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Medical Problems



I'm having some medical problems right now, which may prohibit me from being on much anymore. All the details are unsure at the moment, and I'm not exactly sure whats going on, but..


Currently, I have an enlarged liver (For what reason I'm not sure.) but it's very possible I'm having some trouble with my kidneys. I have several different symptoms of a kidney infection. But there is another possibility, I could have mono (If you don't know what that is, it's not a good sickness and there's no cure for it, it just goes away whenever it feels like it which could be anytime. But anyways, it makes you tired all the time, and your body is weak, and it seems like no matter how much sleep you get, you're never fully rested, so you're always falling asleep.) If I have mono, it could slow down my schoolwork very much, which would be very awful. I've had mono before, it's not fun. But anyways, I just woke up a few minutes ago, I slept all night and just now woke up at 4:04pm I had no clue it was that late, and that is soooo abnormal. So if you pray, pray for me. : )


But I may not be able to get on much....I hope you all understand. I will try though. : )




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