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Captain's Ball '09



Tonight was the Captain's Ball! Basically, a winter formal. Now, if you remember, I was trying to decide whether or not to go, based on previous terrifying school dance experiences. Well, I'd say that those thoughts can be turned around now, as I had a great time and an awesome date. (What also terrified me was that she had been taking dance lessons since she was 4, so I was afraid we'd be on the dance floor all night, but luckily that wasn't the case. We both had enough time--I think--and I enjoyed it. I'm pretty sure she did too. (I think we're both introverts so we aren't expressing as much feeling as other giddier people, but yeah, she had a good time. (!)))


I'm blabbering. So I simply walk across the dorm to "pick her up" (LOL) (with corsage) and she looked stunning! Did she know green was my favorite color? (Actually that would have been great had I gotten up to the karaoke and done Barenaked Ladies' "Million Dollars" and then gotten to the part about the green dress....) So then we get picked up by our friends who we're going with us and head to Olive Garden. Had a good time there and headed back. (OK, two introverts can have plenty of conversation, but since we don't do small talk too well it makes it kind of hard when in a bigger group, even if that group is a total of four friends.) (And yes I will continue to make jokes and psycho-analyze this night to take off the stress of what Arpy calls the "chickorz.") Arrived "casually late" (but if everyone does this then won't we all arrive at the same time?) and checked out the main room. Bad music, give or take. Saw some friends who also looked great, girls and guys. We looked around a tad more and went to the karaoke room, just for fun, and ended up singing some songs. (A friend and I did BNL's "One Week," but us doing the duet of "Million Dollars" would have rocked, had he known the words.)


Oh and before this I put my usual suite/jacket on with my favorite red shirt (seriously, this thing feels so good, it's like a cotton silk or something) and a plain grey tie. (I really like an abstract blue tie I have but it just didn't seem right. Maybe if her dress was blue, not that I'm complaining.) This color combo (with the navy jacket and "grey" pants) made me double check myself in the mirror. And I actually parted my hair to the side even though I knew it would fall back down later.


Pretty much the whole evening was a blast and I'm super-glad I went. What's also nice about these is it strengthens friendships between people that go as friends. (I still have a problem trying to just hang out with girls (like her) without worry of it sounding.......)


I'm probably too much of an introvert/not wanting attention to not change my profile picture on that site to the two of us, even though she did. And no, you're not seeing it, because I don't need the ego boost, and see no other reason to publicly put our picture out on the web. :P


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: "But you're a Boy Scout. Can't you just make wood [for the fire]?"

-Her, last week when discussing the possibilities of making a fire on the retreat.


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If she tagged you, it might show up on my front page anyway. :P


@ Quote: Boy scouts can find alternate fuel to burn. Leaves, moss, human hair...



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OK, fine, you can see pix. And Arpy. And a few others....

You all I don't mind.

I don't think I'll change my pic; it's just not my thing to show off and make a big deal of what I've done like that. I guess that's the difference between boys and girls....



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