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Wrinkledlion X


I'm having difficulty getting around to updating my epic... I'm just itching to write so many other stories right now...

Here, let me share with you my premises.


1. I've mentioned my idea for a Vatuka-themed epic before, but I've been ruminating on it for months now and it continues to get more and more appealing. I'm thinking that, after the Matoran headed back to Metru Nui, the Vatuka tribes on Mata Nui formed their own little villages. When Makuta as Mata Nui stands up, some fall into the sea, others into the Matoran Universe, and others cling to the Great Spirit and go on a journey through the cosmos. They'll work to find each other again.


2. Another idea is to write either an epic or short story about the mythology of the Makuta. Not the stories the Matoran believe about Teridax, but the actual mythology that the Makuta themselves believe in. (I got the idea from Krika's references to an afterlife in The Final Battle.)

Besides, it would be interesting to think up a mythology for a species that's naturally immortal. A very different approach.


3. Also, while I have no details worked out, I'm interested in writing a story with a Vorox as the main character...


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Vorox: "Good sirs and madams, I may be beastly in appearance, but in manner I can be quite civil. Yet if fight me you do wish, then beware my stinger tail."


I can see it now, a Vorox who has not deevolved like the rest of his tribesmen. :P


Other ideas sound cool... although how couldn't anything survive the journey through the cosmos on the outside? :o




On the other hand, I think I'll be using that quote elsewhere...

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All of them are so epic my mind is blown. ._.


Probably wouldn't take the time to read it though... =/




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