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I am glad to see that all that appears to have been wrong with my RPG (Below) were the few spelling errors, along with the lack of Robo Moderator (Though I was planning on putting him there anyway =P). That's good, since it got positive responses. I'm requesting it February 23rd, and if I am very lucky, it will be approved before March, which would be great. I'm really anticipating this, since it'll be the first RPG I'll be trying to run eversince my last -Failure-. This time, I've improved quite a bit, as well as have modding abilities and experience, along with story stuff planned out so that it doesn't get stale by the first few posts.


Though, I'm hoping to see a diversity among the characters, rather than all the players focusing around one area, since they'll all eventually have some interesting things to do, that may end up making other people want to have had a different specie'd character. The FEs are also written to have some fun, since they'll pretty much be a bit bored, besides for some inner problems and such.


Though, people seem to not remember that any specie can join The End. I think I even listed that any could XP


Though one note; If you join up with a faction, like the Human Kingdom, Harpy Empire, or The End, you'll be more constricted to what you can do, since you'll be taking orders, and taking on missions. Not something you'd wish to join if you want to have your own side plot or something, unless you could somehow pull something off while being in a faction, and doing it so well that you don't get caught or something =P


Being Neutral is what gives you the most freedom, since you can go where ya want and stuff.


-Just some notes for people, just so they know what'd be best for them.


On other events, I've had more caffiene than I should have had.


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