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Jinzo: "devastating"



From here.


There's a track at about 52:00 that seems to get at the heart of things.



Don't they know that there's something going on?

What they're harming with their indecision?

Who will be left standing when I'm gone?

There'll be nothing left of our but a vision.


And it's too easy to turn a blind eye to the light,

It's too easy to bow your head and pray.

But there are some times

When you should try to find your voice,

And this is one voice that you must find today.


Are you hoping for a miracle

As the icicles ice caps melt away?

No use hoping for a miracle,

There's a price we'll have to pay.


Don't they know that there's something they can do

To be sure of tomorrow's tomorrow?

And too late, it's too late for me and you,

No more time left for you tomorrow.


And its too easy to turn a blind eye to the light,

It's too easy to bow your head and pray.

There are some times

When you should try to find your voice,

This is one voice that you must find today.


Are you hoping for a miracle

As the ice caps melt away?

No use hoping for a miracle,

There's a price we'll have to pay.


And its too easy to turn a blind eye to the light,

It's too easy to bow your head and pray.

There are some times

When you should try to find your voice,

This is one voice that you must find today.


(Miracle by Oceanlab feat. Justine Suizza, lyrics transcribed by me [fixed])


As with all great music and poetry, its meaning depends on what you bring to the party. For me, this song has a grand, fundamental, overarching significance, but one specific context stands out for me at this moment.


All I can say is that I'm going to be participating in a demonstration tomorrow. :plain:


Oh, and the mix has uncountable other musical delights to recommend it, not just the dead words above. Give it a try. :music:


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Thanks, EW.


Well, I looked up the real lyrics now, and I have to say I feel let down just a bit.


"Global warming." Pfft. Don't they know that theory's been shot down by real science ages ago?


Oh, well, it's still a good song. :D I just happen to be a skeptic on that issue.


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I must admit that I don't always use the meanings of the songs, instead using my own meanings. Music is a free art, and what's wrong with defining things as I see fit? I'll even twist lyrics lightly if I think they'll make the same sounds. xD



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I'll give it a listen in a moment, but the word "devastating" reminded me to look for an old house / jungle track... to which I know not it's name.


It's a chick (black, I think) talking about how a relationship with no love can be devastating.

Heart it like 11 years ago... I should probably just run it through a search along with the word "lyrics" to find it.



Dang... what were the lyrics...


no peace, no trust, no love JUST.... devastating...


Well, I looked up the real lyrics now, and I have to say I feel let down just a bit.


"Global warming." Pfft. Don't they know that theory's been shot down by real science ages ago?


Doesn't matter that global warming's fake.

A LOT of governments and corporations are getting control of LOTS of people through taxes, donations, zoning laws, being able to put smaller competitors out of business with "environmental" standards laws...

...just the other day I'm sitting in the laundromat listening to the ONLY station the radio there got... boom... 10 minutes of a global warming ad pouring on the guilt sauce and asking for money.


And you know... no matter how obvious the truth of the matter is, I realized ALL I can do is spread the word around mouth to mouth. That's it.


The whole theory might have been dis-proven, but we're still going to be affected by it thanks to greedy people. >__<




Charles Schillings - No Communication, No Love (Devastating)


It's on a 4-CD set called "Dancefloor Anthology".


EDIT: Ah, listened to Oceanlab's song you mentioned. Yeah, that's a particularly warm and gooey part of the playlist. I love stuff like that, phoney environmental nonsense aside.


And that's terrible. Replacing icecaps with icicles would have made it a timeless kind of awesome, not a dated act of ignorance.



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how a relationship with no love can be devastating. ... no peace, no trust, no love JUST.... devastating...

Not even codependent love? That's something I've never come across IRL, thank goodness. The imagination balks.


10 minutes of a global warming ad pouring on the guilt sauce and asking for money.

The mainstream media's full of it. In more ways than one. >.< Good news, though: the scientific community, at least, is coming around. The years of censorship have got a lot of honest, informed scientists fighting back. It's only a matter of time before the truth breaks through into public awareness -- to the extent that it ever will, given what's at stake. But I guess by the time the hoax has outlived its usefulness, they'll have newer, scarier things to pressure us with. :/


I still like the song. Anyway, the ice caps as we see them today are technically toast, once the pole shift happens. The new ones will probably be a lot bigger, though. 8[


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