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The Wind Is >still< In My Pocket



Sigh... "Cruises" looks like "Gruises".


Oh, where was I?


The Wind! This blog entry is actually about the wind! The wind is MAWSOME! Wind, if people made me choose what element I like best (I'm talking 'bout the four) would be what I immediately choose. I'm a wind guy. I like wind. I dun like passing it, I like it passing me. The whooshness of a very windy day is just... man, it takes my imagination and tries to like, stretch it out along with the ribbons of air that whizz by.


Wind totally owns the other three:


Fire is totally awesome to watch, what with the ribbons of flame licking up to the sky and going so fast they don't seem to move so much as appear then vanish. But fire is SO cliche as a favorite element. People like the burningness and destroyness of it and not much else. Me, I just appreciate the flames flipping to the sky, the stars shinging down, and a crunchy Summore in my mouth. I top peace over destruction (I mean, come one, peace makes everyone, including you, happy, destruction's just pointless).


Water is cool in different circumstances, mainly what's happening to it. Thanks to Bionicle, with water I connotate female, which makes me think I -whoa, on my computer clock I thought it said "Yesterday" (it actually said Tuesday), which would've been very odd if today was yesterday.. - shouldn't like water as much. But water's prolly my second choice, because it, like wind, is flowy and wispy. Just thicker. Plus, with water comes bubbles. Were bubbles an element, hoo boy, don me a cape and call me Bubble Man (But I'm already Bagel Man). Taking photographs with the sun reflecting off its rippliness is fun. It's funner when ducks are in lensshot. Geese are so weird.. I'm not even joking. They're just WEIRD.


Earth.. I've never really got this one. According to Bionicle it's dirt. And hunchbacked people. But really I've always seen earth mean dirt/stone, or plants. Either or. I like to think of the quality of plants being titled "Nature" but nature rules over weather and all that stuff.. so nah. Take Neopets. Their Earth faerie isn't some dirt girl, she's got ivy and plants all around her- wait, idn't she the one with the afro? Disco... earth..

Gah, I've got too many things to connotate with earth to even know if I like it or not. Notre Dame, astronomy and John Travolta. Confusing...


Heart. Oh gosh. Captain Planet just made the most retarded decision ever. Some South American kid with a monkey. What.. exactly.. does heart do? I always imagine him holding his hands out zombielike and moaning, "Heeaaarrttsss...." Since we're on the subject of Captian Planet (who still purchases despite Ma-Ti), another plus about wind is that it's possessed by that European chick :-O :-O



So you see, don't you.. why wind owns. It does because it does. The reason why is itself. But I'm not here to tangent too far on logics.. tuff... but instead to portray the reasons why I love the wind. When it's hot and sunny and the air is like a breathable plastic sheet (wind != air), and clouds are off throwing a party someelsewhere, if you've got the wind you've got coolness and comfort. Especially when it's really, REALLY windy, and the wind pushes you, that's a heckofalotof fun. And crunchy leaves swirling around make it a dream come true. We've had an area of our school courtyard (which is huge and awesome (at least where the trees are) ) that never got raked, and it was right in the path from the cafeteria to French. The result was an enormous pile of leaves that were fun to crunch through (not too deep, or feel the yicky dampness) and let the wind swirl around in mini tornado (dust devils are so cool!!!).


Sadly, speeching of tornados, that is the only negative effect to wind. Tornados and hurricanes and gales all such violent-wind storms. There's scarcely anything in this world without a bad side. But it's important to appreciate the goodness of wind, the things we ake for granted, otherwise all we think about wind is the disasters it causes and we think, "Who needs wind? I hate the wind."


If you hate the wind, well, that's not a vital enough opinion that I would try to convince you otherwise of, but know that I disagree.


The wind rules.


WindWaker was okay.. the graphics could actually be neat in some parts... that boat was cool..


WindWalk is an AWESOME ability. I always use that hero when I'm playing Orcs.


The Vialsi from Parable (New version of the Core Dimension) are all themed around wind. They're cool. Tuarion ("Tar-yun") rides a Dere ("dare"), an animal made from wind ("wi-nd").


The wind... in spain.. stays mainly.. in the plain. Sorry, non-plain-living Spaniards.


The wind is totally in my pocket. So are 3 dollars (boo yah, $ $ $) but the wind is fine sharing close quarters with several silver coins. Make that not several, a dozen.


He's immune to literature!




Oh look, I din'd use any tags...


Recommended Comments

If it weren't for the fact that wind dries out my eyes and makes them sting and that it pretty much froze my rear end off during winter (I don't mind the cold, but cold + wind = Lygsicle) I guess I'd like the wind.


I'm more of a water person, from before Bionicle and water = female. Cuz the way it flows around and things float and swim and you really kinda need it to survive (then again you need air a tad more)


Also running through the sprinkler on a summer day = ultimate happiness =DDD Bit o' breeze is always welcome as well...


I thought it was the RAIN in Spain.



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