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Glatorian: A Hands-on Experience

Danska: Shadow Master


I have Glatorian! Finally! I am now in possession of Malum, Strakk, Tarix and Gresh. I like them a lot! I was so, so pleased to see real elemental colour schemes make a return. Each one looks like they belong in their respective environment even more than the original Toa Mata did! In fact, each one looks like a creature you would find in a lava cave or an icy wilderness and so on. Let me go through and explain why.



You know what I think of when I look at Malum? I think of a huge, fearsome creature rising from lava. He is the personification in my eyes of all those huge brutish monsters you find in fantasy stories lurking around volcanic areas. Everything about him conveys a sense of immensity and power, and miniature flames adorn his head. The claws really complete it for me. Those huge, terrible claws. Can you not just see one bursting forth from a river of lava, grasping onto the side and hauling the rest of his terrifying bulk up out of the river? They're absolutely perfect!


I just love the brutish menace that surrounds this guy. He has a wonderful colour scheme combining deep red with a fiery orange, vibrant yellow and a surprisingly fitting grey. I find myself fully able to believe him to be an outcast, for he looks the part completely.



This guy strongly reminds me of the ice creatures seen in the background of the old Ice Slizer. He's another fearsome looking being, though not in the same way as Malum. Strakk represents menace. Everything about him screams it. The bent body, the huge ice spikes, that terrifying grin and oh that axe! He looks like the sort of creature who would lie in wait for his prey, then detach himself slowly from the side of a glacier and slowly stalk them. I'm so glad he has blue eyes, too! Green or orange simply would not have worked for this guy.


I didn't like how the shoulder armour was attached at first, but it's grown on me. It didn't look right sideways (not that I could get it to fit), so on the front it must stay. It does work with his mask. It works very, very well. It's just a pity they couldn't come up with something for his very plain legs.



Unlike the others, Tarix does not look menacing or evil at all. Tarix looks warrior-like, certainly, but welcomingly so (if there is such a thing). He looks like a being you'd find lurking in the ocean depths, one of a small cluster of survivors from an ancient yet rich civilisation. A fearsome presence but a reasonable one, and willing to aid those in need. The gold adds a lot to Tarix's demeanour. It gives him a truly regal appearance, and the Mata blue (which some think looks out of place) I find to be necessary to avoid excessive dullness by joining three dark blue limb pieces together.


I really, really like Tarix. It probably is the gold, but there's something about him that truly captures my imagination. The weapons are very nice, too. They look fluid and elegant, which in many ways is what Tarix represents.



Gresh has the look of a hunter about him. His appearance suggests that he is a member of a forgotten jungle tribe - an important member at that - who are masters at hunting and sneaking about the jungle unseen. A master of ambush but willing to communicate with those captured. That is what Gresh says to me. He is one of my favourite Glatorian. The lime, green and black combination has been pulled off beautifully adding vibrancy and contrast to the set. I adore his helmet too, which I prefer to think of as his actual head, and those blades...simply beautiful! I like how the claws were used, too. Spikes seem to be the in thing for this year's sets.


He has a very lean appearance, which suits him well. The way his blades can be used as either dual-wielded blades or a shield I think is wonderful, and both look good. I can find very little to complain about with this guy.



I'm realising that I shall have to start writing a story that incorporates all these ideas. The Agori will be the heroes of the tale, representing your common band of adventurers, and the Glatorian can be the various creatures and beings encountered on their quest. I'm really looking forward to this!


Well, that's my rather unusual take on the Glatorian over. Let's see where this goes!


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I bought them online from Amazon. I've been checking it regularly, as I haven't found them in stores anywhere. At first they had everything except Malum and Gresh - two that I particularly wanted, so when they did become available I snapped them up.


Amazon's very good, especially now that you can get free delivery on anything over £5. Quicker and cheaper than the Lego website, that's for sure.

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By calculating prices between pounds and Swedish crowns, I've found out that if I buy four Glatorians from Amazon.co.uk, I'll save 100 SEK (crowns), which is around eight pounds.

Every Glatorian is 100 SEK in pounds, but 129.50 SEK in Swedish crowns.

I better buy from Amazon.co.uk, or else I have to pay for five Glatorians to get four.


By the way -- do you know if the free delivery of everything over five pounds works in other countries than United Kingdom?


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