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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 10-11



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.



The tenth article proposed by Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr is as follows:

Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr hereby proposes that both the "Stone of Spirits" and the "Tablet of Temperament" from his Epic be made one-of-a-kind items within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe".


The "Stone of Spirits" is an incredibly powerful relic capable of altering spiritual states, emotions, forms, etc. Meanwhile, similarly the "Tablet of Temperament" can alter the emotional state of a person. This would mean that at no time in any members' future storylines will there be a second copy of either artifact brought into existence.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The eleventh article proposed by Ballom is as follows:

Ballom hereby proposes that that ore mined and the lumber harvested on the Isle of Terra Nui are both utilized across "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" for their renowned high quality and popularity.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of this joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on both articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PDT (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday January 5th, 2009 provided that at least 3/4 of C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, all C.I.R.C.L.E. Members will be notified of the results via PM as well as when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the formation of C.I.R.C.L.E. and what that entails.




UPDATE: Articles 10 & 11 have both passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION"

and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments



Article Ten- Aye, objects that powerful should never be replicated.


Article Eleven-Aye, I aswell will feature this in my Epic, during the Toa Honor celebration.



-zee :tohu:

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Aye to both articles.


Though I feel it important to say that my own island cannot have access to the supplies of Terra Nui as my Island, Xioc Nui, is currently floating in the Endless Ocean and cut off from the regular Universe.


However, I can say that it did use the lumber and ore from Terra Nui.




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