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Turtle Crossing #1

MT Zehvor


Welcome to the first edition of "Turtle Crossing" on Boxtus Arena. Before I became premier, it's previous home was on The Bionicles Try To Run A House, my comedy. Now that I am premier and have a blog, I've moved it here because a blog seems a more appropriate place to put it.


This one is going to be a little different than the other Turtle Crossings. Here we have 4 contestants, different each week, and we go through a list of different topics and ask their opinions on them. The more convincing the argument, the more points they get. If an argument just plain sucks, the person will be muted and deducted a point.


There are two cuts, (a special thanks to the stroke of genius that named the two cuts "1st and 2nd cut") where the person with the lowest overall score gets eliminated. When all but two have been eliminated, all points gained so far are taken away and 3 questions are asked. This time, the person with the better argument wins just one point, so it's best 2 out of 3. In the unlikely case that on one question both arguments suck so bad neither deserves a point and it ends in a 1-1 tie, the person with the most points after the 2nd cut gets asked some stupid question and if he answers right he wins.


For anyone who didn't know, Omega has a problem with coffee, causing him to say "buh" every few words.


Turtle Crossing 1

Host: Omega Turtle

Contestants: Tahu, Makuta, Tuma, Nocturn


Omega Turtle: Buh hi peoples. Welcome to buh Turtle Crossing, where we usually don't know what the buh we're doing, but we do it anyway. First off, buh people, meet our buh contestants for this 1st buh edition in Boxtus, Tahu, Nocturn, Tuma, and Makuta.

Tahu: Hi.

Makuta: Hello.

Nocturn: *chomp chomp*


Omega Turtle: I already buh know who's going to be in our buh showdown. 1st Down: the buh new president. What do you buh think of him-

Levacius: HE ****ING SUCKS!!!!!!

Omega Turtle: And that is buh why we didn't ask him to buh be on our first edition. Now, what do you buh think Tahu?

Tahu: I think that it was a great moment for the United States(+1, Tahu: 1). After all, now I can truly sing the song, "Red and yellow, black and white, something something Miller Lite-"

MUTE(-1, Tahu: 0)

Omega Turtle: Uh...how about buh you Makuta?

Makuta: I think it's horrible. Because now there's no chance I'll be able to attack the White House and take over-

MUTE(-1, Makuta: -1)

Omega Turtle: How about you, buh Tuma?

Tuma: Who cares about the presidency? All I want is household dominance-

MUTE(-1, Tuma: -1)

Omega Turtle: Nocturn, please don't make me buh have to mute all of you.

Nocturn: (looks up from eating a chicken leg) What?

Omega Turtle: YES!!! SMARTEST BUH THING SAID ALL DAY!!!! (+10, Nocturn: 10)

Makuta: (who has just finished his ten seconds of being muted) Hey! That's not fair-

MUTE(-1, Makuta: -2)

Tahu: I'm done with the mean songs, sorry. I thought that it was a great moment for everyone. This to me was the final shattering of segregation. (+2, Tahu: 2) But there's one thing that was better than all.

Omega Turtle: Buh. What's that?

Tahu: Now I won't feel racist when I ask the hobo down the street for money-

MUTE(-1, Tahu: 1)

Omega Turtle: Tahu, you buh already have positive numbers, let's try and buh leave it that way. Tuma? Any thoughts?

Tuma: Does it involve the house?

Omega Turtle: Buh yes, since his decisions on laws and taxes effect us.

Tuma: Then it was probably the most important event of the day yesterday.

Omega Turtle: Buh PROBABLY?

Tuma: Yeah. Either that or the question of wether my Skrall can get the microwave working again-

Omega Turtle: BUH, NO BAD!!!! *hits the lose point button really fast* MUTE(-10 Million points, Tuma: -10,000,001)

Omega Turtle: Well, so far Tahu has had the only buh reasonable thing to buh say, even though he keeps buh shooting himself in the buh foot with his stupid side remarks. Nocturn has a commanding buh lead, however, because he didn't say anything stupid. So far, the buh score is: Nocturn 10, Tahu 1, Makuta -2, Tuma -10,000,001. 2nd Down is the buh mess up with President Barack Obama and Supreme Court Justice Buh John Roberts. What do you buh think about this?

Levacius: IT WAS-

Omega Turtle: (grabs his "mute" remote and presses it at Levacius)

Levacius: ....

Omega Turtle: That's buh better. Now, what do you buh think, Nocturn?

Nocturn: *chomp chomp*

Omega Turtle: I need some thoughts on it, Nocturn.

Nocturn: I think he was so hungry that he forgot how to say it.

Omega Turtle: Uh...buh ok...Tahu, what about you?

Tahu: Well, I think it actually has something to do with what Nocturn said, but mainly nervousness(+1). I mean, it's the most important day of his life, so that probably had something to do with it. (+1, Tahu: 3)

Omega Turtle: Now, you buh said that it might buh have something to do with what Nocturn buh said. Care to buh elaborate?

Tahu: Studies show that when you do get really nervous, your brain feeds back material that you took in a really long time ago. He might of heard a song.

Omega Turtle: Which song?

Tahu: Well, you know how the song goes, "Little ones to him belong, they are weak but he is strong like a hamburger-"

MUTE(-1, Tahu: 2)

Omega Turtle: Tahu, you need help. Seriously. Any other thoughts that don't have to do with world domination or household domination?

Makuta: How about universe domination-

MUTE(-1, Makuta: -3)

Omega Turtle: Makuta, shut up. 3rd down, and then the buh first cut. Switching buh gears from buh politics, what do you guys think about this buh year's Super Bowl?

Nocturn: Uh...

Tuma: Erm...

Makuta: (still muted)

Tahu: GO RED SOX!!!!!

Omega Turtle: That's buh baseball, Tahu.

Tahu: Oh. Well then, GO PATRIOTS!!!

Omega Turtle: They're not buh in it, Tahu.

Tahu: Seriously? Darn. Who beat them?

Omega Turtle: They buh lost the tiebreaker for the division title.

Tahu: We lost to tiebreaker? Who are they?

Omega Turtle: Tahu, I'm about to buh mute you again.

Tahu: What? What'd I say?

Omega Turtle: Now...anyone even buh know who's in it?

Makuta: The Los Angeles Yankees and the Miami Celtics?

Omega Turtle: NO!! BUH NO!! This buh hopeless. Tahu gets a point for at least buh mentioning a buh football team, and we go onto the buh first cut.

Tahu: Yay. (+1, Tahu: 3)

Omega Turtle: At the buh 1st cut, the score is buh Nocturn 10, Tahu 3, Makuta -3, and Tuma -10,000,001. Sorry buh Tuma, but you buh go bye.

Tuma: Fine...goodbye you losers!! I will rule the house some day-


Omega Turtle: And that's buh goodbye. Next up, 4th Down, and then the final cut. Makuta's got a buh big hole to dig out of. What do you buh think about the storyline this year?

Makuta: Well, since it has nothing to do with Makuta it sucks. Lego has a lot of nerve to take the villains they've been using over the past 8 years and then POOF, they go goodbye. And another thing-

MUTE(-1, Makuta: -4)

Omega Turtle: That's a buh enough of that. Tahu?

Tahu: I'm not saying anything. If I don't mess myself up I'm in the next round, so I'll be perfectly fine at 3.

Omega Turtle: Buh good choice. Nocturn?

Nocturn: ZZzzz...

Omega Turtle: That buh means it's buh Tahu and Nocturn in the Showdown. Bye bye Makuta. Any last words? Oh wait, you're still muted. Too bad....

Tahu: Yay. Showdown.

(scary music play) SHOWDOWN

Omega Turtle: Ok, buh time for 1st buh question of buh showdown. We're you happy with the way the buh election turned out, and buh why?

Tahu: Well, I sort of was, because I think a change in leadership can be very good. But at the same time, a more experienced leader would have been good, so I'm not sure it's good or bad. Plus, I can sing my songs.

Omega Turtle: One more buh thing about your racist songs and you automatically lose. Buh Nocturn?

Nocturn: zzz...

Omega Turtle: Buh Nocturn....

Nocturn: HUH?!?! WHAT?!? WHO SAID MY NAME?!?

Omega Turtle: What do you buh think about the election?

Nocturn: 1776! Battle of Lexington! Star Wars! Philadelphia!

Omega Turtle: Buh...ok..Tahu you win the point. If you win then next point, you buh win.

Tahu: Yayz.

Omega Turtle: Buh...yeah...ok. Now, buh darn. I just buh ran out of questions. Uh...what's your favorite color?

Tahu: Red!

Nocturn: Chicken!

Omega Turtle: That's not a buh color. Now, Tahu, a buh victory speech?

Tahu: Uh...buh yeah....Welcome to the jungle! We've got fun and games...and hamburgers-


Omega Turtle: Well, Tahu is our first buh winner. We'll be buh back next buh Wednesday with more of the buh same. Buh goodbye!




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If anyone didn't get the first song Tahu "sang" it really goes, "Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight." To this day, we're not sure what Tahu's religion is. I believe it is "Bostonism," although I'm not sure. (the worship of Boston sports.


If anyone wants to be on the next Turtle Xing, just tell me.



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Levacius: HE ****ING SUCKS!!!!!!


Due to my family social system, those quotes stopped as soon as he became president elect. He's our president now, and no matter how much we disagree with the mans beliefs, we must respect him.


The only people that I truly hate are people cool dudes on there seats. I could name a few, but unlike the seargent (In GO), I knock how to control myself. (DELETED)


No I don't. Well, good job, see you next Wednesday.


-Levacius the Guardian :flagusa:

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Is there any way I could be in the next turtle crossing? I would like to be in it as a contestant, with the same personality as Tuma, except I constantly talk to myself, saying stuff about my plan, like Teridax. Stuff like "Good...This means my plan is coming to fruition...mwuhahahahah..." If that is possible...You didn't specify if people could be in it as contestants or not...

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How about putting yourself in it?


Because I want to give you guys a fighting chance... :P


Tarakavaseargent is the last one in. Next week's edition will be:







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Mwuhahahahaha...That means my plan shall soon be complete! Mwuhahahahahaha...(Evil villian speak ends here.) Seriously, that is how I want My caracter to go like. I shall beat you, Tarakavaseargent!

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A message from Kraakaan: falalala... you shan't beat falala.. beat me. Great falala... minds speak alike. end message. wait... HE"S talking out of my computer!!!! :blush: :fear: :ohmy: :ohmy: :bigeek:

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Yes, I have a secret weapon. What, you might ask? Well...the ability to defeat MT in TBTTRAH hurt and heal! With KTM and Lewa#'s help of course!

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What none of you fools realize is that within the buzzers, whenever you press for the answer, you wil be catapulted to the moon! Mua ha ha ha ha ha!!! Wait, did I say that out loud?


Even so, my plan to make anvils fall whenever somebody speaks will not fail! Wait, they heard that to. Curse you all! *disappears*


*appears for the sig off*


-Levacius the Guardian :flagusa:

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