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Turtle Crossing #2: Super Bowl Edition

MT Zehvor


Tahu: Hello again. I am Tahu, and I will be filling in for Omega Turtle today because I am Tahu and I'm the only one here that knows anything about the NFL. Why do we need to know about that? Because it's Super Bowl week, and we have a Super Bowl edition! We have a great lineup of contestants, Mesonak, Gadunka, Tarakavaseargent, and Kraakaan. How are all of you doing today?

Mesonak: I will win! Even I have to kill you all to do it!

Gadunka: Gadunka.

Tarakavaseargent: Wait...is this microphone working?

Kraakaan: Where am I again?

Tahu: Yeah...this is going to go great. You know the rules, 3 downs, then we eliminate someone, then after 4th down we have the 2nd cut. After that is the showdown, where I will cheat horribly to get whoever I want to win. First down.

Kraakaan: Oh no.

Tahu: Who are you picking to win the Super Bowl?

Gadunka: Gadunka. (-1)

Tahu: Uh...ok.

Mesonak: I'll take Arizona. (-1)

Tarakavaseargent: Pittsburgh? (-1)

Kraakaan: Uh...no one? (-1)

Tahu: All bad picks.

Kraakaan: Then what IS a good pick?

Tahu: The New England Patriots! Duh!

Kraakaan: They aren't even in the Super Bowl(MUTE, -1)

Tahu: Sorry. Bad logic.

Mesonak: Uh...I'll give it a shot.

Tahu: Go ahead.

Mesonak: The Patriots are the greatest team ever and Tom Brady is the best quarterback ever and everyone should love them.

Tahu: (slams his hand on a table) AMEN!!!!!!! (begins giving Mesonak points like crazy)

Mesonak: Sweet. 99 points.

Tahu: Anyone else?

Tarakavaseargent: Hang on...(reaches over and pulls a Patriots' sweatshirt on)

Tahu: Great argument! Wonderful logic! (gives Tarakavaseargent 99 points)

Tarakavaseargent: Don't mean to be rude or anything, but 99 is kind of a weird number. Why 99 points?

Tahu: Because this stupid counter won't go into three digits.

Kraakaan: This is stupid. Why can't we have a reasonable-(MUTE, -1)

Tahu: Because you're with me, that's why. Second Down: What do you think of the Super Bowl Logo?

Mesonak: Uh...it's good, but it would be better if it were a Patriots' logo.

Tahu: You guys are some of the best ever at this. Here..let me do this. (begins to tape a piece of paper onto Mesonak's scoreboard)

Mesonak: Uh...what does that say?

Tahu: Infinity.

Mesonak: Whoa...awesome.

Kraakaan: That's unfair! I protest-(MUTE, -1)

Tahu: *sigh* doesn't learn..

Gadunka: Gadunka.

Tahu: Excuse me?

Gadunka: Gadunka. (holds up a sign saying "Goo Paetroits!

Tahu: Uh...it's a step in the right direction... (gives Gadunka +10)

Gadunka: GADUNKA!!!!

Kraakaan: Hold on...this is just a test...

Tahu: Go ahead.

Kraakaan: Patriots suck-(Gets muted and immediately removed from the game)

Tahu: So long, Kraakaan, your stay was brief and we won't miss you, Patriot hater.

Gadunka: Gadunka!

Tahu: Tarakavaseargent? Anything from you?

Tarakavaseargent: Uh...go Patriots?

Tahu: Greatest response ever! (Sticks a sign reading "infinity" on Tarakavaseargent's score)

Gadunka: Gadunka...

Tahu: Sorry. 3rd down: Who were you pulling for to win the Super Bowl this year?

Tarakavaseargent: Patriots.

Mesonak: Patriots.

Gadunka: Gadunka.

Tahu: Uh..sorry Gadunka. The first two had the correct response.

Gadunka: (slams his fists on the table repeatedly to show his frustration at not being able to say any words other than "Gadunka")

Tahu: Now, now, there's no reason to be mad at a wrong answer! Everyone makes mistakes!

Gadunka: GADUNKA!!! (smashes his table in half)

Tahu: Maybe he's a perfectionist...oh well. 4th down: Who is going to win the next 4 Super Bowls?

Mesonak: The Patriots.

Tarakavaseargent: The Patriots.

Gadunka: *sob*

Tahu: Oh well...sorry Gadunka...it looks like you're gone. And now, showdown!

Mesonak: Awesome...

Tarakavaseargent: Victory will be mine!

Tahu: Who is the best team in the NFL?

Mesonak and Tarakavaseargent: The Patriots.

Mesonak: I just said that!

Tarakavaseargent: I said it first!

Mesonak: No, you didn't.

Tarakavaseargent: Fine. The NEW ENGLAND Patriots.

Tahu: Tarakavaseargent wins the point! Now, who-

Mesonak: The New England Patriots.

Tarakavaseargent: Tom Brady.

Tahu: I was going to ask who will eat the rest of this sandwich for me.

Tarakavaseargent: Oh. Well, I will.

Tahu: Wrong! The answer is always something having to do with the Patriots! Mesonak wins! Next question: should I let Tarakavaseargent win?

Mesonak: No!

Tarakavaseargent: Patriots!

Tahu: Right answer! Tarakavaseargent wins! How do you feel?

Tarakavaseargent: Well, I'll help you finish that sandwich, if you want.

Tahu: Ha ha...you wish. Well, that's it, next week that stupid turtle will be back to run things...and remember...Boston Sports rule...your teams suck.




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Huh...One, I specifically asked to act like a lunatic! There is not one mention of "My plan" in there! Other than that, I had infinity points! WHOOO! But then I lost to Tarakavaseargent...I should have guessed that it had to do with the patriots...Tahu is insane!

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One, I specifically asked to act like a lunatic!


Oh...I thought you were talking about how you usually act.


Other than that, I had infinity points! WHOOO!


I have infinity+1. Ha.


.I should have guessed that it had to do with the patriots...Tahu is insane!


Why do you think we have the most popular Super Bowl show on BZPower?


And no, it's not because there are no other Super Bowl shows on BZP.



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What I meant was that I wanted me to go like: "Good...Now my plan is coming to fruition...Mwuhahahahaah..." all the time. Don't you remember that part? My first line was pure gold though. Also, having Gadunka on was great! I loved it when he got angry.

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I call the first seat this week. And if I loose *takes out mini-nuke*


I don't really care to much about football. But seeing as my parents work at a Dominos Pizza store, and if fact, they actually own it, every super bowl we get loads and loads of orders. No body wants to cook during a super bowl. Just order the pizza before the game, the pizza comes during, and all day long we have big money.


Who cares if Patriots win or lose. I just care if we have a super bowl sunday. It's one of those few days that pizza store owners can make lots of money, and after paying for the cost to keep the store up, pay off house bills, get the food for the store to make pizzas, and keep food on the table, let alone the table, have more than a dollar left to spend on random stuff.


Anyway, it was a good turtle crossing. Tahu really needs to learn his manners.... and not to like the patriots so much.


-Levacius the Guardian :flagusa:

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What the @#$%!?!?!? I'm not on a telephone!


Please hold while we contact an administrator who can help you assess and solve your problem.


Who cares if Patriots win or lose.


(Tahu and I raise our hands)


*does happy dance*


That has nothing to do with the Patriots...you lose your championship...




Levacius has a spot for next week. Who else wants one?



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Me, dressed in a tophat and beard:I'll take it! Just kidding! How about...........MY ULTIMATE FORM. If not, could Toa Janex from my epic be in it? She could just fry you with lightning if she doesn't win.

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Wow. And I just read a post from Levacius telling me to not start flaming.




EDIT: I just deleted 4 or so posts. I am so in charge...muhaha



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And I blame Levacius for ignoring reality. She would SO beat you. Delet this comment if you have to, MT, but still, in a real fight, Janex would win. SERIOUSLY.

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For the first time ever, Mr. Religion disser is telling the truth.


Mesonak, you have no idea how much power Levacius wields. I could use my mask, energize my body, spin around and send anything you shot at me back to you so fast you wouldn't see it. I would break the sound barrier, and that much power would send your own power right through your body. Dead right then and their.


Luckily, I don't usually kill things unless they attack first, or if they seem to be trying to kill me. But if they try.... well, I hope Janex is smarter than that. But what reason would we have to fight. She's a toa, I'm a toa. Even I, who come from a place with no toa code, no that to do that is to break the toas greatest bond. For toa in matoran means hero. So to attack another toa, would be to outright go against who you are.


-Levacius the Guaridan :flagusa:

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True...I am making an MOC of Janex so you can realize her awesomeness and praise it. Also, Janex can send tendrils of lightning out of her two handed sword that can pick you up, electrocute you, and throw you down, then, she could send javelins that explode on contact, releasing lightning.

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