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No, I Don't.

Boogie Monsta


But srsly. I think I'll start having a points system for commenters.. Cuz I'm still bored occasionally..

Maybe change my blog name, too..

I wonder if I can change my name yet.. Maybe I'll just be Ferhago..


Oh, and for those that care, here's a new dream. Spoiler'd to keep length down.

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Don't remember all that much from this one, except that it was mostly in the classroom where robotics is. I was there for a while, with Angel, her sister,

Julia, and Jon (invincible-awesome-Mexican-type). I remember coming home from that by myself, because the others had to work on something. For some reason

my house was at the top of a big hill, so there were like hundreds of steps to get to the front door, cuz the front walk started at the bottom of the hill.

So I remember them pulling up in a really old car (like the kind gangsters had a long time ago, long fronts with the extra tire nestled slightly behind and

above the front wheel). They parked it at the bottom, took like 10 minutes to climb the stairs, and knocked on the door. For some reason somebody started

videotaping.. So I answered the door, but for some reason the storm door wouldn't open, but the glass was missing, so they just crawled through there one

at a time. I picked Angel up, spun her around, hugged her, and then we went off and looked at Pon and Zi on the Lappy.. I woke up somewhere in there.


Also Dorek's suggestion taken.




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