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The Chronicles Of Velox



:: mocersfortress.png ::


No, I haven't posted it if that's what you were thinking.


But, I have a Dilemma. I can't seem to be able to write about my Matoran life. It's just too boring - which is expected of a Matoran. Not that it would be boring to read, but it's boring to write with all the ideas of his Toa-life I have. And, I don't really want to just start writing him as a Toa because I can't figure out how to start it, and it will flow much better if I write the Matoran Book first.


Well, enough of that. I might as well give you guys a couple sneak-peaks:


~ Toa Velox will receive training from the Order of Mata Nui. After being a great pupil, he will start a 'League of Shadows' [something similar to that in Batman - except, it will be a good organization under a different name, most likely], and his armor will become black [he'll be some-what like a ninja then - he'll be able to disappear quickly, have throwing knives, etc. just like in Batman].


~ He will then travel to the Mangai Volcano [as seen in the Prologue - if you've read it (note: this will be some time after he created the 'League of Shadows'. His Toa team will become the 'League of Shadows', most likely, as well as some other experienced Order members)], and become infected somehow [probably not by a Shadow Leech]. However, he will only become a little 'worse' and will receive a few spikes, as well as some nastier weapons [instead of actually turning a little evil, he will most likely just change in appearance, and will constantly have something nagging at his mind to do evil that he must overcome - of course, the Order knew this before they sent him on this mission]. After wards, he will be rewarded with new armor and new weapons [his 'resurrected' form] by the Order.


One last note, his encounter with Makuta will most likely be with the whole 'League of Shadows' instead of just him. But, he'll do some things alone, probably.


Anyway, what do you think? As you can see, Velox's life will be quite interesting [the 'League of Shadows' will do many other acts before his encounter with Makuta - also, a little note, he will end the 'League of Shadows' after the encounter with Makuta since that would be the final task of the 'League of Shadows'].


So, I really want to write that, but it just doesn't feel right not writing his life as a Matoran first. I'm not sure what I'll do yet.


Mainly, though, I just wanted your thoughts.




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Sounds awesome. Hey, could I be a member of the League or an Order member or something, or maybe some sort of a cameo?

As for the Matoran life thing, maybe you could do it in flashbacks - maybe do something like Lady K did in Glitch in the System, where the main character got her memory erased. Maybe something like that, except Velox got his memory erased as a Matoran and is getting it back in visions and flashbacks.

- :l: :flagcanada:
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Not a 'League of Shadows' or Order member, no. I might be able to put you in as a Matoran somewhere, but not for a main roll. There's only a select few BZPower members who have lead rolls. The rest are just going to be characters made up by either myself or other people upon my request.


And, thanks for the advise, but I'd rather not have my memory get erased. It's just happened too many times, in my opinion.

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I have a suggestion for the Matoran life part. It's a sort of loophole that's always made me want to write something. Make it so that you have such strong willpower and mental control as a Matoran that you can use Great Masks. It presents many interesting possibilities: how he discovered it, finding masks(s), other people finding out... Etc.


Just a thought, feel free to use it. :)


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Sounds interesting....

As for the matoran life thing, lots of matoran have exciting lives. Take Mazeka. Greg focused on the good parts, not the parts when he sleeps and eats. For example, try making Velox the matoran an adventurous guy, or whatever sounds cool to you. Chances are someone out there will love it. Maybe have him meet some of his future team members? It's your story, play around with it.

Is it possible for me to get a cameo of some sort?



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