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Lego Rock Band?

mercenary vahki


Is Traveller's Tales working on a Lego version of MTV's popular Rock Band franchise? That's what Mr. Anonymous S. Ource is telling videogaming247. It's even backed up with a quote of assurance that the news is "100 percent correct." I guess that's more confirmation than you typically get with anonymous rumors about games that may or may not be in development, so hey, take that for what it's worth.



Personally, I think it'd be worth it just to see a Lego singer going back-to-back with a Lego guitarist to shout a chorus into the mic. Most of the Rock Band animations and camera angles would probably be really funny to see with Lego dudes. So I guess I'm for it? It'd certainly be a welcome change from the rest of the Lego stuff, anyway. But what music do you associate with Lego? Kids' music, right? As I am not a parent, that sounds decidedly less cool.



Now we just need to wait and see if the anonymous source is right or not. I sent a shout through to the proper channels, which I think will result in a response that sounds like a mash-up of "we do not comment" and "on rumors or speculation."


This comes from a site with forums, which is also my homepage.


Recommended Comments

I think maybe just maybe




A Lego Iron Man playing Iron Man


I think that would be eh pretty cool


But seriously though, it sounds like something worth getting just for the lulz

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