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W A L L - E



I had a strange dream last night (or this morning, really). And, yes, this is a blog, so I think dream topics can be allowed, since half of my entries are written in a (self induced, no drugs) dreamlike state. :P


Anyway, I had this strange dream... and it didn't star me, crazy enough. It starred WALL-E, that robot from that one Disney-Pixar movie. (Maybe you've heard of it. :blink: ) It involved Wall-E on some spaceship fighting a space pirate on this cruise space ship. It wasn't necessarily set in Wall-E's universe... more of a modern view, where Humans are indeed competent and have cool space travel and such. It was an interesting dream, involving Wall-E's human owner (a girl) a stowaway (a boy... how convenient) and another friendly, but not quite as smart, robot, outsmarting a space pirate and his holographic technology.




Anyway, for a dream, it seemed like one heck of a good story. I give my brain props for coming up with it, although there were a few plot holes and such. So first thing I did when I woke up (directly out of the dream) was turn on my computer and jot down some notes, so I could possibly write it out...


Would it be worth it? :shrugs:




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How dare your subconscious have plot holes! :angry:


I dream to escape reality, and I live in reality to escape my dreams. :P


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM

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