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We watched some old home videos today.


Some memorable moments:


I'm seven and in school giving a presentation on Chinese New Year.


Me (on TV): "So anyway, xin nian hao! Happy new year! Happy new year means xin nian hao."


Me: "I think I got that a little backwards there."


Me (on TV): *points at poster* "This says 'xin nian hao' in Chinese. It looks like four words but it's supposed to be three words. I meant to write three words but I messed up."


Mom: "Well, at least you were honest."


I'm... eight, maybe, and I'm actually on the local TV station 'cause they're doing something about students taking Spanish in the elementary schools.


Spanish Teacher (sotto voce): "Okay, face the camera."


Me (on TV): *opens mouth to talk* "Uh-- ACHOO!"


*all of us watching burst out laughing*


It's Christmastime whenever, and I'm playing the piano.


Dad: "Hm, your tempo was off."


Dad (on TV): "Your tempo isn't right."


Me: "You haven't changed much."


It's only a month or so after my sister was born. The camera is facing her as she plays under one of those dangly plastic Fisher-Price thingies, but it's obvious from the voices that me and my Mom are playing some kind of board game in the background. However the camera never turns to show us what exactly we're playing.


Me (on TV): "There, now you can't make a string!"


Me: "What the heck are we playing?"


Mom: "I don't know!"


Me: "Well whatever it is, I'm totally beating you at it!"


Me (on TV): "Hah! I won! I totally beat you!"


Dad: "You haven't changed much."




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I'm in a bit of a nostalgiac moment myself -- I'm in the process of cleaning the room, a monumental task given its state of mess for the last four or five years. I'm turning up old relics from the Pokemon era, Star Wars too... bunch of old junk. In this way I've actually accessed long-forgotten memories today.

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Hah, sounds like you had fun. My family and I watched about 3 hours of home videos over the Christmas break and there were several moments like the ones you described.

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