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Remember that card game? I thought it died out a while ago, turns out it's still around. I found my old side deck two days ago. Kind of got me sad because I lost my old deck and I sort of want to play occasionally again. I actually had a bit of an addiction in the game(hence my giving it up), but I've got myself under control now(it's been three years), and that addiction made that deck a really good deck. If I recall, with my last lineup with it I don't think I lost once. Ironically it was made of an underrated set of cards, the Elemental Hero grouping. Yes, I got suckered into those by GX. They were actually decent once you got enough cards related to them to build a deck centered around them though. Unfortunately most of the cards I got in a now discontinued set, so unless I find my old deck, I'm stuck. Kind of sad as it'd be a nice new/old hobby IMO.


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For once, I wish that UpperDeck would just limit RFtDD to two and I would immediately grab my old deck, update it, and own the people dependent on the latest $100 cards.

Remember the days where everyone wanted a Blue Eyes White Dragon?

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For once, I wish that UpperDeck would just limit RFtDD to two and I would immediately grab my old deck, update it, and own the people dependent on the latest $100 cards.


Remember the days where everyone wanted a Blue Eyes White Dragon?




I actually managed to get five of them. :P


It's little known that Yu-Gi-Oh is really Japanese for "god modding"? :P


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM


Can't say I'm surprised. XP

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OH GOD. It's happening again.


I had a serious addiction to buyiung cards, my parents made me give it up. I was REALLY into it before that, though. Seriously, it was my life. I had both Duel-disks and everything. I liked the teal one better, if I remember right.

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