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Oww My Entire Body



i added 50 lbs worth of resistance to my total gym the other day


and i can feel it...


...now :P


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I can't even lift 50 pounds on most of the college gym machines (two of them I can), so good for you. :P



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Not bad for a couple of ladies.


I shouldnt say much though, I am way out of shape, last time I did bench press was sometime in November.

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you guys must realize, this is 50 pounds in addition, not just 50 pounds by itself :P


I know that, I was saying I can't even lift 50 by itself, so I am in awe. :P



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Guest kopakanuva13


you guys must realize, this is 50 pounds in addition, not just 50 pounds by itself :P

Nah, I was joking xD

I can barely lift like ten. [/exaggeration]

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you guys must realize, this is 50 pounds in addition, not just 50 pounds by itself :P


I know that, I was saying I can't even lift 50 by itself, so I am in awe. :P



lol, okay


but you're a girl, and you're pretty skinny, so it's all cool :P

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you guys must realize, this is 50 pounds in addition, not just 50 pounds by itself :P


I know that, I was saying I can't even lift 50 by itself, so I am in awe. :P



lol, okay


but you're a girl, and you're pretty skinny, so it's all cool :P


What are you implying? ;) I used to be able to lift about 80-100 on most machines, but I fell out of my exercise regiment a couple years ago.



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Um... I can pick up a friend of mine, throw her over my shoulder and walk down a driveway... What's that mean? =P

My friends can all do this to me... What's that mean?

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Um... I can pick up a friend of mine, throw her over my shoulder and walk down a driveway... What's that mean? =P

It means you should stop throwing your friends... over things....


Stop it. It's not healthy. For your friends.

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Dok are you an oooonooo-oooo



Yeah Dok, you need a cool sig like mine...


If I could see it...



I'll make one for Dok too




I didn't see the image until I quoted you. It only appears to me in the add comment thing.

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