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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 4a, 5b, & 18-21



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.



The revised fourth article proposed by Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Toa_Ausar hereby proposes that "MATORAN CHRONICLER" ChocoLvr13 be promoted to the position of "TOA" and be granted all the powers and privileges thereof.


Toa_Ausar further proposes that the title and position of "MATORAN CHRONICLER" shall be left vacant until such time as "The C.I.R.C.L.E." chooses to expand its' membership ranks.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The yet again revised fifth article proposed by Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Toa_Ausar hereby proposes that the following revised sketch, that was previously adopted as the preliminary map of "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe", be replaced by the following refined sketch instead.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The eighteenth article proposed by RingMaster Zee is as follows:

RingMaster Zee hereby proposes that in addition to the "Kemet Nui Blaster", the "Alpha Cordak-.47", also known as the "AC-47", be considered one of the most sought after weapons within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe", due in large part to its' "kill-to-cost" ratio.


The gun is manufactured and sold at a relatively cheap price and has both incredible accuracy, as well as an immense level of firepower. Though the La Nui military doesn't allow most inhabitants to utilize the "AC-47" without express permission and a valid reason, somehow several powerful underground organizations still manage to obtain the weapon for standard use. It is believed that greedy weaponsmiths from the Isle of Xia, in an effort to garner a little extra money, have been known to sell the schematics of the "AC-47" to these less than scrupulous organizations so that they can produce the item themselves.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The nineteenth article proposed by Kohila is as follows:

Kohila hereby proposes that these Rahi, known as "Shadow Flyers" are occasionally utilized by the Brotherhood of Makuta within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe", typically for things such as protecting a Makuta's Fortress, like the one on the Isle of Destral.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The twentieth article proposed by Kohila is as follows:

Kohila hereby proposes that the "Golden Gauntlets" be considered a one-of-a-kind weapon within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" that allow their user the ability to channel hatred and anger into dark impulses that grant them the capacity to control Rahi.


The "Golden Gauntlets" were created by a Po-Matoran named Etoc on the Isle of Metru Nui when he discovered that a Mind Control Kanoka Disk worked better on Rahi if the user contained some form of ill intent in their mind. Etoc then left Metru Nui and sought council with Makuta Vamprah on the Isle of Xia, to showed him his discovery. Once Vamprah had received the plans for the "Golden Gauntlets" from Etoc, he promptly fed the Po-Matoran to "The Mountain".


In time Vamprah had a single pair of the "Golden Gauntlets" forged before destroying the schematics, however they were later stolen by the Makuta Tarel of Ouir Nui and eventually given to Toa Ouir Podaru.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


The twenty-first article proposed by RingMaster Zee is as follows:

RingMaster Zee hereby proposes that a small population of Makuta managed to survive Teridax's slaughter of their species by fleeing into the "Zone of Darkness" and remaining there, beyond the scope of the Great Spirit, for an undetermined length of time before returning to "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe".


Exactly how these surviving Makuta traveled to and from this "Field of Shadows" is unknown at this time, although it can be assumed that possibly a surviving Visorak Kahgarak may have played some role.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY".


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of this joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all six articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PDT (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday January 19th, 2009 provided that at least 3/4 of C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, all C.I.R.C.L.E. Members will be notified of the results via PM as well as when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the formation of C.I.R.C.L.E. and what that entails.




UPDATE: Article 4a has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", also

Article 5b has passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", next

Article 18 failed to pass due to an "UNBROKEN TIE VOTE", plus

Articles 19 & 20 have both passed via "UNANIMOUS DECISION", meanwhile

Article 21 has passed with a total of "SIX AYE VOTES TO TWO NAY VOTES" and the polls are now closed.




Recommended Comments

Okay then, I'll cast my votes.


Article 4A: Aye. After all, he should have all the benefits of a regular member, including rank.

Article 5B: Aye. Sure, I still don't like the Great-Spirit-as-a-Universe idea, but your new placement of the domes is a bit better.

Article 18: Aye. All the more reason for Chazok to have a Kemet Nui Blaster, after all he is the best bounty hunter of them all. :evilgrin:

Article 19: Aye. But I must ask, are those like Venom Flyers or different?

Article 20: Aye. What the heck.

Article 21: Aye. However, I would like to add that we should not consider the Makuta completely gone even after the slaughter, because they must appear somehow like Matoran and other races that are born without reproduction. In the far future, there would be more of them appearing and joining the Brotherhood anyway. :D



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Okay then, I'll cast my votes.


Article 4A: Aye. After all, he should have all the benefits of a regular member, including rank.

Article 5B: Aye. Sure, I still don't like the Great-Spirit-as-a-Universe idea, but your new placement of the domes is a bit better.

Article 18: Aye. All the more reason for Chazok to have a Kemet Nui Blaster, after all he is the best bounty hunter of them all. :evilgrin:

Article 19: Aye. But I must ask, are those like Venom Flyers or different?

Article 20: Aye. What the heck.

Article 21: Aye. However, I would like to add that we should not consider the Makuta completely gone even after the slaughter, because they must appear somehow like Matoran and other races that are born without reproduction. In the far future, there would be more of them appearing and joining the Brotherhood anyway. :D




Article 19 ~ More along the lines of small, winged Rahkshi. Hopefully, I will have the picture of one added tomorrow afternoon. BTW, the MOC will not disappoint. ;)



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I say "Aye" to all stated articles.


However, I feel reluctant to add that that the AC-47 could/cannot be distributed to Xioc Nui due to its *Ahem* Position Problems with the Universe. However, this does not change my vote; my vote on Article Eighteen remains "Aye".



:hau: -Em- :infected:
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4a- Aye.

5b- Aye.

18- Nay. I'd say these all-powerful weapons are nearing that human line. AK-47, AC-47? If there is a possibility of changing the name, then AYE.

19- Aye.

20- Aye.

21- Aye.


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18-Nay, on the grounds stated by Chocolvr13



21-nay, seeing Ausar's post has changed my mind on this article

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20-undecided, it seems the sort of thing that could be easily rediscovered. im willing to change my mind but i may need more info on it



Article 20 ~ You'd think that, but when a Makuta wants something destroyed, it gets destroyed. Etoc carved it onto a stone, which Vamprah destroyed with disintegrater eyebeams.


The "Golden Gauntlets" are made from a special kind of Pureified Protodermis, which will be revealed later. ;)



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Article 4a ~ "AYE" and it looks like I'll need to modify the Group Logo. :happydance:


Article 5b ~ "AYE" and here's to hoping that everyone likes the next step in this cartograph's evolution. :begging:


Article 18 ~ "NAY" for the reason that ChocoLvr13 stated concerning the name. :shrugs:


Article 19 ~ "AYE"


Article 20 ~ "AYE"


Article 21 ~ "NAY" because I think that there are far more creative ways of describing and developing individualized villains than simply saying, "Oh, and they're a Makuta too." Furthermore, if I had just taken over the Universe and was afforded all the abilities that position held, then I'd be sure to annihilate every last person with the capacity to follow in my footsteps, no matter how remote and secluded their hiding place may be. ;)

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Article 22 ~ "NAY" because I think that there are far more creative ways of describing and developing individualized villains than simply saying, "Oh, and they're a Makuta too." Furthermore, if I had just taken over the Universe and was afforded all the abilities that position held, then I'd be sure to annihilate every last person with the capacity to follow in my footsteps, no matter how remote and secluded their hiding place may be. ;)



Ah, but think: Can Makuta travel into different dimensions? As far as we know, he cannot, even in Great Spirit form. I do not, however, believe that a sole surviving Kahgarak opened the portal to the "Zone of Darkness", but some other source. ;)


Btw, Here's the Shadow Flyer. :D



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Sure they can, remember Tridax traveled to a great many in his attempts to create an Army of Shadow Toa. ;)


Ah, and isn't that li'l Shadow Flyer just the cutest thing you ever did see? :wub:


Seriously though, I'll give it a full review once it graces your Inhabitants Topic. :fonz:

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Sure they can, remember Tridax traveled to a great many in his attempts to create an Army of Shadow Toa. ;)


Ah, and isn't that li'l Shadow Flyer just the cutest thing you ever did see? :wub:


Seriously though, I'll give it a full review once it graces your Inhabitants Topic. :fonz:


Ah, but Tridax used an Olmak. :sly: And plus, we don't even know if "Great Spirit" Teridax can monitor more than one place at a time, meaning that he could've been paying attention to a Stelt revolt while the Makuta escaped under the radar. :shrugs: But still, I dislike the idea of a lone, surviving Kahgarak. I never liked the Visorak, and don't think I ever will. :uhuh: And even with my disdain out of the picture, I think that letting the Makuta live is enough impunity for one article. To have a Kahgarak survive the Visorak Genocide is just... uncanon. :shrugs:


I'm glad you like the Shadow Flyer. :) It took me as many attempts to create it than it took Krika. :P


Personally, I just think it's the best ugly and small sentry I've ever seen, rivaling the Gate Guardian in cuteness. :wub:



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Yeah the shadow flyer is cool.

Ausar and Kohila

there is probaly a few ways to to leave the universe without the use of a Kahgarahk or Olmak and if there isnt we could always make one up. One of the powers the Farcron amour can grant is the ability to open dimensional gates, also for anyone who is intrested check out kohilas moc of me


Toa Zahaku

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Theres nothing saying that there is a lone surviving Kahgarahk is that link you provided

Edit: sorry didnt see that small bit saying that

also when did that kahgarahk go/sent there in the story?


Toa Zahaku

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Well, I know that a Kahgarak was sent to the Zone of Darkness on Page 70 of "BIONICLE Adventures #8: Challenge of the Hordika", but I thought that it exited the Field of Shadows on Page 101, so I'm not really certain if that's the same one that the BioSector01 article refers to or not? :???:


Honestly, the article makes it sound like the second Kahgarak that accidentally sent the first Kahgarak into the Zone of Darkness on Page 70, then sent itself, along with Whenua & Bomonga, into the pocket dimension on Page 71, which is not what I read, so maybe BS01 is wrong in this case? :notsure:

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Im on it cause theres some other questions i want ask him

edit: ok heres what i got


1) Is there a lone surviving Kahgarahk in the field of shadows?

2) Do you consider Tarix and Gresh good morally? Malum and Skrall evil? Strakk and Vorox "neutral"? wondering because thats the way i see them.

and one unrelated question

3) Did you watch the Doctor Who Christmas special and if so what did you think of it?


Toa Zahaku



1) Is there a reason there would be?

2) I do not consider Malum evil, no ... and as for the Skrall, I would probably wait until you start reading the Skrall serial before making a decision on them.

3) No, hasn't aired in the US yet

Ive sent a reply so ill edit this post when it comes

just ignore the other questions

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Well, Tarth has recently informed me via PM that he is unable to vote on any articles until February, thus I'm simply waiting for Toa Zahaku to make up his mind in terms of Article 18 before closing the polls. :lol:


I'm also curious to hear GregF's reply to Toa Zahaku's revised inquiry. ;)

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yeah, problem here, i realised my reply didnt get through because Gregs inbox has been full for the past few days but i saved it and i will send ASAP.

i decided on article 18 and edited my first post

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The polls are now closed however this thread will continue to remain open for a short period of time in order for Toa Zahaku to be able to post GregF's much-anticipated reply and if necessary an Article 21b will be written. ;)
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Ok i got a reply, here it is


1) Is there a lone surviving Kahgarahk in the field of shadows?

2) Do you consider Tarix and Gresh good morally? Malum and Skrall evil? Strakk and Vorox "neutral"? wondering because thats the way i see them.

and one unrelated question

3) Did you watch the Doctor Who Christmas special and if so what did you think of it?


Toa Zahaku



1) Is there a reason there would be?

2) I do not consider Malum evil, no ... and as for the Skrall, I would probably wait until you start reading the Skrall serial before making a decision on them.

3) No, hasn't aired in the US yet


1) Well in biosector 01 it said there was one in the field of shadows and a group of my friends and I would like to know.

2) so what do you consider malum to be?Strakk? Gresh? and Tarix?

3)well in my opinion it was exelent so i think you should try to watch it somehow



1) If that's the case, it's from story that's four years old and I really don't recall.

2) I consider Gresh to be very idealistic, Tarix to be very honorable, Strakk to be completely mercenary, and Malum to be bitter and resentful.

3) I will, once it's aired here. We have to wait for Sci-Fi to air it here.


so theres our answer to our inquiry, though not one that actually answers our question <_<

If you think i should send a reply tell me and i will


Toa Zahaku

Edit: wait not sure about this but who is that member two post above this one, a new C.I.R.C.L.E associate?

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