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Some Raw Dreams.





I dreamt i was in a poopy urban town of crime, but was needed to run mathematical junk on an outdated adding machine. Well, it was a city, but I was walking on a woodsy trail just a few blocks on the outskirts, where people go to do stuff they don't want people knowing about.


I felt like I was me in this... even at one point realizing how stupid it was to be doing other people's work when it's just a dream world of THEIRS.


Much more happened, but I hadn't jumped into my dream yet to tell me to hit "record". When I finally did arrive to talk to myself, the first me already felt too much cool stuff went on for hitting record NOW, so the dream was a loss.


(Woke up briefly, went back to sleep.)


I dreamt I was coming down market st, stopped at a light and messing around with a balloon I'd drawn a goofy face on... a black dude on a cycle a car or two back got whizzed as it bopped by, squeezed it then put something up to pop it lol.

I dreamt i was traveling with some people, stopping at a junky store run by an asian lady on the outskirts of a town. They had used toys and i picked up some, one tiny $1 baggie containing some Lego minifigs with sand green robin hood caps.

Later in the dream was me finding an old Beast Wars board game or something... the only thing left in it being a stasis capsule with trans purple canopy and an optimus primal figure with an ID4 alien pilot inside it... pretty tiny figure, non-transforming. Very junkily made.


I dreamt there was a Toys R Us with Blade action figures... many weird things... only like 2 different Blades in the series. with tons of other strange, gimmicky characters.

There were many a cool old transforming type robot, even some vintage Microman stuff, but no, I was looking for Blade figures. And just like when the first Blade movie figures were out, getting the more detailed, more weaponed Wesley Snipes one was being difficult.


I dreamt of coming down Market St. and seeing a giant, technological blimp coming out above the mountains... it was very textured, may have had commercial writing on it, windows almost like a "bridge" area... then to turn this inset ribbon of like blades started spinning close to the outside of it's "tail", like some deep sea fish do.

Immediately following it's turn, Jetsons type flying vehicles started to swarm from down that street (like where the local cab station is in this town)... we left to go down what was like the main highway here, RT.61, and entered the mountain to feel out the situation in a bunker type thing. One lady I didn't particularly trust told me that it was something... I forget the name... Nova or something.... and that it was a "normal" thing to be seen crossing the ocean (as if it were a normal, exotic, commercial vessel)...

Later I was walking down Market into a no-man's land with 2 younger people... we went through almost a tunnel and I observed scorch marks on the road... a fire had been set and was put out, then it's remains scattered over about 30 feet. I noticed a stub of partially burnt paper... indicating that it was in fact documents from a credit service someone had burned in a big pile.

We kept walking and went to the left, entering a type of woods-laden "block" from where I ued to live. We rounded the corner to walk down the dirt road, which had boulders off to the side... I walked up the boulders for the heck of it and noticed a melted thing on them... it appeared to be a soldering iron. I picked it up but the thing was thoroughly damaged, unusable, unfixable.


Through all this dreaming I was at points possibly female and definitely short, younger, but possibly just "smaller".




The Clone Wars (lol)


Guy and his Padawan are sent to a planet to secure SOMETHING. They make their way through brushy fields and into some thin woods. They make it either where they're supposed to be, or very close to it. Federation droids are pursuing them closely, but they're safe for the moment.


The master feels things are going to get ugly soon, so he orders his Padawan to sneak back into and beyond enemy lines to get to a rendezvous point, possibly their landing craft to call for reinforcements.


On the way, he is stopped by 6 or so indigenous creatures... they come rolling up in a ball, then stand erect. (Lol, they're like that toothy puffball, awful CGI character seen in the Special Edition of Return of the Jedi... except they can stand up tall.) (NO WAIT, they're actually more like the awful thing in The Dark Crystal.) (In any case, they're BOTH freaking ugly Muppets.)



He makes some kind of understanding with them even though they're not talking his language. He realizes if these creatures are still alive this far back where the enemy's been, that their ship probably hasn't been compromised... leaving him time to go back and help out his master.


He returns within a few yards to where he left off, only to see his master blasted from afar.


He turns tail while his presence is still unknown and returns to his ship.


A republic vessel out in space gets his transmission.

The ship's interior is HIGHLY technological. There's thin, glowing blue circuitry lines EVERYWHERE, even in the floor. The metal or whatever is all very dark. Very 80's anime.


The person answering him is a much more buff Amidala looking chick in a dark and yet silvery robe which goes great with the surroundings as if technological in itself. Sitting inside a solitary com room, he tells her how everything's hit the fan where he is. She orders him to go see some allied princess... but there's ever so slight a treacherous tone as she describes he will be helping her with her "cats" (as in like, he's going to be eaten?) ...but he doesn't pick up on this.


The republic woman leaves the com room, telling the head Jedi there what the deal is (or at least her edited version of it).

They're about to jump to hyperspace, so com rooms are off limits for the moment.


Regardless, she enters another one, kneels in the center and calls up Darth Sidious, kissing his butt and putting herself down respectfully in his presence. "This is your loyal servant, if you can still find it to call me so" ...that kind of stuff.


He gets briefed with what's going on with the Padawan and tells her just to sit tight and await further instructions.

She exits, then goes down the hall to a room where it's safer to be be seated and strapped down during hyperspace jumps. (Maybe because the vessel is so technological, hyperspace is more awesome somehow?)


The Jedi master comes by, ready to yell at ANYONE for using a com room at the last moment, but turns to an old woman exiting one instead of yelling at the traitor.

"You are NOT supposed to use those this close to jump!"

She silently acknowledges having broken a rule while at the same time having a face of condescending arrogance.

As the old woman exits into a different "jump room", the Jedi looks at the traitor and mumbles something about, "OLD people."


He leaves her but feels something wrong as he walks down the hallway. The special ship they're on (or some larger mission) is having problems as far as some plan goes, so the Jedi goes into a room to quickly get a moment's meditation.


He calls on older spirits of Jedi for clarity, going through names... "blah blah, Obi Wan, Yoda, blah blah, blah blah... ... ...Wait. You... What are YOU doing there?!?"

Apparently the truth of the situation is revealed in the fact that the Padawan's master has wound up side by side as a consultant over in the spirit world.


Then I wake up.


(Something messes this dream up from perfectly being an episode of Clone Wars. Obi and Yoda are dead already lol.)


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The same way I do a lot of other... odd... and useful things. Giving the subconscious me orders to work on in the background while I deal with the normal aspects of life.


Everyone's two people, really.


People who never realize that at any time during their life open themselves up to more clever people who've figured it out commanding that subconscious heavily instead. (Advertising, government propaganda, etc...)


Or worse, people unaware of their subconscious self may themselves give TERRIBLE commands to their subconscious self... orders to consider hideous things as normal, orders to persecute themselves over something they feel guilty about, orders they're superior to another human... you name it.


Using it, you can create an alarm clock in your head more dependable than a physical one. You can alter your perception to see things you otherwise wouldn't. In the case at hand, I asked for dream recall and got dream recall... as well as "me" jumping in to tell "me" I'm in a dream, and giving the option to me if I want to exit or continue.


It's limited largely by how creative you are.

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Giving the subconscious me orders

The subconscious really is like a machine. It does whatever it's told without question. Which gives it simultaneously the potential for great good and great harm. Or so I've read.


Everyone's two people, really.

Just two? :sly: C'mon, Jinzo.


I'm at a point where I'm gonna have to either enlist the help of this other self, or. . . I dunno. Keep scraping bottom instead of flying like I know I could.


<o> <o>

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Giving the subconscious me orders

The subconscious really is like a machine. It does whatever it's told without question. Which gives it simultaneously the potential for great good and great harm. Or so I've read.

Never liked reading too much. Bores the BEJEESUS out of me.

Luckily i came to understand by myself, which is probably the 100% best way.

Remember though... it might be like a machine, but talking to it as a person is smart. It's you you're talking to. Get along with it.

Don't just talk to it. When there's no commands running, ask it to tell you what it might like to do too.


Everyone's two people, really.

Just two? :sly: C'mon, Jinzo.


Fair enough, lol. I'm sure one could view things from a nearly infinite amount of layers.

But this is abstract stuff. One step at a time here.

You don't just pick up Guitar Hero for the first time and start wailing away on Expert mode.

The beauty is, you can have a pretty fun time on Easy, Expert mode be ######... or merely gotten to when you can actually go there.


That "easy" part is one of the major things you're missing on these mental quests of yours lol. ;)




I was working at a large hardware store. Things were ok, business seemed good.

Some tall kid whose body language was erratic and "ticky" (not "dangerous", but exaggerated movements and failing in the making eye contact area) seemed to be interested in me somehow. His interest wasn't really about me I don't think... it seemed like he was going through some kind of strange, disturbed mental episode at the moment and I happened to be there at the right place at the right time.


I think I helped him find some kind of fertilizer he'd been sent out to get.


Later on, I was at some kind of restaurant and was playing the videogame up front. My old health teacher from High School came in just as something insane happened and I yelled at the game. (lol)

I did a 180 and said hello to him in a calm voice with a smirk on my face to make humorous light of me gettin' stupid over a game just as someone was looking lol.


After he left, the jean-jacketed stoner-lookin' kid came in and watched me play the game awhile. He seemed a little tweaky but again, didn't seem violent or anything. He started some small talk about the game (man, I can NOT remember what it was) and he pointed out that the back of the restaurant was where he was going.

I was like, "What? This place has a backyard?!?"


Di it. It was a decent-sized lot. There were like 3 or 4 young people there doing really cool stuff. One was tending a garden that was doing really well. One was building an engine to something. One was painting something.

I saw this abnormally GIANT block of wood next to a chainsaw and other tools, stared at it a moment, then was like, "I SO want to turn that into a giant freakin' head!"


At that moment I looked up at the kid who brought me there and saw he was talking to my health teacher, who was apparently running the place. He was leaned in close and talking straight into his ear while pointing over at me.

I think I said, "Hahaha, don't even."


Yah, it was probably what I thought. The teacher came over, put on his really fake "smiling" face and was like, "Hey, you want to do something with that block of wood there?"

Since I did AND I thought he was coming over to say I was like a patient or something, I thanked him with, "SURE!"


I went to work on it and was getting along with the few others there, though the stoner kid seemed REALLY disturbed inside his head, not quite processing reality enough to join in. He eventually walked out and one of them looked over worried and said, "Yeah, that's not good."

I helped some of the others out with what they were working on... I somehow totally fixed something that one of them had been working on...


I was having a blast. I still had to get home. Noticing it was getting late, I pointed at whatever it was the stoner kid had worked on with a raised eyebrow, since (whatever the project was) was going nowhere. The chick said, "Yeah... you can't save every one, unfortunately."


That stopped me a moment to process what it meant when the health teacher popped up and was, again with a fake smile, "So... I guess you can go home. You don't legally HAVE to stay here... but you DO have to come back tomorrow morning."

I was like, "Come ooooon. I was afraid this was something like THAT."

He goes, "Something like what?"

In order to not create a scene that would call the dudes looking over at us "crazy" and so I wasn't doing anything that could be construed as "crazy", I just said, "I guess I have time to come by tomorrow. Can't stay long, but I'll swing by."


The next day came (after a "scene" with something about a nerdy comic book store. Nothing really relevant to the rest of the dream I don't think... just me having fun somehow getting an opportunity to bash people who read Marvel and DC lol).


Went back to the place. Intentionally put on my OWN fake smile... only to realize quickly I was having loads of fun again. The day went similar to the last. Actually, I think I'd gone back more than once, like a few days in a row, for the giant wooden face I was carving was looking pretty cool.

The stoner kid hadn't been showing up though, which made me realize the guy running the place was probably going to be EXTRA "cautious" with his remaining inmates.


The health teacher arrived and was surveying everyone's little projects, but I had to get up and confront him before too much time passed, before he had a chance to settle down in his office and watch the place like it was just a zoo.


"Hey, look. There's a problem here. That problem is me." He seemed angry, but kept on surveying.

The other were looking up at us, then rolling their eyes at me realizing I was right yet he was in denial.

"Heh heh... don't play the silent stuff on me. You already know what I'm talking about."

He faked his smile and said, "What ARE we talking about? Tell me about it."


I said, "No, no, turn off the psychiatrist stuff. Look, you just keep walking, you can't even look me in the eyes.What is this? LOL. How can you do what you supposedly think you're doing if you can't even LOOK at a patient?"

He didn't like me saying that... probably because I was:

A. Questioning him.

B. Mildly putting down the others there.

C. Doing a better job of communicating.


He turned around to face me and I got cautious again with my wording so he couldn't have anything to use against me.

"These people aren't "patients", he said. "They're here... hmm... they're here just to calm down and..."

I butted in with, "Well, no, no, they're not here to calm down. They're here, I'm guessing, because they have various emotional problems. And there's the problem. I've never had those." (Almost slipped up and said, "I'm not crazy! I don't belong here!" ...which would have been way too cliche'. lol)


His face changed to the "concerned" look (though it was more the "I'm talking at you, not to you" look) and he goes, "The thing is... sometimes people don't realize right away that coming here is something they needed to do. Maybe, in time, you'll..." I cut him off and got a little more forceful with, "No. No. You need to open your eyes and look straight at me. I... am more normal... than YOU. The kid who suggested to you that I come here? You took HIS word that I should be brought here?"


"Don't talk about him like that. He's had some issues in his life and..." I cut him off again. "Aaaaaand he's not been here. Aaaaaaand, I don't mean to be mean, he's probably done something terrible to himself because WE HAVEN'T SEEN HIM a few days! This kid... you took consultation from a KID, a kid like THAT, and used what HE told you as the gospel to do what you're doing to ME? Dude, in a way you're worse off than him! You're being lazy by not scouting things out yourself. Then you're putting a happy, normal person here against their..." He cut ME off. "Ah, you don't SOUND very happy right now." I gave him no chance to look like I was "reflecting" on anything he said.

"You got bored. ... You were messing up with one of the kids. ... You jumped at the first chance to make your own little "Breakfast Club" complete, you just needed the "calm" guy to fit in the keyhole and make the rest of the others "work" right. And what did I just say... the "calm" guy. Calm guy. See that? You failed in that area, so you did something lazy and dragged me here to make up for it, get it now?"


He kind of shook his head in acknowledgment but was a bit upset and flustered (he wanted to scream, or swing at me lol).


Unfortunately, I'd also just put down everyone I'd been getting along with.

I could see he was starting to "reset" from my attack, about to convince himself it didn't just happen so he could keep me there, so I headed it off before he could... and to rectify things with the others.

"Look, you made an error. You cant hold me here and you won't. But, if you want, I'll still come here every few days to hang out, is that ok? Because really, these guys are fun people. I'm having a blast."


Woke up.

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Moral of the story: you're crazy. Proof: you use LOL when you talk in dreams.


That's pretty interesting. I'm amazed you remember that much. I've heard that people with autism tend to be very creative, given a situation they feel comfortable in.


I'm so glad you didn't go "I'm not crazy! I don't belong here!"

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Had a dream awhile ago where me and someone else had a toy spacefighter for action figures. We had two action figures in the cockpit area side by side. The dream had other stuff going on, but the long and short of that arc was that SOMEONE had swapped out one of the tame, boring, human figures for a slightly more beastly one. It seemed we understood it was somehow done by a person not from earth.


A few days ago, I had a dream that picked that aspect of the other dream back up. The "other guy" (who was very much like Setsuna from Gundam 00) was serious and professional. Apparently, the figure had been put into the toy as a kind of message from some other race offworld. He put another "normal" human action figure in the cockpit and again, the next day there were swaps. At some point, either the US government or the aliens themselves brought him up into space where he was briefed quickly on how things work and how the fighter craft he was to pilot worked. There was SOME cultural exchange, but not a heck of a lot. It seemed if there WAS some kind of advanced culture, he was really only there to fight, which while calm and reserved, he was somewhat enthusiastic about. As I recall, he did get some quick enemy engagement time with some kind of enemy before being sent back to earth... and before me waking up.




Seems it's my turn again at this particular dream place! Me being me, I was VERY interested in the action figures dealie. I took out a larger, more monster-like figure from the toy's cockpit, but left a pilot with a removable helmet in the other seat. Next day (or at least, "later"), there was now a duplicate pilot sitting next to mine lol.

(The pilot figures both supposedly "meant" something, possibly the alien's true appearance... like a human except for what I think were 2 teensy horns on their head, so tiny they could probably use a human's helmet.)


This swapping went on some time when finally I expressed (To who? Not sure.) to someone that I was interested in going where the other guy had gone, so I could help them fight.

I'm brought there soon after by a beam.


So I'm here at this makeshift, cratery moon base these guys have, only everything's not going all slick like it had when the dream had the other guy as the star lol.

I'm still wearing my junky clothes, no one's really doing anything to acquaint me with how things run, or the enemy, or ANYTHING.

I go into a very mall store-looking structure alongside the base (which has assorted typed of terrestrial and space vehicles mobilized). In one of the white rooms, there's T-shirts displayed on the wall like you'd see in a hot topic store. There were youthful aliens there, dressed up in 80's punk getup, all of them. They seemed to know I was some invited off-worlder, but they were too much getting into the "attitude" of 80's punkers to bother helping me be treated like I was there lol.

I got the impression that the store was a total sham... just a facsimile of culture on earth used to teach these aliens a little bit about us. I also got the impression their appearance was fake too, modified in some quick and easy way (Horns hidden maybe? More?) to avoid having to bother any "guests" with the time-wasting task of assimilating that these people are aliens. Done less to keep an earthling at ease, more to save time, for they were just there to fight and only kept people about as long to do as much.


I wanted 2 things... to locate the flight suits area so I could be that much closer to being as cool as the LAST guy who was in this dream place and to also get around to studying the whole action figure thing that was going on.

(There was some kind of brief, ongoing communication between me and earth... no idea what it was about.)


I don't think I ever got into space, but I did find my way back to their base of space operations. However, I was given or chose to fight at their world instead.

And fighting was weird, done remotely at times. ...Probably a means of not showing humans too much. (Again, maybe to save time or perhaps they weren't truly the "innocent" party.)


I had a digital map of the main landmass where this war was going on. It had very 8-bit, cartoony head representations of what was their successful footholds as well as the (far less, but growing) territorial footholds of this enemy. I made some military decisions of some sort, ones that ENTIRELY avoided conflict towards a skirmish on the upper part of the map.I thought it was funny it was called a "war" when both sides were so peaceful as to somewhat allow an enemy encampment to just pop up right next to theirs.

I have NO idea what the "laws" of this fight were like, but they were anything but straight-forward physical force.


At some point I wound up back at the base and went to another (1 of 2?) of these "store" looking units, right next to the first one. This one was more an attempt at a convenience store layout, but like the clothes place, I believe the walls and most products were white and that there were no ceilings, possibly just an environment of "air" sustained through a weird bubble of some sort, like magnetics or something. AAAAnyway, among all the boring junk was... ah ha! The toy section!

It was a bit of a letdown though. There were no action figures (darn it). There was only 2 kiddy-looking robots on the shelf, both sitting in that shallow box type packaging in an L shape. They seemed IDENTICAL, except one had gray upper legs and such where the other was more white. It was a simple toy with a robot that looks a lot like Clank from Ratchet and Clank, except hunched over.

His main body was just a block, but he had a moving arm and turning head / moving jaw... maybe light-up eyes.


It was junky... I knew it would be. I pressed a button to hear it's phrases. First, with a HORRIBLE, run-down battery voicebox type way, "Jiiiiinzo Niiiiiingeeeeen".


Seems me and the other guy were mildly celebrities in some way. Go fig.

I totally forget the second phrase it said.

The third phrase it spoke more clearly... and it said it fast, in fast-talking comedian kind of way.

It was an AD! It was like, "Go to (I forget) dot com for your (forgot this too) needs! I mean come on where ELSE you gonna' go!?!"

I played it a second time and again was bored with it's terrible voice feature execution.

I replayed it's first message of saying my name but was just like, "Oh HECK with this!" and exited... a little burned I never found the rest of the action figures.


I was going to do more cultural observing, but was back home before I knew it.


That was pretty much the end.

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I must be bad at dreams... I can't remember any of them or don't even seem to have them. I would think I would dream about people, but I don't! Because I worry about some people, sometimes!

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Honestly, I really don't know what is going on with my dreams. You see, originally I was really not very conscious that I was in them, but in the last few years my dreams have become lucid - now I not only know I'm in them, but every time I dream I seem to make at least one reference to someone that "this is just a dream."


The problem is, even though I'm fully aware of my dreams while I'm having them, I still have very little control. The most I'm usually able to do is to guide my actions somewhat, but not in a way that I'm fully in control. And I have absolutely NO control on the actual environments I'm in. Also, in my dreams, I almost always either have a very sluggish walk, a muffled voice, or both.


But that's just the begining of the craziness. In my dreams, the environment around me is almost always changing. One second I could be on my street, and the next second I'm at a huge factory, and then I'm in a garden, and so on and so forth. As I said before, I have no control over this - it just happens, and the locations I end up in are often the opposite of where I wanted to go. Same goes for objects that I'm staring at. It seems that whenever I'm looking at a bionicle canister or lego set in my dreams, every time I look away for a second and then look back, the box art has changed.


Then there's the "themes" of the dreams. That is, my dreams usually have no real themes. One second I could be inside my former school, and the next second the school is a comunist prison which I am escaping from. Themed segments in my dreams rarely last for more than a minute or so, and I'm almost always moving somewhere.


I have a lot of phobia dreams as well. I ocassionally dream about spiders ending up in the most awkward places. I dream about volcanoes erupting in my hometown (not really a fear of mine, but still). More often than not, however, I dream about nonsensical fears, like evil exacvators coming to tear down my house while I'm still in it, or strange, bodyless dogs attacking me (haven't dreamt about that for a while now, though, although I used to dream about them all the time). I also can never tell whether a dream is going to be enjoyable, scary, or both, because they often change midcouse from good dreams to bad dreams.


One interesting thing is that I ocassionally have limited superpowers in my dreams, but they rarely work as I want them too. I often dream of flying, which is a pretty common dream for people, but usually it's more of a descending float that kicks me out of the dream when I hit the ground. I dream that I have guns built into my hands, or that I can fire lasers, but they usually don't hurt the things I'm aiming at in any way. Sometimes, I dream that I'm turning into a huge, hulking, bionicle-like figure, but one that doesn't have barely any more strength than I do normally. Just recently, I dreamed that I was a superhero that was modeled after a series of drawings and concepts that I made some time ago. That one was unusual, though, because for once my powers didn't actually have any huge weaknesses.


Yeah, I dunno why my dreams are so weird. Maybe it's because of the disorder that I have, or maybe it's because my mind is usually very active before I go to sleep. Oh well, at least my dreams are somewhat enjoyable. :rolleyes:



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Honestly, I really don't know what is going on with my dreams. You see, originally I was really not very conscious that I was in them, but in the last few years my dreams have become lucid - now I not only know I'm in them, but every time I dream I seem to make at least one reference to someone that "this is just a dream."

I, just for the heck of it and to test my theory, "asked" to be able to do that.

However there's NOTHING stopping you from giving your subconscious self commands like these to work on without realizing it. The reason you opened yourself up to do this could be so abstract you may never know. And that's okay.


The problem is, even though I'm fully aware of my dreams while I'm having them, I still have very little control. The most I'm usually able to do is to guide my actions somewhat, but not in a way that I'm fully in control. And I have absolutely NO control on the actual environments I'm in.

Well, here's the big question...

Is that bad?

I mean, what would you be doing if you HAD a little control?

What would you be doing if you had FULL control?

It'd stop being a dream, that's what... like pausing a movie you're watching and then sitting there with a pad and paper to write the ending.


And that sounds boring.


Likewise, if dreams are supposedly a tricky way of the brain adding things to your character by sending you a surreal letter... total control over it's presentation would be like not reading the letter.


And that's terrible.


So, just go where it takes you without fighting it too much.


Yeah, I dunno why my dreams are so weird. Maybe it's because of the disorder that I have, or maybe it's because my mind is usually very active before I go to sleep. Oh well, at least my dreams are somewhat enjoyable.


I'm not sure what disorder you speak of, but the body certainly seems to play on vivid or limp-wristed dreaming.

For instance... PIZZA. With a belly full of the stuff BOOM. ...Bigtime dreams.


Now what the heck DIGESTION IN THE STOMACH has to do with freaking dreaming in the head, man, be my guest.


Though it sounds like your subconscious self might be trying to tell you something. Maybe the sluggishness is it saying you're not moving fast enough... and with the ever-changing stuff going on, it might mean "not moving fast enough in the direction of knowing who you are, where you are, or what you want".

Abstract, yes, but...


With these dreams I've been writing down here, I've told myself to focus less on yelling in my ear that they're dreams and more on simply REMEMBERING them.

Which is more cool?

Having a dream you were able to control and exit, or having a dream you can type up for all to see?


Yeah, exactly lol. I could certainly do both, but why risk it by stacking a (pointless) command atop another, y'know?




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I've known for a long time that writing down my dreams as soon as I wake up would be a good idea on several levels, but until today, I'd only done it once or twice -- years and years ago at that. Last night, though, I went to bed with the intuitive sense that I was going to have dreams that I would remember in the morning. Hard to say how much of that was by conscious choice -- it was pretty much spontaneous. Anyway, in the AM I woke up to my alarm tired and hit snooze twice, not making any special effort to recall my dream until I actually got up. Then, whilst fixing and eating breakfast, I sparked up my computer (going for the much quicker, default Ubuntu bootup) and started writing impressions of what I remembered. The result was pretty bare-bones and basic, but I'm satisfied with it as a start -- a start to a whole new practice in my daily life. Yes, sir, I mean that. Six hours of sleep and up I get, every morning. With 1- or 2-hour naps on my days off work. Every dream I remember gets written down. This is a regimen now. Rawr. :P



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