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I was hoping Farenzic Sciences would be one of them... oh well, some other time down the line then.


And... I has no idea what classes to take for High School


Too. Many. CHOICES. @_@


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I took Digital Design (An excuse to learn how to use Photoshop and mess with iMovie in class =D), and some Global Citizen thingymobber about current events.


It was so easy it hurt.


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Well...line up your basic subjects (Math, Science, Language Arts, History) and then add in what you might want to take (P.E., Foreign Language, Graphic/Digital Design, etc.).


That's the easy way out (at least, for me it was).

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I took Digital Design (An excuse to learn how to use Photoshop and mess with iMovie in class =D), and some Global Citizen thingymobber about current events.


It was so easy it hurt.



Meh, Digital stuff dun sound like my calling XP


Gah, I can barely work Word.


And, I has no Global Citizen thingy mabobber.


As for that, I have many choices for core classes. Such as: English 1, English 1 Honors, etc...


I have to pick the type of core class to take XP


And Foreign Language is core, but I'm doing French again, since it's pointless to not continue with it.

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Spanish is better. Period. :P


Go for Honors English. I mean, your writing skills are more than up to par, so it shouldn't be that difficult for you.

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I might, depends on what the English teacher says with that one XP


I'm taking teacher recommendations for my core classes, such as going with Alg 1 versus Alg 1 part 1. I just hate the amount of choices they give you, and yet I also like it XP

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Pshaw, I just picked Math B, and class A for everything else. =P


Howevah, I've also been applying for boarding school, and picking classes for that is gonna be hard... :sarcastic:

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True, true.


What I did was go with the highest level classes that I could get, 'cause they look better on the college transcript. ^_^

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True, true.


What I did was go with the highest level classes that I could get, 'cause they look better on the college transcript. ^_^


lol, yeah. I want to pick what I can handle, rather than end up with 20+ hours of homework. AP History is 5+ hours of homework a night @_@ that is why I didn't take it.


Though, Chem Honors looks fun, but I'd rather see what I get pointed to, so I can excel rather than crash and burn XP

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