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It seems like nothing can stop in this land of pain, agony, anguish, hatred, chaos, confusion, and suffering. In the last few hours we’ve lost twenty out of five hundred. In the last couple months the world lost over 5.9 billion. How? Demons. The Demonata as some call them. They’re a foul, miserable race that is determined to destroy the last shattered remnants of humanity. They’ve ravaged our world, slaughtered our race, and turned our homes into places of sorrow and pain. They advanced on Earth, ripping through the humans like wet toilet paper, nearly wiping us off the face of both universes.

We stopped the invasion. The human race had lived it through, but was far from thriving. The population of the world was only about ten thousand. Food and other supplies were nearly impossible to get. Nothing made the pain of Earth’s losses go away. There was only thing that left us clinging on. Hope. We believed that humanity would one day be restored to its former glory and we had survived the worst. We couldn’t have been more wrong.

During the chaos of the invasion, Death itself, known as The Shadow among humans, had slipped into our universe. The Demonata stood by idly and watched as The Shadow slowly transformed Earth into a lifeless rock. As it did so, we had two choices: Flee or Die.

We should have chosen death.

As darkness crept over the Earth and the life of the human population was slowly drained, about a thousand survivors around the globe were rounded up. They were hastily brought into the Demonata Universe via magic: narrowly escaping Death’s cold embrace. We began to etch out an existence there, but a pained and hollowed one.

Every day we are forced to constantly fight against the Demonata in order to keep our grip around what’s left of our survival. Every bloody day. No one deserves to bear the horrors of this universe. No one. But we must. If we don’t, humanity will become exactly what our enemies want it to be: A small and unimportant, if very annoying, page of Demonata history. But I don’t how much longer we can hold out against an enemy like this. A day? A month? A year? A decade? It doesn’t seem like it really matters anymore, and no matter what, we’re doomed to suffer the same horrible end.

As if fighting of these horrific Demons wasn’t enough, their seemingly endless and unstoppable army is aided by legions of undead; billions strong. The Shadow brought back our massive amounts dead and began to use them to bring us one step closer to our ultimate downfall. And it’s working.

Worse yet are the werewolves. Grubbs Grady, our leader and one of the most powerful humans alive in terms of magic, traveled to a place called Wolf Island as the purging of life on Earth began. Using his magic to unleash the werewolf gene in his DNA, he rallied the hundreds of half-human creatures on Wolf Island and brought them to the Demonata universe. We used them as a weapon against our demonic enemies, actually giving us a chance to win this war. Just when thought we would be victorious, everything went horribly wrong.

The powerful magic inside Grubbs took control, permanently transforming him into a werewolf and turning him and his lycanthropic army against us. It was one of the most devastating blows we could’ve possibly received. Not only did we lose our most powerful weapon and the most effective part of our military but they came back savagely pounding against our defenses. Hard.

Now the werewolves bloodily tear through both sides; causing havoc and confusion to both the Demonata and humans. The fighting has spread all over the demon universe, sending shockwaves of death and pain through all three species. The struggle for existence between demons and humans has reached its peak. As survival becomes nearly impossible in the bloodshed, it is rapidly becoming clear only one species will walk out of this war alive.

Everything must come to an end. Even humanity.

1: Welcome
2: Rules
3: Species
4: Gameplay
5: Character Creation
6: Locations
7: Magic
8: NPCs
9: Awards
10: Character Sheets


Hello and welcome to Downfall. For those who haven't guessed, this a RPG based on the The Demonata series By Darren Shan. Haven't read the books? Don't feel like reading seven books (eight in the UK), or slogging through Wikipedia pages packed with irreverent information? Never never, all the information you need to play is in this post. Also, you should know that this is the sequel to the first Demonata RPG, which was unfortunately lost in the database issue. No knowledge of the previous RPG is required to play.

With that said and done, onto the actual RPG.


1) All Bzp rules apply.

2) You see rule number one? This includes Spam. Period.

3) Use IC and OOC. IC stands for In Character, and OOC stands for Out Of Character. Format example:
Blah blah.
IC: Blah blah
OOC: Blah blah.

4) No killing other player's characters. You want to put an axe to a PC's neck? You'll have to get permission from the person that controls that character and notify me in advance.

5) No Godmodding. Don't go running around killing demons and werewolves like crazy and doing insanely powerful stuff. Its the nature of The Demonata to have very powerful enemies. Don't start killing them with almost no effort all. Trust me, it leads to very, very bad things. *Cracks knuckles*

6) No Auto-Hitting. ie
"IC: Jack fired a bolt of magic and hit the * Unnamed demon PC* in the chest."
Also don't go dodging every attack thrown at you. That counts as Auto Hitting.

7) Please do you're best with spelling and grammar. Absolutely no posts like
IC: Jck attckd wrwloof wit a mgicl blas off enrgy.

8) Make fights interesting. I do not want to see “Jack killed the demon.” Why? Its boring, spammy and will considered godmodding.

9) No controlling other people's characters, UNLESS you have permission from said person.

10) No arguing with staff. Short of irritating them and causing them to ignore your points, its not gonna do you much good.

11) Make sure you know these rules and your character doesn't become like Jack. (No offense to people named Jack, of course.)


Strike 1: Character is injured. Badly.
Strike 2: You are suspended from the RPG for a week.
Strike 3: Banned from RPG and your character brutally is killed and disgraced.


The Demonata:

Demons have existed long before humans, thriving in an entirely universe altogether. Their universe is composed of hundreds of thousands of separate realms, which can be connected via magical portals called windows. Demons have despised humanity ever since man came into being. They think of themselves superior in everyway and to lose to one in anything is considered a huge disgrace. They look down on humanity as a stain on both universes, and would like nothing more than to eradicate them permanently.

A couple of hundred years ago, the force of Death somehow formed a mind, built a body for itself, and developed a strange hatred towards the human race. For a while, it worked in secret, before presenting itself before the Demon Masters, the more powerful members of the Demonata, and out-powered them all. It then took the place as leader of the demons, organizing them, and sending them onto two unsuccessful invasions on Earth, before draining the world clean of life itself.

Players who choose to walk the bloody, violent, and chaos-filled path of The Demonata will be able to create an appearance by mixing and morphing certain body parts from animals on Earth. Don’t expect me to be approving unoriginal appearance. Also, demons can harness magic, and can heal any non-magical weapon or attacks those them In addition, Demons have higher speed, strength, and magical skill than humans do. However, Demons have a disadvantage in terms of weaponry, as they are only capable of creating primitive swords, clubs, and other non-advanced weapons. Demons speak a variety of inhuman languages; all of which can translated into English by magic.


As the years went past of Earth, it was decided sometime ago that a defense had to be formed against the demon attacks. A group of mages was formed, tilted the Disciples to show their devotion to their former leader, a powerful magician named Bernabus. Usually around fifty in number, the Disciples would travel around the world, recruit new members, attempt to stop demon crosses, and cover up the evidence if one were to occur. It was the Disciples who brought the human survivors into the Demonata Universe, and it the Disciple that stand between the human race and death.

During the first demonic invasion on Earth, the Disciples gained a major advantage. The three pieces of a magical weapon with enough power to destroy an universe in the form of three teenagers; Grubbs Grady, Kernal Fleck, and Bec MacConn. Together they were able to perform impossible feats; even disrupt the flow of time. But the Kah-Gash has a mind of its own, and when it took over Grubbs and transformed him into a werewolf, it severed the link between the three. Although still more powerful than most, the three are nowhere near as powerful together than alone.

Players who choose to be Disciples can select a custom modern weapon of reasonable use and power. Thanks to the importation of weapons and other equipment from Earth, you have a chance against your powerful enemies. However, your weapons mean nothing if you can’t use magic. You can make up one spell to begin with. See "Magic" for more details.


Several centuries ago, a large group of humans mated with a few members of The Demonata. Surprisingly enough, the babies were entirely human not deformed. Several years passed, and it seemed the kids would lead a fairly normal life. Until they hit their teens. Almost all of them were hit with a strange and horrible disease. For the first two moons, they transformed into half-wolf, half-human creatures, commonly known as werewolves. When day came, they turned back to normal. But on the third or fourth full moon, the transformation was permanent. They were forever werewolves, all connection to their past lives lost.

The disease spread. The lycanthropic gene was passed down through the generation, remaining dormant in some, ripping apart the lives of others. It plagued the Garadex family, sometimes wiping out entire branches of the large family line. Victims of the gene were hit somewhere in between age 10 and 18. When a child began to transform, parents often were unable to kill the victim. So they would hand them over to The Lambs, the family executioners. But in reality, The Lambs didn’t kill the werewolves, instead bringing them to a place called Wolf Island for purposes currently unknown.

Playing as a werewolf in this RPG, you will be able to experience something unique to the other two species; a leveling system. And what the werewolves lack in intelligence, and heavy and advanced weapons, they more than make up in strength, speed, endurance, agility, and brutality. The leveling system works with the cycle of the moon. Staff can award good players by allowing them pass through a realm with a full moon, thus advancing their level and increasing their power.

The levels are as follows.

Third Full Moon: The first permanent stage of the werewolf transformation, all players start here. Werewolves at this stage have dark gray skin, yellow eyes, and sharp teeth.

Fourth Full Moon: The affected werewolf receives a boost in speed and agility, as well as having small amounts of brown or black hair sprout thorough the body.

Fifth Full Moon: The werewolf grows larger and more muscular, becoming stronger and more endurable, and larger quantities of hair begin to grow.

Sixth Full Moon: The werewolf’s energy increases massively, making them even more savage and dangerous.

Seventh Full Moon: The hair covering the werewolf’s body hardens, becoming steelike and making it hard to deal an effective blow against the werewolf.

Eighth Full Moon: The final stage of the transformation process, the werewolf gains massive boosts in all attributes. Very few players will reach this level.


You character starts off defending his species' realm *See Locations* After that you have a choice. You can follow the central plot or spin-off, separate from the main groups, and create your own sub-plot. You can think of it as a mix between a Sandbox and a regular RPG. As the war rages, players will be traveling and fighting from realm to realm and attempting to find a way to bring down their enemies.

Character Creation:

If you have read through this whole post and decided you wish to play, fill out form below, PM it to me and post it here. You are allowed three characters to start with.

Age: Keep it realistic for humans and werewolves, but a demon’s can be just about anything and is largely irrelevant.
Species: Your options are demon, human, or werewolf.
Status: Veteran or newbie?
Allegiance: Which side do you serve?
Spell: Humans and demons only. You can make up a custom spell of reasonable power and use. Veterans get one additional spell as well their original one.
Weapons: Like spells, you make up whatever you want for this part, within reason. No “Ultimate Magical Spork of Doom” or some deadly godmodyish weapon, like a bazooka. Humans get modern weapons, while werewolves and Demons get primitive weapons.
Skills: Aside from magic, what is one reasonable ability that gives your dude a particular advantage that others may not have.
Weaknesses: What in particular gives your character a disadvantage in combat?
Appearance: Standard human stuff, but demon appearances are custom, and werewolves look as described in their faction information.
Bio: What happened to your character in the past? What are his motivations? Any goals that they wish to accomplish?


Lord Loss's Realm: Home to the infamous Demon Master, Lord Loss Everything from the ground to the heavily fortified castle in this realm is made of extremely thick, strong, and sticky webs. The main part of the Demonata army is centered here.

No Man's Land: The realm that humans seized control over after they fled from Earth. In a massive dessert a small fort sits on top of a large mountain lined with barbed wire. It is well defended and is the only reason the demons haven't finished off humanity yet.

Red Sky: This vast realm is currently the main base of the werewolf conquered part of the Demonata Universe. The terrain, rocky and flat, stretches on for miles. It is best known for its never ending night and the two bright red moons, which hang low in the sky and wash the whole realm in crimson. However, these moons only make werewolves stronger while in that realm, and have no effect on the leveling system.

Earth: Although it serves little purpose in the main plot, players shall be able to travel to this dead planet as they please. But although the number of demons and werewolves inhabiting is little, doing so is extremely dangerous. The oxygen is thin due to the lack of plants and the only food to eat is the carcasses long dead and rotting animals. Proceed with caution...


Put simply, magic in this RPG is a type of energy. Demons generate and control it naturally. Many humans are born with the ability to control with, but their potential for it usually remains dormant unless they survive an encounter with a demon. There are two categories of these particular type of humans. One is mage, whom use spells to bend the magic to their will, and the other is a magician, whom have a far greater control over magic and often don't need to use spells. However, only one or two magicians are born every century or so. And since there is only a small amount of magic in the air on Earth, people are more powerful in the Demonata Universe.

When a significant amount of magic is in the air, a mage or demon can use it and convert it into energy based on what the spells they know. Among the many uses of magic are creating fire, lightning, ice, manipulating wind, creating magical portals called windows, and healing non-magically created wounds. It aslo has sustaining properties, so with enough magic, users do not to eat, drink, or sleep. Players are able to create custom spells. All demons and humans have limited healing of non-magical wounds and window creation abilities. Now, you may be wondering how werewolves get across the Demonata Universe, since the only way between realms is through windows. Don't worry; a human or demon traitor will be with werewolf PCs to bring them to different realms.


Important Non-Player Character that I control.

Grubbs Grady: Young magician and member of the Kah-Gash. After the death of the Disciple's previous leader, Bernabus, he assumed leadership. Now as a werewolf, he is the sole leader of the lycanthropic army. Very dangerous, savage, and powerful, he is determined to grind humanity and the Demonata into the dust.

Kernal Fleck: Ever since he was a kid, Kernal could see strange lights. He eventfully discovered that connecting the lights together created windows, which sucked him into the Demonata Universe. He later discovered that he was part of the Kah-Gash. He currently the leader of the Disciples in Grubbs' "absence."

Bec MacConn: The third piece of the Kah-Gash, Bec is a young teenager who died several thousand years ago, and was recently brought back to life. She is second in command of the Disciples.

The Shadow: The force of Death made manifest, The Shadow is a giant octopus with no apparent face and long knife tentacles. Avoid at all costs...

Lord Loss: A powerful, intelligent, and wrathful Demon Master, whom unlike other Demons, feeds on the misery of humans. Pale red lumpy skin, bloody stubs for legs, sharp gray teeth, mangled hands, eight arms and a snake filled pit where his heart should be.


Staff shall be able to award exceptional players by giving them an item on this list.
  • Additional spells.
  • Additional weapons.
  • A level up. (Werewolf only.)
  • Enhanced strength, speed, or endurance.
  • Increased mastery of current spell(s).
  • Extra characters.

And most importantly of all, have fun!


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