nickelback

I'm Alive - Disturbed

Remember - Disturbed

Run - Disturbed

Evolution - KoRn

From the Inside – Linkin Park

Animal I Have Become – Three Days Grace

Sacred Lie - Disturbed

You Fight Me – Breaking Benjamin

No Roads Left – Linkin Park


Why the make me think of her:


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Song Details

1stp. Klosr - This song is the song that wouldn't stop going through my head after that… moment… that started this. It went through my head the rest of the day, and it represents you for the feel of it, basically. P.S. Don't think that the "Shut Up" parts are me saying for you to shut up.



Savior – This song reminds me of you because of the time I heard it (which was a couple of days before you knew I liked you).



This Moment - This song makes me think of you the same way 1stp. Klosr does… only with less emphasis.



No More Sorrow - This is one of the only songs that STILL makes me think about this. This one is for the feel of the song.



Before It's Too Late – This one of the little amount of songs that reminds me of you because of the lyrics. Well, it doesn't really now, but it did.





Wake + Given Up + Leave Out All The Rest + Shadow of the Day + What I've Done+ Hands Held High + Valentine's Day + In Between + In Pieces + The Little Things Give You Away - All of these songs are reminders because of the time I bought the Minutes to Midnight CD. I was sick for a week and was alone with my thoughts… so… what else is there to think about? Also, In Between kind of matches how I felt about this before I texted you the first time…



Gone – This song makes me think of you because, back in spring, I used to lie in bed listening to this song thinking about what I can do to talk to you the next day.



There and Back Again – After the String Zone concert (if you don't remember, I sat 3 seats away behind you) I kept listening to this song… now it makes me think of you… simply put.



Those Nights + The Last Night + Looking for Angels – These are here for the lyrics and the rhythm. Those Nights and The Last Night (with there "love" theme /:[) made me think of you. Looking for Angels is kind of for both.



Gravity Hurts – This just for the feel of the song. It's just that when I listen to it, it makes me think of how I thought of you in the beginning of spring.



Refugee + Live Free or Let Me Die + Qwerty + Forsaken + Over the Top + Decadence + Part of Me + Eternal + High Voltage + Unknown Soldier - These just make me think about you because these are the songs I listened to at recess in 6th grade. I was listening to these songs while doing something regarding you (either thinking about you, or watching your actions [NOT like a stalker])







Enjoy the Silence + Faint [Remix] - These are just songs I listened to at school… only for these songs; I made videos for them on ######.



Had Enough – Just another song that makes me think of the time I got this song. For some reason, when I get or listen to a new song, (if it's good) I think of you (partially because if it's a good song, it crawls in my head at school. And, of course, you're there so… just put them together J.



Carousel + And One + Lying From You – These songs are songs that repeatedly popped up in my head during the last couple of weeks of school. Thinking about what to do about you. And during those days, while walking home, I listened to these.





Prelude 12/21 - This just reminds me of you because of an unusual moment that happened after school when I was listening to this when you came out of the school and was walking close to where I was and you didn't leave my sight until the song ended… weird huh?



Blow Me Away - This one just represents you because of the time I heard this (which was the weekend before our Tahoe field trip) and the rhythm.



The Thirst is Taking Over – This song to this day makes me think of you near the end of the year. It basically makes me think of the week of the Tahoe field trip and the last couple of days of school. Also, the lyrics remind me of you but not totally.



The Diary of Jane + Evil Angel - These two songs just makes me think of my old thoughts of you when I was on the bus to Tahoe and when I was actually at Tahoe. Also, back then, the lyrics of The Diary of Jane made me think of this thing with you.








Breath - My brain almost played this song all the way through when I was sitting there in the cafeteria at the graduation rehearsal after I gave you that note. L In which I am DEEPLY sorry for.



So Cold + Feels Like Tonight - (This song was put out of order by accident :P ) this song just makes me think about how I felt after school ended… which was not good by the way.



Dance with the Devil + Technical Difficulties + Sons of Plunder + Better Than Drugs + Open Wounds + Indestructible – These are all just songs that brought up thoughts of you over the summer. And they still sort of do.



Liberate – This is just for the feel. The fact it says motherf***er in almost every verse has nothing to do with you. :P



Criminal - The first song that brought up thoughts of you in middle school. It's just for the rhythm. And the line in the main chorus, "The message you never want to send" kind of reminds of all of those times my friends in 6th grade used to threaten me that they'd go say like, "Michael loves you!" or something to you.



Papercut + Crush 'Em – These are just for the time. During the first couple weeks of school, the beginning of Papercut came into my head. And, at a random moment, Crush 'Em came into my head when you were near me.



Yours to Hold + Say Goodbye – These two are for the lyrics. It's kind of… t "mushy" to put. But I thought I should put these on here.



Land of Confusion - This one is just for the rhythm and the beat. For some reason (at BWW) I kept tapping out the beginning drum parts when you were there.







The Older I Get – This makes think of you because of the lyrics and because of its message. About 2-3 months ago, I thought it matched this situation perfectly, but kind of not really now.



Don't Stay – For a couple weeks (after school, when I was trying to talk to you about "starting over"), I always thought of this song… for the feel mostly.



Crawling - You obviously remember what happened at BWW, don't you? Yeah, after I realized you were there (which scared the ###### out of me) I just kept humming this song to myself. I don't really know why.



Whispers in the Dark + Where Will You Go – These are just for the rhythm, and some are for the lyrics. Whispers in the Dark is kind of for both. Where Will You Go is for the main feel of the music.



Shout 2000 – This one is for the feel of the song. And the line "let it all out" makes me think of telling you how I felt.



Stupify + Pain Redefined – These are just two songs that came in my mind during school and when I thought about you. Just for the feels of the songs.



Deceiver – This song still very reminiscent of you (even though it sounds a little violent). It's just that I listened to this song all day after I got your phone number and I kept trying to talk to you. When I was sad/angry about you not liking me (which was too dramatic), I thought the main chorus fit how I felt. I've gotten over it. But I still think this song kicks ######. J



Deify + Stricken – These are just two songs I listened to on my computer when I first texted you and when I was telling you about how I felt.






Dehumanized – The beginning guitar intro came into my mind sometimes when I was at school. So… ya.



Animals – I know the meaning of this song. You should probably know that it has nothing to do with you in any way. It's just the theme and feel of the chorus. That's all.



I'm Alive – I thought that the line, "the thing I treasure most in life" gave me small thoughts about you… sort of.



Remember + Evolution – These are just for the feel and beats of the songs… so yeah.



Run – I listened to this song before I went to school a couple times. It came up when I thought of you a little bit.



From the Inside - This is just for the feel.. and some of the lyrics… not to be taken literally.



Animal I Have Become – Well, I had to turn in a movie to my photography teacher and it had this song in it. This song hung around my mind for a while and… ya.



Sacred Lie – You Fight Me – This is for the feel and the fact that these two songs were going through my head during Math on thursday(which is what I'm guessing was the time when Brent told you about… "This")



No Roads Left – This is on here for a couple of reasons. One is for the main feel of it. The other is for the lyrics. The line, "I let myself down again" makes me think of all of the times I had the opportunity to talk to you, but was too scared.


That's what I wrote exactly on the peices of paper inside the cd holder... thing.


So on Monday... she didn't meet me. I asked why and she said she got shy (the tables have been turned). Then on Tuesday, she got sick with stomach pains (I asked) she said Andrew was stupid for thinking her appendix was gonna explode. :P Wednesday was when things started getting wierd.


You know that small dude who she hangs out with that dislikes me, right? Well, after school, she (what it looked like) "sent him" to me. I was incredibly annoyed.


Him: You know Amanda *******?

Me: Yeah...

Him: Err.. Ya like her?

Me: Yes. :angry:

Him: Ok *walks away*


About 1 minute later, he comes back.


Him: She.. thinks you're here stalker.

Me: Ok...


I left that day, incredibly annoyed. She said that she doesn't think I'm a stalker and that he was just saying that. He also went over to me to annoy her.


Now doesn't that REMIND you of something?


We then got into a little argument about what we were gonna do about this. She said that she was too afraid to do it herself, she wanted to send Bryce. I didn't protest (knowing that never works) and just let be.


The next day, I was waiting in the front (for the 1000000000000000000000 time.). Andrew comes out and tells me that he asked her where I was and that reminded her that she had to meet me and she said she was coming... to meet me. She and her friend came out and he came to me for the CDs.


The night previous, I had to write down what I was going to say If I were going to talk in person (but of course that never happened). It took up an entire piece of lined paper, front and back. I stuffed it into the cd holder.


She took it. And walked off. I almost forgot to tell her not to read it woth Bryce. <_<


When I got home, I texted saying that I was sorry for making it look so "official", and she said it was fine. She said that some of her favorite songs were on there (Leave out all the rest, crawling, etc.)


At about five I texted asking how for she got. She said she took a break at track 12 (In Between) and was listening to other stuff.


At 8 is when it shocked me. 8:20 PM December 11th:


Michael, I don't like you, please leave me alone.


What do you think? I don't like you. Leave me alone.

Why'd you suddenly bring that up?

Because it's the truth. Leave me alone.

It was a mixture of confusion, sadness, and burning rage. It was just so random. After I gave her a gift for God's sake. I felt like I wasted time and money. It felt like I was shot in the groin, flipped off, then have my house burned down. I felt THAT bad.

Ufortunately The rest of the entry was cut off. I'll have to make the second part.


Recommended Comments


I don't know what to say. But now, IMO, I think it's really time to throw the towel in.

Here's why:

-She obviously texted that last thing because of her friends.

-She will always have those friends.

-Which means if you keep trying, this will just happen again and again.


I thought you had a chance before, if you could get her to not be exactly like her friends want her to be. Apparently that's not possible, she just obeys them.

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I don't know what to say. But now, IMO, I think it's really time to throw the towel in.

Here's why:

-She obviously texted that last thing because of her friends.

-She will always have those friends.

-Which means if you keep trying, this will just happen again and again.


I thought you had a chance before, if you could get her to not be exactly like her friends want her to be. Apparently that's not possible, she just obeys them.


Well, uh... this entry was so long that the board cut off the most important part. I'll just post another entry. And I don't know what was about that last thing.. She's REALLY wierd.

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She was trying to blow you off nicely.


She isn't mean at all, just that you're constantly there. She didn't want to come off as bad to you, but it got to the point where it was too much to continue with (since October, come on now) and she decided to tell you bluntly because clearly you didn't see the fact that you should give up right there.


Yes, no other girl is attractive to you BUT *slap* that's because the attractive ones aren't right for you! Not at this age!


Give it another 2 or 3 years, everyone you don't find attractive, will be.



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She was trying to blow you off nicely.


She isn't mean at all, just that you're constantly there. She didn't want to come off as bad to you, but it got to the point where it was too much to continue with (since October, come on now) and she decided to tell you bluntly because clearly you didn't see the fact that you should give up right there.


Yes, no other girl is attractive to you BUT *slap* that's because the attractive ones aren't right for you! Not at this age!


Give it another 2 or 3 years, everyone you don't find attractive, will be.




He, he. Well, actually Arch, The part of the entry that got cut off, discussed ALL of this. It had the reason I thought she was heartless, and my thoughts curreently. So, yeah.

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