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Don't Laugh; It's Not Funny.



Over the past few days I've been thinkin'... some of the least humorous people in our society are comedians. Think about it!




Told you! Now why do you think that is? Because they try too hard. They try to make it so that everything that comes out of their mouths is mildly amusing, but never is. Also, because they try to make themselves funny all the time, the line between career and life vanishes. So they're never funny. Not on stage, not off. Now there are many exceptions. There are plenty of comedians who are funny. But the comedians who aren't funny... REALLY aren't funny.


Now, some of the MOST funny people in our society are people who DON'T try, people who are funny and don't realize it. Anyone that knows Inika Dutchess' father will agree that he's the prime example of that. Poor guy... you gotta love him to death, but he's so hilarious to watch. Like the time he walked up to one of his daughters and said, "You wearin' any pants today?" Or the time there were like 4 million flies in their kitchen and he kills two, then gives up and says, "WELL, THERE'S TWO LESS FLIES IN THE WORLD NOW!"


Or the time he brought home three childrens books from work titled, "The Gas We Pass," "Everybody Poops," and "Contemplating Your Belly Button." True story. He brings the books home and shouts, "RACHAEL! CHARITY! GET DOWN HERE!" (Rachael = Inika Dutchess) So they come down thinking, "Oh boy, what did we do...." and he screams at them, "SIT ON THE COUCH!" So the go and sit on the couch and he sits across from them, and, with a smirk and glisten in his eye, he says sofly, "It's story time."


Yes, he is possibly the most hilarious person I know of. There's this John guy, but he's more hyperactive that overall funny. :P


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Yeah, you can get some really unfunny comedians.


*can't think of any examples*


But there's this guy at school who thinks he's funny but he's not. He tries too hard but fails so badly. Plus, he always invades personal space because everyone ignores him.


There's plenty of people that crack me up when they're not trying to be funny. Usually though, they're complaining about something.



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i think i might know gilly soose! :o a kid was saying to everyone "YOUR FAT"



and mr.spork knows inika dutchess. lol

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Dude, I'm funny. So are you, Exo, Spitty, and the whole lot of us. *you, Exo, and Spitty look at me weridly like, "who says he's one of us?"* But, yeah, it's kind of true. Well, maybe not. I can't think of any examples. But, my uncle is REALLY funny. He's the reason I'm so darn hilarious! *cricket. cricket.* Or not. Well, I think I am, so, that's pretty cool! :P :o



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Absolutely agreeing with you. I would never call myself funny. If anyone else wants to call me funny, sure, I'm okay with that. So while I don't wish to call myself funny, some call me a hilarious person.

The thing is, the times I'm the funniest are the times when I'm totally serious, but something I say or do comes out the wrong way. I was riding a van with members of my church when I noticed some store called "Custom Sounds" and made some comment about what it meant, which everyone in the whole car found hilarious and I had no idea why they were laughing. Or last week in Mexico, when we were at a restaurant I told the other people to hurry and grab the steak before it's all gone, but I ended up the only person taking any steak in the first place, which everyone found, once again, hilarous. And I tried to explain my enjoyment of the wind to a couple guys in my youth group, and they busted out laughing, saying "that was so totally random", even though our conversation had naturally tilted that way anyway.

Sigh. I realize I'm funnier in my church than I am at school, perhaps because at school I'm surrounded by people who are weirder than I am, and people at my church are (for the most part) normal.

So I learned to stop trying to be funny,and just be Stephen Luke Gregoire. Apparently he's hilarious.

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Guest Phyoohrii: Dark Hunter Hunter


Some people think I'm funny. I think they are liars.

I agree with you on all that. The naturally funny ones are the best. Unnatural funny people can be so tiresome.


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I remember I was funny when I wasn't (or something like that).


This boy on my bus said some equation or reason for something, which, after he finished, I proved entirely wrong, and under my breath, I sighed "Stupid...", which got everyone laughing for some reason.

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