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Going Nuclear



Well, I am. Kind of... ish.


In the past month I've become increasingly interested in things related to nuclear weapons, technology, fallouts, and radiation. I don't know why at all, but I doubt it has a thing to do with my favorite game of all time having "HalfLife" in it. Not to mention I read a factual story a while back about a boyscout who tried making a nuclear reactor and caused his entire block to be quarantined, and nearly died.


But really, I'm starting to think I'm going crazy or something. In fact, I've even looked up if there's any place to buy a Geiger Counter just because I think it'd be neat.


No, I'm not fooling around with nuclear, or radioactive things, but somehow those sort of things do in some way intrigue me, if not frighten.






P.S.: Does anyone know where I might be able to buy a Geiger Counter?


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All over, online. Nothing a Google search will fail you in.

But like any electronic equipment, don't just buy the first thing you find. Do a little boring research into product reviews. Don't get a unit because it looks cool either... go for functionality and dependability.


If you're into the nuclear thing as a form of horror entertainment, like to be "scared", I suggest tracking down an old 80's British movie called "Threads".


Th eerie thing is how it's an old movie, but current events can be meshed into the start of the movie where everything hits the fan. (News censoring from Middle East, etc etc...)


These days, I'm finding hundreds of things of a non-nuclear nature far more terrifying than a bomb going off.

In one case, a bunch of people are erased at once, it blows and life blows afterwards... but from there you know what to do... survive and make the world as better as humanly possible.

On the other hand, things are done to us day to day that no one blinks at, though we're intentionally being "weakened" on just about every level of our humanity.


The next few years are going to be interesting.



Oh, and you might want to spend, oh, A DAY OR TWO watching videos of Chernobyl (Czarnobyl) on a popular video site. I got sucked into watching these a few weeks ago... especially finding interesting vids of a documentary chick riding her bike REAL FAST through certain modern-day areas of Russia so as to avoid getting hit with too many rads. Likewise, not riding behind other vehicles so as to avoid radioactive dust kicking up into her lungs from their tires.


One thing I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wish I had pictures of was of this forest immediately after the disaster, in which all the trees, no joke, glowed BRIGHT RED in daylight!

The Russians bulldozed it all, but wow... that'd be awesome.


Also, I wonder if there's any truth to the Rusians saying that only 30 (thirty... three-zero) people died during that whole nightmare? lol?

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Being obsessed with the ultimate explosive and power generator is not a crazy thing. It is truly sanity. :)


But seriously, radiation is cool, and it would be handy to have done your research in a nuclear holocaust. :)


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