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Man, I could have made an awesome Jala revamp.


Oh well, I'll probably still buy him. Even though the stupid joints break on everything I buy. I'm a sheep or something. I don't know why.


None of my joints from before 2007 are broken. Aaaaannnggggeerrrrr.


But that's completey off-topic. Back to talking about Raanu's Hau-tastic helmet.

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Raanu's helmet does not look like a Hau. It is the worst helmet of them all actually, and is too wide, making it impossible to move his head around.

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Oh well, I'll probably still buy him. Even though the stupid joints break on everything I buy. I'm a sheep or something. I don't know why.


Don't worry, dyde. The joints this year are TOTALLY different from last year's.

I even took my Glatorian and popped the sockets in and out like 20 times, determined to see if they'd snap or not.


They passed. Well, so far. I only have 2 of them, Raanu being one.


It is the worst helmet of them all actually, and is too wide, making it impossible to move his head around.


I buy sets strictly as parts packs for mocing, but I built this guy most of the while checking the joints. However, I put his helmet on backwards, lost the blades, put him in a sitting position and had him hold the fire weapon like a guitar.


He is now Joey Sombrero, a street singer from Mexico awaiting change to be tossed to him.

I even had minifigs walking past him tossing coins before him.

(Why did I not take a picture?)


So yeah, bad helmet, awesome hat.




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So yeah, bad helmet, awesome hat.

Kinda like how Tarix's helmet is meh, but if you turn it around, it's an awesome Matador.
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