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A really big can of bug spray?










5: Metroid Prime


Form 1:

Metroid Prime looks like a big spider like…thing. His first for is actually

pretty hard. I lost more life the first time through on his first form than on

the second form. You find yourself face to face with the big meanie this game

is named after. Make sure you have all missile expansions and all energy tanks

for this battle. It would also help to have at least 200 missiles on standby.

The only way to damage Metroid Prime in form 1 is to attack him with the same

beam as the color represented by his markings. So, if he is purple use the

wave beam, ice for white, plasma for red, and power for yellow. He has a

couple of attacks. His main attack is to launch a series of green missile

thingys. Jump out of the way to avoid those. He also can use a beam matching

the color he has on. And if you are too close, he will swipe at you. For his

last attack, he will launch two little balls of slow moving energy. Destroy

them with a charged shot from your beam, because they may be slow moving, but

if they hit you, the visor gets all fuzzy and you sustain a good deal of

damage from other oncoming attacks. He can also charge you; he usually does

this after you cause him to change colors. When he screeches and prepares to

charge, turn into morph ball mode and tuck yourself away in one of the grooves

in the center of the room until he passes over. Once over, keep rolling

forward and go back to combat mode. Back to the attack strategy. If he is

white, use the ice spreader on his face. He will be frozen from that, when he

is frozen, fire 1 or 2 more ice beam shots at his face, that should subdue him

and cause him to change colors again. When he is purple, use the wavebuster

from far away, just keeping electrocuting him until he yells and changes

colors again. When he is yellow, fire super missiles. Waits until he is going

to use his beam attack, when he does, double jump up in the air over the beam

and launch the super missile. One or two should do the trick. When he is red,

DO NOT use the flamethrower. It uses up precious missiles too quickly and is

hard to aim. You're best bet is to constantly dodge and repeatedly fire

charged shots followed by constant fire. This may be slower, but those

missiles aren't unlimited, so use them wisely. Don't fire at the wall or

ceiling, you need your missiles. However, when he is almost dead, feel free to

let it loose. You will not need missiles for the second form. Having 25 left

might help, though, when he calls forth his little friends. Once the first

form is dead, he will scutter off into another cavern, chase after him, and

get ready for the last battle.


Form 2:

Form 2 is pretty cool looking, maybe even scary. But don't let it intimidate

you, he's not as hard as he looks. Metroid Prime, form 2 has 2 attacks. One of

them, his powerful ground quake is easily avoidable, just double jump up in

the air as soon as you see the energy from the attack spreading from the

ground. His other attack, he lunges forward, is also avoidable, just don't

stay too close to him. Keep evading from his ground quake attacks until

eventually, he will create a Phazon pool. Go stand in it and get a look at

your blaster, YEE HAA! After he created the pool, he became invisible. First,

switch to thermal visor, if you can't see him in that, try the x-ray visor. If

you can't find him in either of those then you are stupid because he's

probably right there in combat visor. Don't forget; keep dodging the ground

quakes, when you hear the loud bang noise, jump. If you spot Metroid Prime,

stand in the Phazon pool and now with your hyper mode Phazon beam, attack.

Hold down the fire button until it stops, that means the pool has been used

up. After this, locate Metroid Prime again whether it is with the x-ray visor,

thermal visor, or combat visor. The next time he makes a Phazon pool, he will

call forth a couple of Metroids. You can easily take them out with a super

missile or by standing in the Phazon pool and giving a quick blast of Phazon

to them. Note: The Phazon beam will kill any Metroid (hunter, normal, or

fission) with one shot. Also (Thanks to Greyrms) when Metroid Prime summons

Metroids, dropping a Power Bomb usually takes all of them out.

If you decide to use the phazon to kill the metroids, don't use up too much of

it, because you'll need the majority of the Phazon to attack Metroid Prime.

Once you've located him again, pump him full o' juice. Repeat this process

until he is no more. With good timing, a cool head, and a lot of dodging, you

will win, and congratulations, you just beat the game. TA DA!


From a site with forums.

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The guide I found says hide in the corner as a Morph Ball, then shoot it in the mouth with Ice Missiles.


I guess.. but it's freaking impossible to hit it. >.<

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Wart, King Dodongo, Metroid Prime ... how many Nintendo bosses are there that you have to beat by firing at their mouths? 0.o
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