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So on friday, a movie came out that I really want to see. Sadly, I don't see any time in the next two months for me to see said movie.


What is this movie?


Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker


It is about this teenage spy (14 year old Alex Rider), hired by MI6 (Brittish FBI). It is based on Anthony Horowitz's book Stormbreaker, part of the Alex Rider Series.

Here, Alex has to figure out what is wrong with these super-fast computers that are being given away for free. He needs to sneak into the Stormbreaker main plant and snoom around. Cool gadgets, fun characters, adn action/suspence.


I don't know the rating, but my guess it PG. (I think I'd enjoy it more if it was PG13, more action)


So, anyone see the movie and/or read the book(s)?


-CF :usa:


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I've read the books, but for some reason the movie hasn't been released locally. When it does come out I might go see it, Stormbreaker is one of my favorite books in the Alex Rider series.





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Yeah, I noticed that too. (I was camping that weekend, so I didn't find out until after posting this.)

I'm bumbed out that it's not in the US yet. (or at least here near DC) I was really looking forward to this. Hopefully it'll come soon, or at least when I'm not too busy and can actually see it in theaters.

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