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Random 2009 Ramblings



so now that I've started seeing Agori popping up on shelves I guess 2009 has begun for Bionicle anyway.


2008 was a great year, one of the best. Lets see if 2009 can beat it. I like the idea that we are going back to the "super advanced robots living as villagers in simple society" thing like in 2001. There's something about that contrast I always loved.


I've seen all the new sets (even some I shouldn't have) and I like them all quite alot. That being said I probably won't be buying any this year. I decided last year that I came in with Tahu and the gang and it seemed fitting that I stop with them too. My money keeps going else where like gas and school and I'm sure my girlfriend will love me buying her a meal once in awhile instead of buying "those rainbow colored robots". Plus I found my self more and more getting into the story and less into the sets. I'm more excited now to get the next book than the next canister. Those toys will always be a part of my life and I'm sure I'll be digging them out and playing with them for years to come. But I think 50 toa are enough for any man.


But enough about that lets go onto the wild theories I have about 2009. Just hit the fancy spoiler tags


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The theory going around about Bara Magna having a crashed Great Spirit robot makes alot of sense. I would guess all the current inhabitants of Bara Magna are the survivors of the crash. The scarcity of resource comes from there being basically none on that planet except what came in the Great Spirit.


Now it's possible this Great Spirit was a either an earlier model of Mata Nui. This is supported by the idea that the Agori are early versions of Matoran. And it would explain why Mata Nui would come there (I have money riding on Mata Nui being the question mark on the Bara Magna). Wouldn't that just be Mata Nui's luck if he ran to his older brother when he was in trouble on to find that brother in worse shape then he's in?


My crazy idea though that has no basis in fact and proof though is that maybe that wrecked robot is what happens when you let a Makuta behind the wheel. Could it be that we've jumped ahead in time a few thousand years. We've seen it before where matoran have devolved and forgotten where they came from, and that was after only 1,000 years. just imagine how far they could fall after 100,000 with no great spirit to guide them. Of course this would mean there's a different reason for Mata Nui to arrive on Bara Magna. He's returned just as he said to clean up the mess.


I wonder what the Great Beings think of all this as they look down from their little red star. Have two of their greatest creations failed them? Of course it sounds like they have bigger problems to worry about as well



Of course my little theories tend to be way off so dont expect much out of them. I remember the first big one I had way back when the Rahkshi first came out that just was crazy. Had something to do with protodermis being alive and the island of Mata Nui actually being the Great Spirit Mata Nui... pure crazy talk. :P



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