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After 18 Years, The Debug Code Has Been Found!



I always knew it was there, but until just very recently, I never knew how to do it.


The game is Simcity for Super Nintendo. You might remember I had a blog entry on this game before. Since it was released in 1991, I found myself hooked on this game, it is simple yet extremely complex at the same time. I have been doing searches online since I had the internet, looking for the elusive debug code for this game. Nothing ever surfaced.


But now, it has finally been revealed. If anyone is interested, here is the code:


Debug Menu:

Load or start a new city, then choose END from the Save/Load menu. When the "See you soon!" screen appears, press the following on controller 2: Left, A, Right, Y, Up, B, Down, X, Select, Start, Start, Select, R, R, L, L. Press Up or Down to scroll through the options, and press Left or Right to toggle them on or off. To activate the selected features, change MEMORY to SET and reset the SNES (they will remain active even if you power off). To deactivate everything, go back into the menu, change MEMORY to CLR, and press B.


The code enables things that were never before thought possible. Why it took 18 years for it to surface just baffles me. I have several video gaming sites bookmarked, none of them ever had it. I am guessing that the person who contributed the code must have been a game developer, no one else could have possibly known the code. I am now tinkering around with it on my SNES console, I should have some pics soon of the ultimate city, with a record population mark.


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That's one of those games I almost bought, many times. Games were a bit sparse for a brief moment in it's history.


Sounds like a fun code. Honestly, games haven't been as fun for me ever since things like Game Genie and Gameshark stopped being able to keep up with the technology and anti-piracy practices.


There's times I'd buy games BECAUSE of the codes I'd read about in game magazines!


I have been doing searches online since I had the internet, looking for the elusive debug code for this game. Nothing ever surfaced.


But now, it has finally been revealed.


Man, I know what you're saying. There's a few things I've been ACTIVELY looking for since I got the internet... and they all just WERE NOT there.


Late last year, currently this year... boom. Everything that I can think I was looking for has been found.

It's a weird, shocking feeling to go to yourself, "Oh my god. I completed something impossible... and now there's nothing left to look for below such and such a date".


I don't know how or why, but music, games, images and other stuff, like, ALL became available in 2008.

I can't describe how strange that is.


Lol... am I to believe there was never a Game Genie code to bust into Sim City?

I thought all those old SNES games had been hacked to pieces already.


Dangit... I'm probably going to have to mess with now, after I get done procrastinating on finishing Phantasy Star 2 on Genesis.

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There are limited Game Genie codes for Simcity on SNES. All you can really do with it is get money or speed up the gameplay. Pro Action Replay however can go much deeper, allowing for endless gifts and maximum land value.


There are so many different glitches and bugs in this game, and still new things are being discovered on it, like how power works and the best methods of development.

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