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Things I Got For Christmas That Didn't Break

Little Miss Krahka


A gigantic box of green tea.

Like, 200 teabags worth of Bigelow green tea. And considering that, prior to this, my largest supply was the cheap Lipton stuff that both came in bulk and was vaguely undrinkable, this is a very good thing. Now I need to get just a few extra herbal and white teas, and maybe some Earl Grey, since I'm getting into that recently for whatever reason.


The Star Wars Pop-Up Book.

This is seriously the coolest thing I own. Pop up Lando? Pop up Admiral Ackbar? Pop up Death Star destroying Alderaan? POP UP DARTH VADER AND LUKE SKYWALKER WITH LIGHT UP LIGHTSABERS? Yeah. It's pretty much one of the coolest things I own.



Since I like wearing lipstick, but need to be honest with myself and realize that the joy that comes from looking silly can be accomplished without, erm, looking silly. So it's in a slightly less garish color than I usually wear. :P


A hat!

That makes me look like an old man! My sister has a good grasp upon my sense of style. (It involves dressing like a very effeminate but classy old man.)


The Dark Knight on DVD

'Bout time. Though my Dad, who has the compulsive need to deencrypt every DVD we own says that it's got the most insanely paranoid and difficult to crack protection on it that he's ever seen. Hehe.



Heart shaped cookies with raspberry filling! OH MAN THE FRIEND WHO GAVE THAT TO ME IS NOW MY NEW FAVORITE FRIEND! :D


Gift cards to various book stores

There's this thing with my relatives and my family every year. We give them gift cards for bookstores. They give us gift cards for bookstores. Often to the same bookstores. Often in the same denominations. We thank each other kindly and honestly, since all of us like books, but sort of wonder why we even bothered.

I think I'll buy some more roleplaying books with it. Probably either Changeling: the Lost or GURPS, as if it wasn't hard enough to get people to agree to play anything but DnD as usual. Or maybe the next volume or so of Buddha. You know how it goes.



I'm a mild jewelry fiend for unclear reasons. My aunt and the friend who gave me cookies also gave me jewelry. Yay.




Also! Explaining to my brother, who hasn't been following the storyline for a couple of years what sort of zaniness is going on these days. Lulz.


Recommended Comments

Pop up Admiral Ackbar?



My sister has a good grasp upon my sense of style. (It involves dressing like a very effeminate but classy old man.)



Also; Kriiiiiiiiiikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.



Edit: *points to twitter*


I don't think that's BZP appropriate. I don't mind personally, but...

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A gigantic box of green tea.

Like, 200 teabags worth of Bigelow green tea.


I was never into tea but this year... whammo. Don't know why.


A cup of it is nice with 1 packet of that Stevia in the Raw sugar substitute. (No sugar OR aspartame!)

Dig the teas that have fruit to them, like red tea with strawberry/some other fruit flavor.


Though my Dad, who has the compulsive need to deencrypt every DVD we own says that it's got the most insanely paranoid and difficult to crack protection on it that he's ever seen.

Hee... others have not had this problem however. ;)


I don't think that's BZP appropriate. I don't mind personally, but...

Dude, you are SO breaking rule J73-000 of the internet right now.

Granted, I just made the rule up, but you're breakin' it.

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