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Katsucon 15--in Review



It was a good weekend. Some parts were meh, like not a whole lot of panels going on, but some parts were whoo-hoo!, like the panels we went to.


That, and being able to see some old friends and hang out with them.


The Aural Vampire concert was awesome; I saw them twice.


Went to a panel on Hayao Miyazaki's works and themes, which was really interesting. We also went to Anime Parliament, in which the audience tried to "fix" "problems" that have occurred in anime or in the overall fan base. (Like Keanu Reeves supposedly playing Spike Speigle in the upcoming live action Cowboy Bebop film. Granted, many had nasty things to say about him, but I like the guy, sheesh. Though I still agree he's a bad choice to play Spike. I can't remember who we agreed on, though I liked the suggestion to have Christian Bale do it instead.)


Saw some cool cosplayers too. I did, of course, cosplay as Train Heartnet/Black Cat on Saturday, and my friend gave me some gel for my hair, not that it really helped, but it was fun. And I made a new gun out of cardboard and duct tape, so it didn't fall apart like my Lego gun did.

I didn't take many pix, but you can see them here. There was Rorschach from Watchmen, a Death Note L with cupcakes and a cup of sugar cubes, a few others that shouldn't need explanation (Carmen and Mad Eye were cool) and some steampunk costumes which I'll blog about later because I've decided I shall be doing my own for the next con.


I had a good time, but more importantly my friends had a good time, especially since it was their first for a few of them.


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: Automatic doors make me feel like a Jedi.

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