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More Philosophical Rants



You better not scream at me if you don't like these, because I'm going to think less of you than your opinion if you do. These are my views; don't say I'm directly quoting someone, because I don't recall anyone saying these exact same things.



A wise man says "Those who do not belong together need not be unified; those who do good alone should not mix with their enemies, nor should they give in to wrong. Nor should people coalesce at the price of good."

But a fool tries to silence the wise, and thinks "If everyone did things my way of destruction, then there would be no fighting. My enemies should die, as my singularity is the way to peace; and I'll fight for it."


It is hard to do good without free will; the more impulsive the human, the worse he behaves. Just as surely an impulsive person does not love, but lust. How does one who lets a wild and uncontrolled heart think for them mean any good?


If you do what is right, the masses will hate you and forsake you, just as they now hate one another.

But why should a hive mind stop one of good will? Why should anyone give into wrong for the sake of peace?

It is better to be bold and humble in spirit than to be proud and boastful at heart.


Whoever twists the truth; in both the eyes of his enemies and himself is a liar.

Even the truth can be distorted by the tongue to tell lies and deceit some times to create lies.

As such, so many people stumble and die from ignorance. Sometimes from their own hands, sometimes from others.


It is foolish to follow the heart.

It will turn to dust, just like the decaying accomplishments of fools.


Let those who do wrong do so: let them destroy themselves and ruin their lives.

Let evil be among evil, so it will purge itself from good.

But if they threaten you; when they mean to take your own life and property, it is best to arm yourself accordingly.



Just my view on things. I try to make them sound both intelligent and down to Earth: of course, not everyone is going to see them that way. There are a lot of people who won't agree with me, and that's fine; it's not for me to decide how you live your life. I'm simply stating how it is. If some of what I've written vaguely resembles that of some religious writings, don't go insane and say I "NEED TO OMG BE BANNED FOR DEBATE RELIGIOUS STUFF", because that's not what I'm doing- not at all. It's not against any religion in any way. I mean to express my moral opinions, and nothing more.





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But if they threaten you; when they mean to take your own life and property, it is best to arm yourself accordingly.


::buries unregistered box of guns underneath nearby tree::


Hey. identifying logical conclusions and preparing long before everything hits the fan is smart too.

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But if they threaten you; when they mean to take your own life and property, it is best to arm yourself accordingly.


::buries unregistered box of guns underneath nearby tree::


Hey. identifying logical conclusions and preparing long before everything hits the fan is smart too.


The context I meant that in was to go grab a rifle, or crowbar, or something if somebody is dumb enough to break in. Essentially, you're arming yourself if you get some weapon from a gun-rack; in a sense you were armed beforehand, then again, you kind of weren't because you didn't have a weapon on you before.


Get what I mean, now?





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