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Last Night...

Metallic O'Dalek


Last night was complete and utter win. I went to an all night party in Vancouver, where they had a concert by eNation, inflatables of win, and all you-could-eat-and-drink pizza and soda at midnight. The best part was earning the title of "King of the Arena" in the inflatable jousting arena. I still can't get over how good my balance was when I thought the guy who also wanted the title. We were the last to fight, and there was no time left for a rematch, so I got the victory by default when he pulled an illeagal move and hit me directly in the mouth. Other than that, it was fun trying to see how many people I could get to want to avenge themselves. I'm serious, out of almost one hundred battles over the night, I was only beaten four times. I found that the best way to beat someone is to defend instead of attack. I would just take my stance and block their blows, letting whatever body part they aimed for absorb the shock, and eventually they would defeat themselves by focusing on knocking me off balance, thus forgetting to stay balanced, and, thus, falling. There was also this group of girls who, whenever they would see me, would walk past and attempt to insult me. It helped that I didn't know them, though. About 1:30, two of my friends got into a Mountain Dew drinking contest, which ended with one drinking five cans, and the other puking after four and a half. I caught a couple making out at the end of an empty hall, and, following the rules, pointed them out to the nearest monitor. But anyway, I think I've had a long enough nutshell description, and so am going elsewhere. =)


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