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Rpg Rough Draft.



Well, I am working on an RPG with Golden Flame, Mindscape, Lewa0111, and -Blackout-. I am going to post it here so people can tell me what they think of it before I decide to put it in a contest. Keep in mind that I will edit this post when I finalize it, and when I think of stuff to add. This is by no means final. So....


The Six Legions of the Multiverse.

"When it is over...Only one shall remain.

"A period of turmoil...A spacial rift...Utter chaos everywhere...It has become a way of life..." These were the thoughts of the ruler of the Ice legion, Mesonak, as he looked out at the twisting vortex in the core of the universe, and at the armies that waged the war below it. "How did we get here?" he thought as he shook his head in dismay. Then he remembered. It was a normal day, but suddenly, a vortex had opened in the sky. It had sucked reality itself inside, as well as everything in the multiverse. This caused everything to be shunted inside the multiverse's core, and it caused reality itself to be damaged. Miraculously, no one died. However, several became power obsessed, and formed legions, himself included, and began to wage war with the others, fighting for control and for survival. "Um...Sir?" said a voice. Mesonak turned swiftly to see Commander Strakk standing in the doorway. Mesonak had found this being on the Temporal Plateau, and he had informed Mesonak that he had once lived on a planet called Bara Magna, which had been reduced to rubble in the core. Mesonak, taking a liking to this being, took him as his apprentice. He had, since then, risen to the rank of commander in the Ice Legion's army. "Yes?" Mesonak responded. "Our squads are falling. Vizox-Magna is in danger of being taken. We need your assistance." "Of course Strakk. I am coming." "Thank you sir." said Strakk, before walking out of the chamber to join the fight. Mesonak then drew his Shadow boomerang and Frozox Blade, and proceeded to join the fight, completely unaware of the fact that someone had been there the whole time, cloaked in the shadows, watching. His name was Golden Flame, leader of the Fire Legion. He pulled out the Vanax, his communication device, and contacted Malum, one of Strakk's species, and commander of the Fire Legion. "Malum? Do you copy?" "Yes sir." responded Malum. "Good. I want you to command the troops to cease the assault on Vizox-Magna." said Golden Flame. "But sir!" sputtered Malum. "I said to tell them to cease." said Golden Flame. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" "Yes sir." said Malum, before he turned off his Vanax. Golden Flame then smiled, his plan beginning to take root. "The games have begun." Golden Flame said to himself.



This is a game of survival and conquest. This takes place after Makuta possesses Mata Nui. However, Mata Nui has defeated Teridax and reclaimed his body, but then, a mysterious vortex opens, pretty much distorting reality and turning the multiverse inside out. There are six legions. People who join must pick a legion to join and they will start off as a standard soldier, but can rise through the ranks. The legions are:


Ice Legion-Ruler:Mesonak.

Fire Legion-Ruler:Golden Flame.

Jungle Legion-Ruler:Lewa0111(Trying to come up with a better name for him.)

Water Legion-Ruler:Hydrox(Not a real member.)

Rock Legion-Ruler:Mindscape

Sand Legion-Ruler:-Blackout-


Basically, to play, you do whatever. You can fight other people in the armies, explore the ruins of the multiverse, or do anything. There are multiple locations in the rubble of the multiverse. They are as follows.


Vizox-Magna:An area that is controlled by the Ice legion. It is the most powerful location in possession of the Ice Legion, and is where the Ice legion's base is.

Kraaka Nui:An area in possession of the Ice legion. It is where Mesonak originated from, and plays host to several variations of Rahi such as the Kikanalo and Blade Burrowers.

Pyrox-Nui:An area that is in the posession of the Fire Legion. Golden Flame attempted to recreate Bara Magna, the Glatorians' home planet, but failed, and instead, created this world.

Zana Magna:An area in possession of the Fire Legion. The Fire Legion's capital city, Zarana, is located here. This location was the result of Golden Flame's attempt to recreate his home planet.

Keystone Territory: Secondary world of the Rock Tribe. Settled after the Scattering, it is primarily a farming region, filling the purposes of the area destroyed in the Scattering. Its population is spread across the huge land, mostly consisting of small towns, feudal manors, or homesteads. It is policed by an energized protodermis spawned form of Skrall referred to as the Nuva Guard. The region is ruled by a NG Skrall known as the Baron, who exercises huge control over the area. He rules from a trading post/ feudal manor called Straub (named after the Matoran who discovered the Keystone Territory) that has close proximity to many gates.

However, the area is now war-torn because ten years after the Scattering, and three before this RPG, an experiment with Blinder doomsday technology accidentally opened a huge rift in the fabric of the multiverse, leaving two thousand-mile wide gates connecting the land with a land of Mesonak and a land of GF. (You guys can pick which ones.) The area is now filled with fighters and soldiers, and evacuations of major areas are common. The Skrall, in fact, is preparing for the likelihood of evacuating Straub…


Azalon: Primary homeland of the Rock Legion. It was created by mindscape as an attempt to re-create his home world of Arturi, which may or may not have been destroyed in the cataclysm. Mindscape successfully gained control of the Skrall after the death of the last Tuma in the cataclysm, and also welcomed in members of Golden Flame’s Fire Tribe when his mad brother (GF can think up a name) seized control of his throne, in a period known as the Interregnum. The two rulers combined their powers to retake GF’s lands. Their alliance ended when a prominent Fire General named Lhikan was assassinated by a member of the mercenary organization the Fourteenth Blinders, and GF blamed the murder on Mindscape, as the Rock leader had used the assassins to kill GF’s brother. A massive civil war sprang up called the Scattering which resulted in genocide of both Fire and Rock tribes. It ended with the exodus of Fire tribe members, who destroyed most of Azalon’s environment using FB doomsday devices.

Most of the southern regions of Azalon are a wasteland called the Graveyard where nothing is capable of surviving. The only remaining habitable regions of the world are the northern mountain regions, consisting of some small villages and the capital city, Haven. Mindscape rules as a god-king here with his commander/prime minister, The Skrall (who has refused a name, as all the Tuma are dead). The city is dominated by an enourmous pool of energized protodermis used by Mindscape to create new forms and dreate new breeds of Skrall. The most notable feature of Azalon is its transportation system- it uses “gates”- portals that can bridge amazing distances of this and other worlds. Haven has many portals to other worlds shut down due to wartime restrictions, but other portals leading to other areas outside this world are scattered all over the region…


Black Magma:An area in possession of the Sand Legion.

Out-Nui:An area in possession of the Sand Legion.

Hyros-Magna:An area in possession of the Water Legion.

Aquos-Nui:An area in possession of the Water Legion.

Centara Magna:An area in possession of the Jungle Legion. Resides in the center of the Multiverse.

Kroya-Nui:An area in possesion of the Jungle Legion. Under Construction.


Combat may happen, but you must PM the member before you combat. If you wish to fight a non-playable character, PM me. If you wish to kill an NPC, then PM me before you do so.



Strakk:Commander of the Ice Legion.

Malum:Commander of the Fire Legion.

Vorox(Non-regressed):Commander of the Sand Legion.

Skrall:Commander of the Legion.

Tarix:Commander of the Water Legion

Gresh:Commander of the Jungle Legion.

Tahu Nuva:Lieutenant Commander of the Fire Legion.

Gali Nuva:Lieutenant Commander of the Water Legion.

Lewa Nuva:Lieutenant Commander of the Jungle Legion.

Kopaka Nuva:Lieutenant Commander of the Ice Legion.

Pohatu Nuva:Lieutenant Commander of the Stone Legion.

Onua Nuva:Lieutenant Commander of the Sand Legion.(Yes, I know that they don't match, but..)

Toa Inika Matoro(Yes, the distortion revived him.):Ice Legion General.

Toa Inika Jaller:Fire Legion General.

Toa Inika Nuparu:Sand Legion General.

Toa Inika Kongu:Jungle Legion General.

Toa Inika Hewkii:Stone Legion General.

Toa Inika Hahli:Water Legion General.


Semi NPCs

Mesonak(Can only be played as by Me):Ruler of the Ice Legion. Weilds a Frozox Blade, Shadow Boomerang, Ice vision, and a shadow surfboard.


Golden Flame(Can only be played as by Golden Flame):Ruler of the Fire Legion. Weilds a Flame ax, Pyro Grenades, a Fireball launcher, and Flaming Missles.


Toa Lepal(Can only be played as by Lewa0111):Ruler of the Jungle Legion. Weilds a Double ended Katana sword.


-Blackout-(Can only be played as by -Blackout-):Commander of the sand Legion. Weilds a


Mindscape(Can only be played as by Unit #MNDSCP.):The being referred as "Mindscape" by his subjects possibly originated (according to him) as an Onu-Matoran transferred to Ga-Metru as a subject for an experiment: inter-dimensional travel. He was intended to be transfered to Bara Magna and back, but was inadvertantly sent to the farthest reaches of the multiverse, where he learned to manipulate existence at the atomic level. This new superbeing refined his skills, traveled back to the Matoran Universe, and slept in hibernation for many years, only awakening after the Cataclysm. He has shown to be a tolerant and wise ruler and peacetime, but an impulsive and illogical one in conflict. He has a sharp intellect, and a burning desire to learn the codes that make him all-powerful (which only the Great Beings have mastered.) He is an ambiguous character, who may or may not have engineered the Lhikan assasination, who frequently suffers from extreme bouts of paranoia.

Hydrox(Can only be played as by Me, Golden Flame, Lewa0111, -Blackout-, or Unit #MNDSCP, since not a real member.)Ruler of the Water Legion. Weilds two Aqua Katana, Whirpool launcher, and Torrent shield.



1.No God-Modding. This is considered unfair and is disrespectful to other players.

2.BZP rules apply, of course.

3.People who join are not allowed to possess these masks: Ignika, Tryna, Vahi, Mohtrek, and Olmak. The Avohkii and Kraahkan are allowed, but if I see you misuse them, punishment will be dealt.

4.Please remember to use IC(In character) and OOC(Out of character) in your posts.


6.You may not choose Life or Time as an element.

7.If any of these rules are broken, you will receive a friendly PM warning you. If you continue to break the rules, you will receive less and less friendly PMs, until you are banned from the RPG altogether.


Now, if you wish to join, fill out this form.


Name(Try to keep it Bionicle-ish.):

Species(You can create your own.):

Weapons(Be reasonable. No sword of awesomeness!):

Abilities(Such as Laser vision, for an example.):

Stats(Fill out the Agility, Strength, and Mind):Agility-#/#, Strength-#/#, Mind-#/#.

Short Bio:

Anything else I should know:



Will update as new stuff is thought of.


:infected: Mesonak-The Shadow Warlord :infected:


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Here's my Bio:


A Ta-Matoran from a land called Zana-Nui had been sent on a mission to explore Bara-Magna, and his name was Golden Flame. But in orbit of Bara-Magna, his ship was hit by a peice of debris from one of their two moons, and the ship crashed. Goden Flame was out cold. When he awoke he had been transformed into an Agori, and was surrounded by Bone Hunters. He was taught about Bara-Magna, and then the ways of the Bone Hunters. When he learned of the Bone Hunter way, he destroyed the entire tribe and left the horrid scene. He was then knocked into a coma by a rock flying in a sandstorm, and was surrounded by Vorox and Zesk when he came to. The Zesk taught him their language, how to run on all fours, how to properly detect water in the desert, and Golden Flame even grew a tail. Then, he killed the Alpha Vorox in a fight for dominance, took the blade off of the stinger tail, and went back to the surface, where he got used to walking on two legs again and cut off his tail. In the wastelands again, he met Malum. With Golden Flame's advanced technology from his homeworld and Malum's brawn, they trie to make a time machine to go to before Malum's exile and keep it from happenning, but when they tested it, it created a space-time rift that destroyed all worlds, but gave Golden Flame and four other individuals special powers. Powers that allowed them to create new worlds... And they did. A born leader and an extremely savage fighter, his intellect is gigantic but is easily blinded by rage. His technological skill is only rivaled by his sense of what's right, extreme though it may seem.

The rift only gave four other individuals powers because Mindscape already had them.


--Golden Flame--

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Wow....I need to get working on MY Bio. Also, I am goign to ask around and see 9f anyone wants to fill the role of water legion ruler.

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My stats:






EDIT: I thought of something. Shoudn't all six of us have gates in our realms? Gates from point to point within a region (TRA-GATES, if you want a name), and gates connecting different regions (SPE-GATES). There should be some stricture as to which gates are where, and where they go.

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If you want to host my rough entry draft, then just copy and paste it from the PM. Also, please inform them that it is definitely not the final draft.



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In my description of Azalon, i mentioned an assassinatoin of Lhikan by a mercenary organization called the Fouteenth Blinders. They also provide the doomsday devices that destroy part of Azalon. (they're kind of like the Dark Hunters of this multiverse.)


Also, my weaponry isn't in my bio, just to let you know. My descriptions of it are in the post that has the history of azalon and the keystone territory.


EDIT: In the azalon history, when we get to GF's brother it's listed as "GF can think up a name." He did after my lands and weapons post- it's Bronze Flame.

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I know. Thi probably won't be done by March since I won't be on much...I mihgt have to enter it in the contest after the next one...


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Hmmm.... i like this, you wouldn't happen to be looking for someone to be Water legion ruler would you?




Only gripe i have about this, is the form. The stat thing is a little wierd for me, since i'm a veteran RPer. But whatever, it's you game.

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Sorry Kini, but no. I have to amend the RPG today...You could help out by posting stuff you would like to see included though. Also, I just made an epic about this. Check it out!

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This just might win the contest... but against the ultimate power in the one that I am now designing, it might not. Or maybe both will end up as winners, I don't know.


But then again, I might not enter.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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PROBABLY this contest. There is a slim chance that it will have to wait until the next contest, for several reasons.


1.I probably don't have eniugh time to finish it.


2.I still need to get bios, territory descriptions, and stats from the rest of the Legion Leaders.


3.Lewa0111 is currently banned, due to the recent hacking spree. If he gets unbanned in a week or less, like B6 has said, I can move forward. If not, this will have to wait until next contest.

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