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The Ahsoka Theory!



Okay, recently, there as been a lot of talk because since Ahsoka wasn't in Ep. III, she will die in the Clone Wars T.V. series.

But this is what I think:


I believe that Ahsoka will not die, there will just be a different point of view. Ahsoka will be on Coruacant (Sp?) when the invasion happens, that or she'll be in a different part of the battle. I don't see why Lucas & the others would spend so much time on her just for her to die.


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Uh, about 90% of pre-Order 66 Jedi would like to have a word with you.


They'll either kill her or force her into hiding.


Or, I'm hoping they throw her into the future so we can see the Yuuzhan Vong in action.

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They're taking their own sweet time in the Clone Wars series as to giving Anakin REASONS to go bad.


Surely... surely Ahsoka dying in a dishonorable way at the end of the series will be used as a thing to darken up his outlook on life.


Something like the Jedi council telling him something stupid and fruitless had more priority over saving her life somewhere... or maybe she gets set up by Emperor Palpitations to look like she screwed Anakin over or something.


She's like, gotta' be dying. I'd probably be whizzed if she wasn't, actually lol.


So far, everything's all happy fluffy gumdrops and silly droids and pink unicorns with Anakin. Where's all the things going on to slowly shape him into something more pessimistic... where's the events that get him kookoo enough to start chopping kids up? They're going way too slow with him.

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I like the droids.


"Take this up to block C. Don't drop it."

"Roger Roger"

*trips and drops it*



I dunno why, they just seem so endearing.

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I agree with you. Many Jedi weren't shown in Ep. III, doesn't mean they're dead. I have two explanations on why she's not in Ep. III:

1. She and Anakin have a huge fight and he ends up hating her. (Sad, she's a really nice girl, and Anakin and her make such a good team).

2. She becomes Sith. (Unlikely, Dooku has a bunch of Dark Acolytes already, and Ventress is practically Sith now.)


Oh, and all those who think Anakin has to turn bad in the show. In Attack, his mother died, so of course he was acting all angry. In III, he's worried about Padme. As evidenced by Phantom Menace, he's not evil all the time. Maybe these are his good times. Plus, the show is aimed at a slightly younger audience, no way he's going to go that emo fast, or at all (in the show, that is).

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Plus, the show is aimed at a slightly younger audience, no way he's going to go that emo fast, or at all (in the show, that is).


I have hope.

I mean what, we got dudes sacrificing themselves by blowing up bombs, mild cursing and one or two, up-close, lightsaber-through-my-chest tricks.


On a bad note though, they're REMOVING said cursing for future airings.



Even worse, see how fishboy died?

It was like in the one Bionicle movie where Tahu gets "hurt"... but offscreen so you don't see it happen.


The Mon calamari was fighting Grievous and I was like, "Uh oh! Here we GO!" ...but then the camera got all jumpy and stupid and I was like, "No way! No they better not!"


...but they did. After a confusing second you know what happened, but it was SO bad and obviously done.


I actually had to rewind it once just to make sure I was right on what I thought I just saw.



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I think she's gonna die. She's too peppy to stay in hiding, and if she did she'd interfere with something that'd attract Palp's attention. I know she's not going rogue, 'cause that'd "send a bad message," among other things.



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