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Funny Thing, Rating Is. Writing Is Funny Too.



Lookit what I found a few days ago:


Click here to see. Pardon my bad spriting and screenshot skills


The wonder of a rating. See how much power it wields!


How every vote counts.

How one rating changes the average.


How wonderful it is to be rated a nice rating. A perfect rating in fact.

How disappointing it is to be down-graded.



The Epic Critics Club is enjoying a slower pace to review epics. Thankfully, as critics who loyally keep reviewing on a constant basis have been pulled taut. What's more, I'm extremely grateful for the extra brains and opinions since, more or less, I've been doing most of the reviews on behalf of the club.


I won't lie and say that it's a breezy task to hit a number of epics at a go. It's challenging. I don't mind if one of the newer members of our group overtakes me in time in being more active and posting up most of the reviews on behalf of the club, tackling the newer epics, going over every single one and seeing if her opinion is different and worth the mentioning.


So much for that.


Writings-wise, unfortunately my newest updates have received very little attention. I can shrug it off, even if it is a tad bit annoying. Many more fanauthors here face this problem, anyway.


I am just hoping that I'd get a wave of reviews as I did before. Most authors would have their moment of famedom, so to say, that their stories get attention and reviews. We are passing fads, now I think of it. The 'onslaught' of epics would make us go estatic, and then it all fades.


My first epic had an adequate number of hits. So did the second.


The third is now ignored.


My short stories face a similar scenario. In a series I just finished, the first story was a hit. The second was also reviewed, but noticeably less. The third story was understandably ignored due to its poor quality. The fourth and fifth were described as the better stories on the list.


The last one was ignored, with only two reviews.



I will not be put down, however.


If it says anything more, it is a nice little reminder of a writer's work. It is bound to have a bombload of attention, or none at all. But I write because I love to write, sharing ideas and testing myself to see if I can describe, weave, tease, haunt, mystify, set pulses racing, evoke emotions and thoughts and so much more.


So, I think I will sit down in a corner and think a little more, and see what I can put onto (digital) paper.


And, of all times to think of this, I'm going to the Creative Writing Club's first official meeting in an hour or two!

May the best writer weave and share. (Maybe it won't be me, but beh.)


And I made my mind. I am going to undertake these as my co-curricular activities:

- DJ Club, (LMK, you gave me a nice little knock in the head. Thanks for that. I should not have thought of it alone. I shared my opinions with others and, lo and behold, a fellow classmate who joined the CCA recently agrees with me! He's going just for the beat and tune, like me. So we'll stick together through the CCA. I'm a'stayin'.)


- STAR for SMIT, (No, I'm not a star, nor a starlet, nor a five-point figure. STAR is short for Student Ambassadors. SMIT is the acronym for the school my polytechnic course is classified under: Media and Info-Tech. I will be promoting my course, dressed up in a nice suit, to youths who may have an interest in the course I'm taking. I'll also get co-curricular points which would boost my final grade nicely. Splenderific!)


- and Creative Writing Club. (Writing and music are still my outlets of creation, talent and release. I treasure them greatly. So, if DJ Club is helping my music side, I think I should use writing as well to be an active outlet too. What's more, I may pick up some great tips, develop my ability to convey a story and write with wit and emotion. It will help me greatly, and my works may get published and I get paid for them!)


That's it from me for now.


A cup of sparkling white grape juice to the ratings, and a cookie to all of you for giving me this jolly little feeling.


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*brings it up to 4.6* :happydance: I don't believe I've commented here to date (I never seem to have anything to say...), but I've always enjoyed reading this.


And yay for Creative Writing Club! Writing is an excellent means of self-expression, as you can use words as well as music or art to convey an emotion or occurence ... So honing that skill is something that's always valuable, not to mention fun to do. Barring the onset of writer's block. But I've found that writing clubs are good for banishing it, as there are so many sources of inspiration ...

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ToM Dracone! Forgive me, but - *glomp!*


It's great to see you here!


Yes, yay for Creative Writing Club! This writing club provides ideas at the ready, and I enjoy it greatly!

I agree with you that honing your creativity skills are extremely valuable, not just for yourself but your pocket too (when it becomes your job).


And thanks for the rating increase!


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