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Welcome To Boxtus Arena

MT Zehvor


Hello, bloggers, other premier people, and anyone else who's reading this. This is my 1st day of premierness, and the first day of bloggingness. Special welcome to the readers of my comedy and my friends.


For anyone who didn't get the blog title, "Boxtus" Arena was an arena in "The Bionicles Try To Run A House." The Glatorian use a giant cardboard box for an arena, and they aptly name it "Boxtus," a take off on the Skrall arena "Roxtus."


Two things to know: Boxtus is becoming the new home of "Turtle Crossing," a weekly sort of blog like thing I was running elsewhere, and it is also the home of the newly changed League(Order sounded weird) for a Better BZPower, which recently succeeded the Order for a Pure BZPower. There will be a blog entry for both of those.


And one last thing. I'm not entirely sure about all the new "powers" or whatever, but if you need a poll or something like that, PM me.




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I did put up a base entry. Black Six has a problem with the group, so he locked it, and now I'm trying to convince him of our good intentions through PM.


What I don't get is his main problem with it. He seems to want us to continue doing this, but he's opposed to us doing it in a group. I'm not sure why. We're more efficient in a group, and I myself find it more fun that way.



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I think he's afraid we'll turn out like the Vahki. truthfully though, my hand in this whole thing is that i only hope to be able to have an *coughhalfofficialcough* position. Seriously though, when i get premier, i'll help out in my own unique way.



Please listen BlackSix! if anyone trys' to say they have "Power" over the site becuase of a name, i'll virtually slap them... and kick their buts, and i'm pretty sure MT would too, we both survived that little conflict.

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I went in there because I felt like they were trying to replace the mods. And I couldn't allow that to happen. I can understand his worries, but he's not going to allow us to work as a group, so all we can do is mark time and hope we can eventually do enough good to convince him.


You could try taking it up with Dimensioneer, as he is the only one with more power, but I doubt you'd get very far.



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You are doing the same thing a the Vahki. Trust me, I resigned a Vahki because it all got crazy. I don't even think that groups like this are allowed, and just saying "We'll do things different!" is not good enough. However, I hope Black Six says this can stay...I might join...

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Look, the main fault with the Vahki was that half of the members acted like they had some sort of Power of the site JUST BECAUSE THEY HAD VAHKI IN THEIR NAME!


My point is, ideas like this are good, but for them to be affective they must be strong. However, not so strong that they think themselves above the gods.

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You are right Kini, although most of that was all a joke just so the Vahki could have some fun while helping people. However, thanks to good old MT here, that didn't work out, now did it?

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Exactly, but it doesn't matter if it was a joke. They were abusing their rights as members, we won't make that mistake. if we do, Black six can ban us for a week.

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K. Well if you do good, good for you. But when you think about it, the only reason the Vahki didn't do good is because of Maryland Terps interfering. You immediately branded us as villians and acted quite childishly. However, if you do do good, then that's good. I might join this organization...

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You act as if this was all my fault. It wasn't. I had been monitoring you guys for quite some time. I saw a few members abusing powers, didn't want that on my topics, and demanded that you leave my topics alone. There may be some who's intentions were good. I'm happy for them. But the bad ones stuck out more than the good, and since I couldn't have good without bad, I made those demands. Apparently it ended up being the end of the Vahki, although I'm not sure why it's so hard to just stay away from specific topics. I even said you could check them for spam or anything. But that wasn't good enough..



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You act as if this was all my fault. It wasn't. I had been monitoring you guys for quite some time. I saw a few members abusing powers, didn't want that on my topics, and demanded that you leave my topics alone. There may be some who's intentions were good. I'm happy for them. But the bad ones stuck out more than the good, and since I couldn't have good without bad, I made those demands. Apparently it ended up being the end of the Vahki, although I'm not sure why it's so hard to just stay away from specific topics. I even said you could check them for spam or anything. But that wasn't good enough..



Okay, I don't want to start a fight. I am SICK of fighting. That is why I quit the Vahki. I can tell that you honestly do not get what happened, so I will break it down for you. We were doing what you guys are trying to do now, help BZPower. However, we also wanted to have fun while doing it. So we started to recruit new members. One member, Orin of the Winter, got mad at us, so we tried to calm him and explain it to him. He didn't listen. Orin of the Winter now realizes he was wrong. You don't, so I will elaborate. This quote in your comedy is what started it.

It would appear we have a new enemy now that the raptor fad has been beaten back. According to Karzahni the Mental, a new fad, the Vahki one has taken it's place. You can see it's beginning's here. I have told them that we refuse to submit to their authority, and that they are not welcome on my BZP home, the comedy forum. They are definitely not allowed on this comedy, or any other of mine.

You immediately branded us as criminals, and took up the role of policeman. LIKE WE COULD REALLY TAKE OVER BZPower! Come on! And also, you say that you even allowed the Vahki to check for spam. Read this sentence. THAT WAS ALL WE WERE EVER GOING TO DO! But you didn't listen, so you and tarakavaseargent poked and prodded and sucked all the fun out of it, to the point where your friend had to break it up. Now, the Vahki wanted to get a fresh start, so they swichted to the Bohrok. However, I thought that wa stupid, so I quit. You can tell why I quit because of the quote in my sig.

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You have left crucial parts out of what I said earlier. This is not the first time I have encountered you guys. I saw members abusing their "power" as Vahki, and I wanted that as far away from my topics as possible.




For some of you, yes. I cannot say the same about others of you. I haven't been here for a year and a half without learning something, and one of things has been to recognize bad intentions. I left after I was guaranteed my comedies would be left alone. I LEFT.


That's all I have to say.



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You are right, but you left after you ruined it for us. It's like bombing a place and then leaving, and saying later, "Well, I left!" Anyway, it's over, and I want to put it behind me. And you may be right about some Vahki abusing their power. I am not calling you a liar in that regard.

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Sounds good. Try and not get into arguments. If you see others doing it, stop them. Discussion may continue on other articles.


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