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That Aragornfizzle Welsh Thing





I knew the time had come. I needed to ask Green Tee out to breakfast on Sunday morning. You can say you have faith, but if your feet ain't movin', there ain't nothing to prove it.


Surprisingly, Green Tee was actually at the 9:20 church service this week (I don't even remember the last time I saw her there), which was sort of an affirmation in itself that I needed to do this. The entire service, I sat in the pew, nervous as Karzahni. I prayed and prayed, and knew that I had to do this.


Finally, the service ended. I arose out of the pew and made my way ove to Green Tee. I took a quick inventory of the items on my person. Gum? Check. Wallet? Check. Pants?






Oh, check. That was a close one.


So anyway, I walked over to her and struck up a conversation. Actually, a friend of mine caught me on the way and we spoke for a minute. Then, in my speaking with Green Tee, he joined the conversation. In my mind, I was all like, "GO AWAY LOL IM TRYING TO ASK HER OUT."


WE INTERRUPT THIS GREEN TEE BLOG ENTRY TO BRING YOU TWO TIDBITS OF INFO: (1) I have a lot of music to practice today and tomorrow. (2) I work yesterday, today, and Thursday this week. Yay extra hours! EDIT: And Friday lol


Anyway, he left. Now, I didn't truly set things up to ask her out on a real date... I flew under the radar. I just said, "Hey, I'm going out to breakfast. Want to come along?" So very spur-of-the-moment. Yes, I made sure nothing was hanging out of my nose first. At least, I think I did. She told me that she couldn't make it and rattled off a list of things she needed to do (the good thing, is she wasn't lying). But she didn't mention a word about her dating someone else. Not a word. And I don't feel as though there was any rejection because I intentionally flew under the radar (I wonder if she even thought of it as me asking her out... there was definitely 0 awkwardness thereafter, which is good). :sly:


So the waiting process continues. I know what I did will be used for good. I'm happy. =D


Hmmm, this entry needs humor. PICKLED HEADPHONES. PANCAKES. PAAAAAANCAKES. Don't lose the melon... it is... my life.


Tuesday five!

  • What's on your schedule for today other than school?
  • How was your Christmas/New Year's?
  • Did it asdfgh?
  • Someone explain to me the Twitter tags.
  • HI PEOPLE =)
Pop quiz! Without using Google, what song is my blog description taken from? NO CHEATING YOU PUMPKIN EATING FOOLS


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The funny thing is, I was skimming this entry, and I read all the crazy parts before I figured out what it was about. XD


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Dok, I hate to try and give you my personal view on the situation, but my personal view on the situation is that the reason you can't get this chick is because you just used the expression

nervous as Karzahni

AAH! IT BURNS US! Anyways, Schmoosday Fiffle.


1) Suicide.

2) Hot. I hung with Searon for New Years. Awesome shizzle styx.

3) Almost as much as it zxcvcbnm'ed.

4) A small slip of paper explaining the price of a bird noise.


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Nicely handled with GT, if I may say so myself, considering you remembered your pants. :P


You deserve this. :)


Tuesday five... I'm too lazy right now. :P


-Nuju Metru

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Dok, I hate to try and give you my personal view on the situation, but my personal view on the situation is that the reason you can't get this chick is because you just used the expression

nervous as Karzahni



because in real life i wouldn't say karzahni, silly. this is a children's site :P

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I can't believe I missed a Tuesday Five D=


1) Let's see...I slept in until 9:30, had breakfast, watched Gilligan's Island, read/finished Brisingr, panicked and finished my homework, chatted with Lady K, procrastinated, was unhelpful...yup I think I fulfilled my itinerary.x3

2) Christmas was epic. New Year's I recovered from my five-day trip.

3) Nah, it qwertyuiop'd.

4) They puzzle me as well. *Shrug*

5) Hiiiiiiii ! = 3



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Dok, I hate to try and give you my personal view on the situation, but my personal view on the situation is that the reason you can't get this chick is because you just used the expression

nervous as Karzahni



because in real life i wouldn't say karzahni, silly. this is a children's site :P

In real life you'd say Piraka, right? :P

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Dok, I hate to try and give you my personal view on the situation, but my personal view on the situation is that the reason you can't get this chick is because you just used the expression

nervous as Karzahni



because in real life i wouldn't say karzahni, silly. this is a children's site :P


At least say 'heck'. Much better substitute word. That means you're lying, Dokky. YOU'RE LYING, YOU'RE A GODDERN GEEK. :o


Good luck on getting her. Chances are, she'll probably just go along with you for the free food. Be careful man. Nothing too impressive, at least not until you know she's interested. :P

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