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Epic Thumb War

Metallic O'Dalek


I got bored earlier, so I had a thumb war. Unfortunately, I only have one brain, and it controls both my thumbs. Because of this, when I started wondering what would happen if my right thumb won, the aforementioned right thumb got the upper hand. Then I started rooting for my left thumb, and it go the upper hand. Then I started thinking about my right thumb and battle tactics, and it pulled a half pincer maneuver on my left thumb. But then my left thumb fought its way out, and tackled my right thumb. However, my right thumb dodged, and then pinned my left thumb. Then it won. So it all comes down to: If you're right handed, your right thumb is bound to own your left thumb. But if you're not right handed, I don't think you're politically correct. =l


Also, read this. -----> This is it.


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