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Grand Opening Of The I S N W P

Metallic O'Dalek


Welcome, peoples, to the grand opening of the I.S.N.W.P., or Interplanetary Social Network of Weird Personnel. What we do is sit around and talk about paranormal stuff, and, on occasion, get into debates about controversial topics, such as why penguins can't fly. We may, as well, argue about whether or not Hummingbirds are the braggers of the avian world, or if Einstein was secretly psychic. However, we may also just talk about random topics, such as "Are the world governments hiding the truth about cats being aliens from us? And if so, are they succeeding? Or are they failing?"


So, if you want to see if you qualify, fill out the following form:




Immortal: Yes/No

5th Grade scores in School:

Would you like a Jelly Baby? Yes/No

Have you ever creeped someone out? Yes/No

On a scale of 1 - 10, what are you? 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10

Are you psychic? Yes/No

What am I thinking about? Yes/No

I think I am. Am I? Yes/No


Please fill this form out and I will evaluate you, if you pass, almost anything passes with that chart, then you can proudly bear the badge of the I.S.N.W.P., which can be found in the first content block on your left. Or my left. It doesn't really matter. Either way, it's there.


Recommended Comments

Name: Bunda
Age: 2
Immortal: no u
5th Grade scores in School: not there yet
Would you like a Jelly Baby? Yes
Have you ever creeped someone out? Yes
On a scale of 1 - 10, what are you? 1
Are you psychic? Yes
What am I thinking about? Yes
I think I am. Am I? Yes


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Well, I personally believe them to be friends, like my cat. Although, at the same time, there are many cats who hate humans with a passion. But I think there are actually more cats who love humans than there are ones who hate them.

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Name: Xccj (please note, with a capital X)

Age: 18 +

Immortal: No

5th Grade scores in School: Perfect

Would you like a Jelly Baby? Depends on flavor

Have you ever creeped someone out? Probably

On a scale of 1 - 10, what are you? 4

Are you psychic? No

What am I thinking about? Yes

I think I am. Am I? No



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Name: Ghost Rider

Age: 397.5

Immortal: Yes

5th Grade scores in School: NO U

Would you like a Jelly Baby? Yes

Have you ever creeped someone out? Yes

On a scale of 1 - 10, what are you? 11.

Are you psychic? Yes

What am I thinking about? No

I think I am. Am I? Yes

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Name: Legati Igatel Letagi
Age: Negative one.
Immortal: no rly
5th Grade scores in School: Rather perfect.
Would you like a Jelly Baby? No.
Have you ever creeped someone out? On occasion, yes.
On a scale of 1 - 10, what are you? 12345.678910/12345.678910
Are you psychic? Absolutely.
What am I thinking about? To an extent.
I think I am. Am I? Yes.
Have you ever copied Wrack? Yes.


- :l: :flagcanada:
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Name: Purgæus Aero

Age: 888,888,888,888,888,888… This will continue on forever, if you let it.

Immortal: Just as much as you are.

5th Grade scores in School: Never got any, I'm homeschooled.

Would you like a Jelly Baby? No.

Have you ever creeped someone out? Yes.

On a scale of 1 - 10, what are you? ∞.

Are you psychic? Yes.

What am I thinking about? Whatever you're thinking about.

I think I am. Am I? Yes.

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On kitties; they are just neutral observers. They will report back to their masters as to whether we are a threat or not.



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If most cat owners are like me, the reports are going to come back positive, and they will want to return to us, so they can be spoiled some more. Did I mention that when my cat catches squirrels, she likes to bite their heads off first? And then she just leaves the talis lying around.

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My cat likes to attempt to hunt Birds and fail at it.

She caught one once though, and ate everything except the wings.

It was gruesome.

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On kitties; they are just neutral observers. They will report back to their masters as to whether we are a threat or not.

Oez noez! I used to torment my cat, and now it ran away! It must have gone to tell it's real masters! I AM DOOOOMMMMED!


*calms down* Okay. I'm good. On the issue of animal body parts, the cat that got lost used to leave Rabbit legs and Mouse intestines lying around and let the other cat eat them, which made us think that the second cat caught them. So we put a bell collar on him.

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Name:HeatWave. Not tellin' my real one.


Immortal: no.

5th Grade scores in School:I homeschool.

Would you like a Jelly Baby? Yes!

Have you ever creeped someone out? yes.

On a scale of 1 - 10, what are you? 9.

Are you psychic? no.

What am I thinking about? Cornbread.

I think I am. Am I? Certainly.

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