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So, I really need to write an entry. Nothing is coming to mind, however.........................


Well, I suppose I can talk about a very frightening experience I had today. My mom forced me to go to a Study Skills seminar. :P So I walk in the room and the first thing I notice is I'm atleast two years older and three to four feet taller than everyone else. That's not exactly the sort of thing that helps one blend with the group, you know. Then there are no other boys there....at all. My mother had conveniently sent me to a 7th Grade women's convention, or so it seemed. So here I am..sitting there and learning absolutely nothing I didn't already know while squeezed into a tiny little desk thing. It was absolutely horrible. And my grades aren't bad at all, there just not "straight A's." More like straight B's with a few A's, but that's pretty good. :)


Hope you had fun reading that. Isn't it wierd how the best stories usually involve something bad happening to you. It's positively perplexing.


Recommended Comments

that stinks

and your grade are fine. If your not on the honors list, you're almost there, and still shouldn't have to be there.

Unless I have an "F" (which hasn't happened), my parents are usually happy with my grades if I am.

And with school out, it's surprising you're going now. That seems like something for kids troubling in the middle of the school year.

Good luck.

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